COLLEGE PARK -- UMD researchers officially start a partnership with SK Innovation (SKI) Co., one of South Korea’s leading energy companies, to create a lab housed on the College Park campus to study electrolyte interfaces for the next generation Li-ion battery research. The Mini Satellite Lab (MSL), located on the College Park campus, is funded by SKI for the first year, with evaluation and renewal to follow.
Prof. Sang Bok Lee (Director of Maryland NanoCenter) of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the College of Mathematical and Natural Sciences and Prof. Gary Rubloff (Director of NEES Energy Frontier Research Center) of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the School of Engineering lead this program together.
Main: Dr. Seongjun Lee (CTO and Head of Institute of Technology Innovation) of SK Innovation and Prof. Sang Bok Lee of the University of Maryland, shake hands starting an SKI-funded lab, the Mini Satellite Lab, at UMD on Feb. 22, 2019.
Prof. Sang Bok Lee of the University of Maryland accepts a plaque from Dr. Seongjun Lee of SK Innovation, to mark an SKI-funded lab, the Mini Satellite Lab, housed at UMD.
Group picture: From the left, Nam Soo Kim (PhD student, UMD), Yang Wang (PhD student, UMD), Dr. Chuan-Fu Lin (Research Scientist, UMD), Dr. Keith Gregorczyk (Research Scientist, UMD), Prof. Sang Bok Lee (UMD), Dr. Seongjun Lee (CTO, SKI), Ilsu Kim (Head of R&D Innovation Office, SKI), Sang Hyun Cho (Project Leader, Open Innovation, SKI), Dr. Cholho Lee (Project Leader, Next Generation Battery, SKI). The two groups met on Feb 22, 2019 to formalize their partnership and the founding of the Mini Satellite Lab for advanced battery research on UMD campus.
May 16, 2019