June 28, 2023 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

Tracking Cancer Treatment in Real Time

Scientists at the University of Maryland have developed a way to track the location of head and neck cancer cells: they developed a method to grow tiny bubbles of cell membrane material that hold antibodies for a particular hormone that these cancer cells give off. The tracker cells attach to the cancer cells, and then an MRI scan can easily detect the location of the cancer cells. The scientists hope that this will allow physicians to check whether chemotherapy or radiation treatments are working, and adjust treatment plans more rapidly.

Tuesday, April 2, 11:45 AM, Westin, 3rd Floor, Franciscan I. Session MM1: Imaging Using Nanotechnology

Multifunctional Liposomal Nanoprobes for Monitoring the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer by MRI: Y. Kuo*; C. Hung; S. R. Raghavan; W. D. D'Souza



Sorting Cancer Cells from Normal Blood Cells

A tiny lab on a chip could capture cancerous cells from a patient’s blood sample with a new device from scientists at the University of Maryland. Doctors could take a sample of a patient’s blood, add in an antibody that would bind to the cancerous cells, then run the blood through the nano-device. There, tiny beads coated with a protein would grab tightly to the antibody-studded cancer cells, which could be examined to determine what type of cancer cells are circulating. The scientists say this device is simpler and cheaper than other methods for identifying cancer cells in blood, and could likely be adapted for clinical use.

Tuesday, April 2, 3:15 PM Westin, 3rd Floor, Franciscan I. Session MM2: Nanotools to Elucidate Cancer Biology

A New Approach for Capturing Circulating Tumor Cells in a Microfluidic Device Using a Packed Array of Functionalized Chitosan Beads: C. Arya*; J. Kralj; K. Jiang; M. Munson; T. Forbes; D. DeVoe; S. Raghavan; S. Forry



Power, Capacity and Convenience: Could Hybrid Batteries Have It All?

Bringing together electrostatic and electrochemical energy storage devices into a single unit could make capturing, storing and delivering energy more efficient. Scientists at the University of Maryland calculate that marrying devices that transfer energy quickly to ones that store lots of energy but release it slowly would be more efficient than maximizing either type separately. New developments in nanoscale energy storage provide clues to the challenges presented by meshing these very different systems.

Tuesday, April 2, 8:15 am Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2003

Session E1: Supercapacitors

Hybrid Configurations of Nanostructured Electrical Energy Storage for High Power-energy Performance, G. Rubloff*; L. C. Haspert; S. Lee





Amp Up the Signal, Ramp Down the Risk

A component of a lab on a chip could help deliver better results more quickly for sufferers of schizophrenia who take a drug that requires them to have blood drawn frequently. Scientists at the University of Maryland have developed a technique to amp up the electrical signal the drug clozapine emits, producing a three-fold improvement in detecting the drug in a simulated blood sample. The ability to measure lower concentrations of the drug should help psychiatrists draw up treatment plans that can avoid or minimize severe side effects, for improved personalized mental healthcare.

Wednesday, April 3, 2:15 PM, Westin, 2nd Floor, Metropolitan Ballroom I. Session SS: Bioelectronics---Materials, Interfaces, and Applications

Catechol-modified Chitosan System as a Bio-amplifier for Schizophrenia Treatment Analysis, Hadar Ben-Yoav, Thomas E Winkler, Eunkyoung Kim, Deanna L Kelly, Gregory F Payne, Reza Ghodssi


Nanotechnology for Better Batteries

Packing more power into a smaller space is a major focus of both energy research and nanoscience. Several presentations will detail developments in building, observing or testing nanostructures for energy storage.


  • ·      Structural and Electrochemical Consequences of Lithiation/Delithiation in Silicon-Al2O3 Nanowire Anodes: A. Kozen*; Y. Liu; G. Rubloff

Tuesday, April 2, 2:15 pm Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2003. Session G3: Batteries – Anodes


  • ·      In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Electrochemical Lithiation and Delithiation Cycling of RuO Nanowires as Conversion Anodes: Y. Liu*; K. Gregorczyk; J. Sullivan; G. Rubloff

Tuesday, April 2, 11:00 am, Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2008. Session J2: Electron Microscopy II


  • ·      Combining Quantitative Electrochemistry and Electron Microscopy to Study Reversible Lithiation of Silicon Nanowires: K. R. Zavadil*; Y. Liu; C. T. Harris; J. P. Sullivan

Tuesday, April 2, 11:15, Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2008. Session J2: Electron Microscopy II


  • ·      Real-time TEM Observation of Nano-voids in Silicon Battery Electrodes: Insight into Engineering Strategies for Structure Stabilization: K. Karki*; J. Cho; C. Sun; Y. Wang; T. Picraux; J. Cumings

Tuesday, April 2, 11:30 am, Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2008. Session J2: Electron Microscopy II


  • ·      Exploring Electrical Contact Issues of Si Nanowires in TEM: K. He*; J. Cho; Y. Jung; M. Reed; T. Picraux; J. Cumings

Wednesday, April 3, 11:00 am Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3000. Session T4: Nanowires


  • ·      2D and 3D Li-ion Batteries with Ultra-thin Solid Electrolyte: D. Ruzmetov*; Y. Lee; J. Schumacher; V. Oleshko; A. Talin

Thursday, April 4, 2:15 pm Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3016. Session XX7: Oxide Interfaces for Electronics and Electrochemistry


  • Novel Method for In situ Mechanical Characterization of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes Using MEMS Platform: H. Jung*; E. Pomerantseva; M. Gnerlich; S. Baron; K.Gerasopoulos; R. Ghodssi

Thursday, April 4, 1:45 PM Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2008. Session J: In-Situ Characterization Methods in Energy Materials Research


Celebrating Manfred Wuttig's 80th Birthday I: Exploring Ferroic Materials and Elastocaloric Cooling
Renowned materials scientist Manfred Wuttig will be honored for his life and work on “smart” materials – materials that can be integrated into electronic circuits to feed back an external mechanical stimulus.  Wuttig himself will give a presentation, Magnetostriction of Nano-martensites.
Tuesday, April 4, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM; Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Level, Salons 14-1


Notable Poster Sessions

Session L: Nanoparticle Manufacturing, Functionalization, Assembly, and Integration

Thursday, April 4, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Level, Salons 7-8-9

A Novel Virus-like Particle Bioreceptor Coated Optical Disk Resonator for Biosensing: X. Fan*; L. Naves; N. Siwak; A. Brown; J. Culver; R. Ghodssi


Tumor Necrosis Factor Interaction with Gold Nanoparticles for Nanomedicine Application: D. Tsai*; S. Elzey; F. DelRio; A. Keene; K. Tyner; J. Clogston; R. MacCuspie; S. Guha; M. Zachariah; V. Hackley



April 2, 2013

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Safe Lithium Batteries Get a Boost

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