16th International Conference on Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
August 5 - 9, 2013
Maryland, USA
The NC-AFM 2013 Conference continues a series of international conferences dedicated to research at the frontiers of science and technology of nc-AFM and spectroscopy. The conference covers experimental, theoretical, and instrumental contributions on frequency modulation and other dynamic and static operation modes with particular emphasis on high resolution imaging and force spectroscopy for a broad range of applications in nanosciences.
The conference welcomes contributions for oral and poster presentations dealing with one or more of the following topics:
- Novel Instrumentation and techniques in AFM
- Atomic resolution imaging on insulating substrates, semiconductors, and metals
- Atomic resolution imaging on molecular systems
- High-resolution imaging of clusters, biomolecules, and biological systems
- Atomic- and molecular-scale manipulation
- Combined force and tunneling spectroscopy
- High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in liquid environments
- Theoretical analysis of contrast mechanisms; forces & tunneling phenomena
- Measuring tip-sample interaction potentials and mapping 2D and 3D force fields
- Small amplitude and lateral force measurements using dynamic methods
- Mechanisms for damping and energy dissipation
- Measuring nanoscale charges, work function, and magnetic properties
- Simulation of images and virtual SPM systems
- Tapping mode versus non-contact mode imaging
- Multifrequency techniques
Important Dates
Abstract Submission OPEN
Exhibitor registration OPEN
Registration OPEN
Abstracts due April 22
Acceptance notifications will be sent late May
Steering Committee
T. Arai, Kanazawa University, Japan Th. Glatzel, University of Basel, Switzerland P. Grutter, McGill University, Canada H. Hölscher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany P. Jelinek, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic H. Onishi, Kobe University, Japan R. Perez, University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain M. Reichling, University of Osnabrück, Germany U. Schwarz, Yale University, USA A. Shluger, University College London, UK
Program Committee
M. Abe, Nagoya University, Japan C. Barth, Marseille Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, France Y. Cho, Tohoku University, Japan D. Ebeling, University of Maryland, USA A. Foster, Aalto University at Helsinki, Finland T. Fukuma, Kanazawa University, Japan F. Giessibl, University of Regensburg, Germany E. Herruzo, Madrid Institute of Materials Science, Spain S. Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA S. Kawai, University of Basel, Switzerland A. Raman, Purdue University, USA O. Sahin, Columbia University, USA A. Schirmeisen, University of Giessen, Germany A. Schwarz, University of Hamburg, Germany M. Tomitori, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan H. Yamada, Kyoto University, Japan
Local Organization Committee
R. Cook, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA W. Cullen, University of Maryland, USA M. Dreyer, University of Maryland, USA S. Solares, University of Maryland, USA (Chair) J. Stroscio, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Former conferences were held in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic (2012); Lindau, Germany (2011); Kanazawa, Japan (2010); New Haven, USA (2009); Madrid, Spain (2008) Antalya, Turkey (2007); Kobe, Japan (2006); Bad Essen, Germany (2005); Seattle, USA (2004); Dingle, Ireland (2003); Montreal, Canada (2002); Kyoto Japan (2001); Hamburg, Germany (2000); Pontresina, Switzerland (1999); and Osaka, Japan (1998).
Sponsored by NSF and The University of Maryland Department of Mechanical Engineering
April 16, 2013