June 28, 2023 UMD Home NanoCenter AIMLab
Name Trainer
Annealing Furnace, MultipurposeThomas Loughran
Name Trainer
Dicing Saw B - MicroautomationJohn Abrahams
Glove Box - Exploratory LabMark Lecates
Wire Bonder - FABLAB West Bond 7KEJohn Abrahams
Dicing Saw A - MicroautomationJohn Abrahams
Name Trainer
RTA-610John Abrahams
Beneq Atomic Layer Deposition SystemJohn Abrahams
Tystar CVDThomas Loughran
Oxford PECVDThomas Loughran
AJA ATC 1800 Sputtering unitJonathan Hummel
Metra Thermal EvaporatorThomas Loughran
Denton Ebeam/thermal evaporatorThomas Loughran
Denton DV-502A carbon evaporatorJonathan Hummel
Parylene CoaterMark Lecates
Angstrom NexDep Ebeam evaporatorMark Lecates
Angstrom Ebeam Evaporator PLC Driven -BMark Lecates
AJA ATC Orion 8 Sputtering systemJonathan Hummel
Name Trainer
Etch tunnel Acid Bench 1FabLab Staff
Etch tunnel Acid Bench 2FabLab Staff
Etch tunnel Caustic/Base BenchFabLab Staff
Etch tunnel Solvent BenchFabLab Staff
Trion RIEMark Lecates
Oxford ICP Etcher(Chlorine)Thomas Loughran
Teaching Lab Acid Wet BenchFabLab Staff
Teaching Lab Caustic/Solvent Wet BenchFabLab Staff
Sample Preb Wet BenchMark Lecates
Furnace Preclean Web BenchFabLab Staff
Critical Point DryerJonathan Hummel
Oxford Etcher (Fluorine)Mark Lecates
XactiX Xenon Difluoride EtcherJonathan Hummel
Exploratory Lab Wet BenchFabLab Staff
Name Trainer
Raith e_LiNEJonathan Hummel
MJB-3 Mask aligner- right of spin station #1John Abrahams
EVG 620 Mask AlignerJohn Abrahams
Photoresist Spin Station- Left- FABLAB-PWM32-ProgramableJohn Abrahams
Photoresist Spin Station- Teaching Lab- 3John Abrahams
Developing BenchFabLab Staff
Polymer Spin StationThomas Loughran
Raith off line computerJonathan Hummel
Photoresist Spin Station- Right- FABLAB-PWM32-ProgramableJohn Abrahams
Spin Station- Laurell- SU-8 ONLYJohn Abrahams
MA-4 Suss Mask AlignerJohn Abrahams
MJB-3 Mask Aligner- Left of spin station #2FabLab Staff
FABLAB Photo oven (Blue M)FabLab Staff
Heidelberg MLA150 Maskless AlignerNam Kim
Name Trainer
Hitachi S-3400 Variable Pressure SEMJonathan Hummel
Stress Measurement ToolThomas Loughran
N&K SpectrophotometerJohn Abrahams
Microscope 1- Leitz Ergolux in Teaching LabFabLab Staff
Profilometer Tencor Alpha Step 200- Teaching LabMark Lecates
Microscope 4- Leitz in FABLAB Photo TunnelFabLab Staff
Microscope 2- Nikon Optophot in Teaching LabFabLab Staff
Microscope 3- Zeiss in FABLAB Deposition Tunnel.FabLab Staff
Probe Station I- with 4155CJohn Abrahams
Hall Effect Measurement SystemJohn Abrahams
Solar Cell SimulatorJohn Abrahams
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Porosimeter Test StationJohn Abrahams
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Porosimeter Degas #1John Abrahams
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Porosimeter Degas #2John Abrahams
Arbin BT2000 Battery Test Station
Profilometer P-1 Long Scan ProfilerMark Lecates
Woollam Spectroscopic EllipsometerJohn Abrahams
SHIMADZU IR Prestige21 FTIR SpectrometerJohn Abrahams
External Materials

If you plan to bring external materials into the lab, please notify the FabLab staff to ensure proper safety protocols and any equipment arrangements can be made ahead of your reservation. Please submit an External Materials Request form for each material you will bring.

NanoCenter Group NanoCenter

Communicate Director: John Abrahams
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