Teaching Lab - The lab is used for teaching on Monday 12-3:30, Wednesday 9:00 - 3:30 and Thursday 9:30 - 12:30.
Main Fab - The Main Fab is open 24/7 to FabLab staff-authorized users only.
Tools are available for your use during non-teaching hours once you complete the clean room orientation and safety program, provide us with a current FRS number to charge against and are trained by the FabLab staff on the equipment that you want to use. To request access to the lab, please print and fill out the UMCP User or NanoCenter External User Sign Up Form and take it to an orientation session.
Training is by appointment only. Please contact one of the FabLab engineers to schedule a time. The initial training session runs for approximately one hour. Please print and fill out the UMCP User or NanoCenter External User Sign Up Form and bring it to the orientation session. Contact either Tom Loughran (5-3642, [email protected] ) or Jon Hummel (5-5017, [email protected]) to preregister for orientation. This training will take approximately one hour and is limited to 5 users per session. You will not be able to attend the orientation session if you have not turned in a FabLab Sign Up form. In addition to the orientation, you must have taken and passed the University of Maryland Department of Environmental Safety on-line Chemical Hygiene Training Program for Laboratory Workers which can be found at http://www.des.umd.edu/ls/.
Proper Laboratory dress required for any entry into the FABLAB or Teaching Lab including orientation. Garments, safety glasses, gloves, shoe covers and hair covering will be issued and worn at all times.
NO shorts, dresses or skirts
NO Sandals or open toe shoes.