Operational Status | ● Online | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description |
The GAIA fits an ultra-high resolution electron column and high-performance ion column together onto a single chamber. Built on the high resolution FEG-SEM platform, GAIA extends all of its qualities with the ability to modify surfaces with a focused ion beam. Combining SEM nanometer resolution performance with excellent FIB capabilities, the new GAIA offers a wide range of analytical compatibilities including energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS) in addition to SE, BSE and STEM imaging modes. GAIA can also operate at different chamber pressures, i.e., samples can be examined at variable environmental pressures. The large sample chamber (GM configurations) provides the capability to perform fine sample surface observation and modification even with extra-large specimens. The 5-GIS system enables a variety of techniques for micro- and nanofabrication that can be used for the deposition or etching of samples. A wide range of precursors are provided that significantly expands the number of ways the method can be used. Different special sample holders are available for in-situ TEM lamella preparation, polish, imaging and analysis without breaking chamber vacuum. With the novel Retractable STEM detector, TEM lamella can be observed in-situ right after its extraction. Moreover, the OmniProbe nanomanipulator system provides additional capabilities in sample preparation, device repairing/modification, and microchemical analysis. A TOF-SIMS ("Time of Flight" secondary ion mass spectrometer) is also attached on the GAIA FIB and SEM. This unique integration of ion mass spectrometry of high sensitivity together with continual FIB etching/sectioning results in a 3D map of mass distribution within the sample. Advanced 3D tomography software module automatically combines several images, creating a complete 3D model of the sample, e.g., 3D SE and BSE imaging, 3D-EDS and 3D EBSD. |
Location | AIM Lab | 1237E Kim Eng. Bldg. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manufacturer |
Tescan GAIA3 |
Staff Contact |
Jiancun Rao jcrao@umd.edu 301-405-0561 |
Rates | UMD $48/hr External Non-profit / University $74/hr Small Commercial / MTECH $126/hr Large Commercial $165/hr No Charge $0/hr |
Reservations |
Logs |
SOPs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manuals | You must have lab permissions to view the manuals. Please login to view manuals or contact the lab staff to obtain permissions. |
Recipes |