So you have a degree in Science. Now what?
Physics Colloquium, PSC Lobby
May 8, 4 pm
Rudolf Tromp, IBM Hosted by Ichiro Takeuchi, Materials Science & Engineering
Students (undergraduate and graduate), as well as postdoctoral researchers, are usually embedded in an academic environment, working with or for a professor with extensive research experience. This professor will naturally be a role model, and many students aspire to also become a university professor and spend their careers in academia. But reality is different: the vast majority of physics students will not end up in academia, and will not end up spending their careers doing research. Even more, research in industry has sharply declined over the last 20 years. So what is a fresh graduate to expect, and what career options are available to her? In this (hopefully interactive) talk I will discuss how a degree in science provides a starting point for addressing a variety of societal grand challenges in a broad range of professional settings.
Each week during the semester, the Department of Physics invites faculty, students and the local community to hear prominent scientists discuss intriguing physics research. The Spring 2018 colloquia will be held Tuesdays in the Physical Sciences Complex lobby at 4:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 3:30 p.m.)
Parking is available in the Regents Drive Parking Garage (PG2). An attendant will direct visitors within the garage. Additionally, a free ShuttleUM bus runs between the College Park Metro Station and Regents Drive at about eight-minute intervals.
For further information, please contact the Physics Department at 301-405-5946 or email
May 3, 2018