The AIM Lab Summer 2023 SEM, TEM, and FIB Short Courses will be held June 13-16, June 20-23, June 27-30 respectively. You have find more information and enrollment forms on the AIM Lab website.
The final installation of the new Bruker EDS attached on JEOL 2100 FEG TEM/STEM has been completed successfully. With the team effort of JEOL, Gatan and Bruker, the JEOL 2100 FEG TEM/STEM is fully functional and in great working condition.
The new Bruker EDS system on both Hitachi-SU-70 SEM and JEOL 2100 FEG TEM/STEM has the most modern processor, large detector and newest version of software.
If you are interested in using the instruments in the lab please complete the steps on the Become a User page. Additionally, introduce yourself to the AIMLab staff and discuss your project. This will allow us to understand your needs and develop a plan for your work or research.
The NanoCenter and AIMLab need your help! Acknowledging the support given by the NanoCenter in your presentations and publications help us out tremendously.
Current hours are:
8:00am - 6:00pm
Monday - Friday
by appointment only.