\t (00:01:27) allegro 16.6 P004 (v16-6-112G) Windows 32 \t (00:01:27) Journal start - Fri Jul 03 22:13:47 2015 \t (00:01:27) Host=WIN-6CEF9ULMP6T User=Administrator Pid=7608 CPUs=20 \t (00:01:27) \d (00:01:27) Database opened: E:/_doc/ALTERA/SMB2/pcb_design_files/100-0310112-01_reva.brd \i (00:01:27) signalintegrity \i (00:01:28) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:28) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:28) zoom in 3853.786 3334.779 \i (00:01:28) trapsize 13376 \i (00:01:29) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:29) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:29) zoom in 3425.739 3457.843 \i (00:01:29) trapsize 6688 \i (00:01:29) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:29) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:29) zoom out 3425.739 3457.844 \i (00:01:29) trapsize 13376 \i (00:01:31) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:31) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:31) zoom in 3917.993 3214.391 \i (00:01:31) trapsize 6688 \i (00:01:31) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:31) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:31) zoom in 3917.993 3214.392 \i (00:01:31) trapsize 3344 \i (00:01:31) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:31) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:31) zoom in 3915.318 3214.392 \i (00:01:31) trapsize 1672 \i (00:01:32) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:32) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:32) zoom out 3890.571 3223.756 \i (00:01:32) trapsize 3344 \i (00:01:32) roam x -96 \i (00:01:32) roam x -96 \i (00:01:34) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:01:34) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:35) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:36) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:37) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:38) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:38) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:39) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:40) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:41) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:42) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:43) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:44) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:44) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:45) FORM vf_vis 7 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:45) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:46) FORM vf_vis 7 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:47) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:47) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:48) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:48) FORM vf_vis 4 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:01:49) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:01:50) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:50) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:50) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:50) zoom out 3508.150 3079.958 \i (00:01:50) trapsize 6688 \i (00:01:50) roam y 96 \i (00:01:50) roam y 96 \i (00:01:50) roam y 96 \i (00:01:50) roam y 96 \i (00:01:51) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:51) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:51) zoom out 3510.824 2810.016 \i (00:01:51) trapsize 13376 \i (00:01:51) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:51) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:51) zoom out 3510.825 2810.016 \i (00:01:51) trapsize 26753 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:51) roam x -96 \i (00:01:52) roam x -96 \i (00:01:52) roam x -96 \i (00:01:52) roam x -96 \i (00:01:52) roam x -96 \i (00:01:53) roam y 96 \i (00:01:53) roam y 96 \i (00:01:53) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:53) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:53) zoom in 3253.997 1584.730 \i (00:01:53) trapsize 13376 \i (00:01:53) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:53) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:53) zoom in 3256.672 1584.731 \i (00:01:53) trapsize 6688 \i (00:01:54) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:54) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:54) zoom in 3256.673 1584.731 \i (00:01:54) trapsize 3344 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:54) roam y 96 \i (00:01:55) roam y 96 \i (00:01:55) roam y 96 \i (00:01:55) roam x -96 \i (00:01:55) roam x -96 \i (00:01:55) zoom out 1 \i (00:01:55) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:55) zoom out 3181.095 1366.694 \i (00:01:55) trapsize 6688 \i (00:01:56) roam y 96 \i (00:01:56) roam y 96 \i (00:01:56) zoom in 1 \i (00:01:56) setwindow pcb \i (00:01:56) zoom in 3191.796 1325.227 \i (00:01:56) trapsize 3344 \i (00:01:57) roam y -96 \i (00:01:57) roam y -96 \i (00:01:57) roam y 96 \i (00:01:57) roam y 96 \i (00:01:58) roam y 96 \i (00:01:58) roam y 96 \i (00:02:00) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:02:00) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:02) FORM vf_vis 4 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:03) FORM vf_vis 4 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:04) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:04) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:05) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:05) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:06) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:07) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:08) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:08) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:09) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:09) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:10) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:10) zoom out 1 \i (00:02:10) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:10) zoom out 3021.915 1283.091 \i (00:02:10) trapsize 6688 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:11) roam y -96 \i (00:02:12) roam y -96 \i (00:02:12) roam y -96 \i (00:02:12) roam y -96 \i (00:02:12) roam y -96 \i (00:02:14) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:02:14) FORM vf_vis colorview_list Film: assm_top \i (00:02:16) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:16) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:17) FORM vf_vis 2 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:18) FORM vf_vis 2 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:18) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:19) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:19) roam y 96 \i (00:02:19) roam y 96 \i (00:02:23) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:02:23) FORM vf_vis colorview_list Film: l01top \i (00:02:24) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:25) FORM vf_vis 4 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:25) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:27) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:27) pick grid 2770.438 2159.919 \t (00:02:27) last pick: 2775.000 2150.000 \i (00:02:27) roam y 96 \i (00:02:27) roam y 96 \i (00:02:27) roam y 96 \i (00:02:27) roam y 96 \i (00:02:29) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:02:29) FORM vf_vis 1 pin_colorvisible 1 \i (00:02:32) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:33) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:02:34) FORM vf_vis 1 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:02:35) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:35) roam y 96 \i (00:02:35) roam y 96 \i (00:02:35) roam y 96 \i (00:02:35) roam y 96 \i (00:02:35) roam y -96 \i (00:02:35) roam y -96 \i (00:02:36) zoom out 1 \i (00:02:36) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:36) zoom out 2964.396 1467.018 \i (00:02:36) trapsize 13376 \i (00:02:36) roam y -96 \i (00:02:36) roam y -96 \i (00:02:36) roam y -96 \i (00:02:36) roam y -96 \i (00:02:37) zoom out 1 \i (00:02:37) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:37) zoom out 2964.397 1980.674 \i (00:02:37) trapsize 26753 \i (00:02:38) roam x -96 \i (00:02:38) roam x -96 \i (00:02:38) roam x -96 \i (00:02:38) roam x -96 \i (00:02:41) zoom in 1 \i (00:02:41) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:41) zoom in 3425.215 1809.456 \i (00:02:41) trapsize 13376 \i (00:02:41) zoom in 1 \i (00:02:41) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:41) zoom in 3286.100 1699.769 \i (00:02:41) trapsize 6688 \i (00:02:42) roam y 96 \i (00:02:42) roam y 96 \i (00:02:42) roam x -96 \i (00:02:42) roam x -96 \i (00:02:42) roam x -96 \i (00:02:42) roam x -96 \i (00:02:43) roam y 96 \i (00:02:43) roam y 96 \i (00:02:47) color192 \i (00:02:47) setwindow cvf.dialog \i (00:02:47) cvf layer_mode \i (00:02:47) setwindow pcb \i (00:02:47) signalintegrity \i (00:02:48) setwindow cvf.dialog \i (00:02:48) cvf layer_tree_item 'Display' \i (00:02:56) cvf next \i (00:02:57) cvf next \i (00:02:57) cvf next \i (00:02:58) cvf next \i (00:02:58) cvf next \i (00:02:59) cvf select_color_cell 191 \i (00:03:41) cvf customize 192 50327278 \i (00:03:43) cvf bkgrnd_clr 50327278 \i (00:03:44) cvf apply \i (00:03:50) cvf layer_tree_item 'Stack-Up' \i (00:03:51) cvf nets_mode \i (00:03:53) cvf net_global_clear \i (00:03:55) cvf layer_mode \i (00:03:57) cvf next \i (00:03:58) cvf select_color_cell 33 \i (00:04:00) cvf layers_color stack-up pin/all_row 34 \i (00:04:00) cvf layers_color stack-up via/all_row 34 \i (00:04:01) cvf layers_color stack-up etch/all_row 34 \i (00:04:02) cvf apply \i (00:04:06) cvf select_color_cell 68 \i (00:04:10) cvf customize 69 33554432 \i (00:04:12) cvf layers_color stack-up pin/all_row 69 \i (00:04:14) cvf apply \i (00:04:15) cvf select_color_cell 84 \i (00:04:23) cvf customize 85 39541595 \i (00:04:26) cvf layers_color stack-up via/all_row 85 \i (00:04:27) cvf layers_color stack-up etch/all_row 85 \i (00:04:28) cvf apply \i (00:04:32) cvf select_color_cell 83 \i (00:04:41) cvf customize 84 50298880 \i (00:04:42) cvf select_color_cell 82 \i (00:04:47) cvf customize 83 33587200 \i (00:04:52) cvf select_color_cell 83 \i (00:04:54) cvf layers_color stack-up stack-up/top 84 \i (00:04:56) cvf select_color_cell 68 \i (00:04:58) cvf layers_color stack-up pin/top 69 \i (00:04:59) cvf apply \i (00:05:01) cvf select_color_cell 82 \i (00:05:05) cvf layers_color stack-up pin/l4intsig 83 \i (00:05:06) cvf layers_color stack-up via/l4intsig 83 \i (00:05:06) cvf layers_color stack-up etch/l4intsig 83 \i (00:05:08) cvf apply \i (00:05:11) cvf okay \i (00:05:16) setwindow pcb \i (00:05:16) prmed \i (00:05:18) setwindow form.prmedit \i (00:05:18) FORM prmedit display_plated_holes YES \i (00:05:18) FORM prmedit display_padless_holes NO \i (00:05:18) FORM prmedit display_non_plated_holes YES \i (00:05:19) FORM prmedit display_padless_holes NO \i (00:05:19) FORM prmedit display_padless_holes YES \i (00:05:20) FORM prmedit display_enhance YES \i (00:05:21) FORM prmedit apply \i (00:05:23) FORM prmedit done \i (00:05:23) setwindow pcb \i (00:05:23) signalintegrity \i (00:05:25) zoom out 1 \i (00:05:25) setwindow pcb \i (00:05:25) zoom out 3033.285 1945.895 \i (00:05:25) trapsize 13376 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:26) roam y -96 \i (00:05:27) roam y -96 \i (00:05:27) roam y -96 \i (00:05:27) zoom in 1 \i (00:05:27) setwindow pcb \i (00:05:27) zoom in 3496.112 3205.959 \i (00:05:27) trapsize 6688 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:29) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:30) roam y 96 \i (00:05:31) roam y 96 \i (00:05:31) roam y 96 \i (00:05:31) roam x -96 \i (00:05:31) roam x -96 \i (00:05:31) roam x -96 \i (00:05:31) roam x -96 \i (00:05:34) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:05:34) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:35) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:35) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:35) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:37) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:38) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:39) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:39) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:40) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:40) FORM vf_vis 6 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:41) FORM vf_vis 7 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:42) FORM vf_vis 7 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:43) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:43) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:44) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:45) FORM vf_vis 8 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:46) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:47) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:47) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:48) FORM vf_vis 9 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:50) FORM vf_vis 9 via_colorvisible 1 \i (00:05:50) FORM vf_vis 9 via_colorvisible 0 \i (00:05:51) FORM vf_vis 9 etch_colorvisible 1 \i (00:05:52) FORM vf_vis 9 etch_colorvisible 0 \i (00:05:53) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:54) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:55) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:55) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:56) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:56) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:57) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:05:58) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:05:58) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible YES \e (00:06:02) Command not found: F13 \i (00:06:02) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:06:03) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:03) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:03) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:03) zoom in 2808.560 1504.472 \i (00:06:03) trapsize 3344 \i (00:06:05) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:05) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:05) zoom out 2807.223 1504.472 \i (00:06:05) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:06) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:07) roam y -96 \i (00:06:08) roam y -96 \i (00:06:08) roam y -96 \i (00:06:08) roam x -96 \i (00:06:08) roam x -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:09) roam y -96 \i (00:06:10) roam x 96 \i (00:06:10) roam x 96 \i (00:06:10) roam x 96 \i (00:06:10) roam x 96 \i (00:06:11) roam x 96 \i (00:06:11) roam x 96 \i (00:06:11) roam y -96 \i (00:06:11) roam y -96 \i (00:06:11) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:11) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:11) zoom in 3136.284 3877.459 \i (00:06:11) trapsize 3344 \i (00:06:12) roam x 96 \i (00:06:12) roam x 96 \i (00:06:12) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:12) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:12) zoom out 3200.491 3877.459 \i (00:06:12) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:12) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:12) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:12) zoom out 3200.492 3877.460 \i (00:06:12) trapsize 13376 \i (00:06:13) roam y 96 \i (00:06:13) roam y 96 \i (00:06:13) roam x 96 \i (00:06:13) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:14) roam x 96 \i (00:06:15) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:15) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:15) zoom in 6290.456 3623.305 \i (00:06:15) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:16) roam x 96 \i (00:06:17) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:17) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:17) zoom out 6677.036 3623.305 \i (00:06:17) trapsize 13376 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:17) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam y 96 \i (00:06:18) roam x 96 \i (00:06:18) roam x 96 \i (00:06:18) roam x 96 \i (00:06:18) roam x 96 \i (00:06:19) roam x 96 \i (00:06:19) roam x 96 \i (00:06:20) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:20) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:20) zoom in 7360.574 1737.222 \i (00:06:20) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:20) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:20) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:20) zoom in 7360.575 1737.223 \i (00:06:20) trapsize 3344 \i (00:06:22) prepopup 7175.311 1811.462 \i (00:06:23) pop dyn_option_select @:@Move \i (00:06:23) move \t (00:06:23) last pick: 7175.000 1800.000 \t (00:06:23) last pick: 7175.000 1800.000 \t (00:06:23) Element has no origin, using pick. \t (00:06:23) Pick new location for the element(s). \i (00:06:23) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:23) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:23) zoom out 7175.311 1811.462 \i (00:06:23) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:24) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:24) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:24) zoom out 7175.310 1811.463 \i (00:06:24) trapsize 13376 \i (00:06:25) pick grid 8363.141 1822.163 \t (00:06:25) last pick: 8375.000 1825.000 \i (00:06:25) signalintegrity \i (00:06:26) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:26) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:26) zoom in 7287.673 1875.669 \i (00:06:26) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:26) zoom in 1 \i (00:06:26) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:26) zoom in 7163.272 1906.435 \i (00:06:26) trapsize 3344 \i (00:06:27) roam y -96 \i (00:06:27) roam y -96 \i (00:06:28) roam y 96 \i (00:06:28) roam y 96 \i (00:06:28) roam y 96 \i (00:06:28) roam y 96 \i (00:06:29) roam y 96 \i (00:06:29) roam y 96 \i (00:06:29) roam y 96 \i (00:06:29) roam y 96 \i (00:06:29) zoom out 1 \i (00:06:29) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:29) zoom out 6774.017 1515.842 \i (00:06:29) trapsize 6688 \i (00:06:30) roam x -96 \i (00:06:30) roam x -96 \i (00:06:32) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:06:32) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:06:32) FORM vf_vis 5 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:06:33) FORM vf_vis 3 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:06:36) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:36) roam x -96 \i (00:06:36) roam x -96 \i (00:06:37) drag_start grid 7135.849 1796.748 \i (00:06:37) slide \t (00:06:37) Waiting for the destination pick. \i (00:06:38) drag_stop grid 7181.329 1830.190 \t (00:06:38) No DRC errors detected. \i (00:06:38) signalintegrity \i (00:06:40) pick grid 7035.526 1685.724 \t (00:06:40) last pick: 7025.000 1675.000 \i (00:06:40) pick grid dbl 7035.526 1685.724 \t (00:06:40) last pick: 7025.000 1675.000 \i (00:06:40) signal probe (00:06:40) Loading cmds.cxt (00:06:40) Loading sigallegro.cxt (00:06:40) Loading skillExt.cxt (00:06:40) Loading signal.cxt (00:06:40) Loading axlcore.cxt \i (00:06:42) setwindow form.sigselect \i (00:06:42) FORM sigselect close \i (00:06:42) setwindow pcb \i (00:06:42) signalintegrity \i (00:06:44) drag_start grid 7062.279 1782.034 \i (00:06:44) slide \t (00:06:44) Waiting for the destination pick. \i (00:06:45) drag_stop grid 6844.242 1768.658 \t (00:06:45) DRC errors detected. \i (00:06:45) signalintegrity \i (00:06:48) drag_start grid 6924.501 1614.828 \i (00:06:48) slide \t (00:06:48) Waiting for the destination pick. \i (00:06:49) drag_stop grid 6978.007 1572.024 \t (00:06:49) No DRC errors detected. \i (00:06:49) signalintegrity \i (00:06:50) drag_start grid 6743.919 1295.131 \i (00:06:50) slide \t (00:06:50) Waiting for the destination pick. \i (00:06:51) drag_stop grid 7051.577 1414.181 \t (00:06:51) No DRC errors detected. \i (00:06:51) signalintegrity \i (00:06:54) setwindow form.vf_vis \i (00:06:54) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:06:55) FORM vf_vis 12 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:06:56) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:06:57) FORM vf_vis 11 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:06:57) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible YES \i (00:07:01) FORM vf_vis 10 all_colorvisible NO \i (00:07:07) setwindow form.mini \i (00:07:07) FORM mini class PACKAGE GEOMETRY \i (00:07:09) FORM mini subclass SILKSCREEN_TOP \i (00:07:10) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:07:12) FORM mini subcolor color 33 \i (00:07:15) FORM mini subcolor color 69 \i (00:07:18) setwindow pcb \i (00:07:18) color192 \i (00:07:18) setwindow cvf.dialog \i (00:07:18) cvf layer_mode \i (00:07:18) setwindow pcb \i (00:07:18) signalintegrity \i (00:07:19) setwindow cvf.dialog \i (00:07:19) cvf layer_tree_item 'Display' \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 130 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 132 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 133 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 135 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 136 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 137 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 140 \i (00:07:20) cvf global_trans 142 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 143 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 145 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 146 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 147 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 150 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 152 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 153 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 154 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 156 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 157 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 160 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 162 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 163 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 164 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 166 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 167 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 170 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 171 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 173 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 174 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 176 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 177 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 180 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 181 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 183 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 184 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 186 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 187 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 190 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 191 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 193 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 194 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 196 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 197 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 200 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 201 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 203 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 204 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 205 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 207 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 210 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 211 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 213 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 214 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 215 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 217 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 220 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 221 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 222 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 224 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 225 \i (00:07:21) cvf global_trans 227 \i (00:07:22) cvf apply \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 225 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 224 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 222 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 221 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 220 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 218 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 215 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 214 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 213 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 211 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 210 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 208 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 205 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 204 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 203 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 201 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 200 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 198 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 196 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 194 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 193 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 191 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 190 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 188 \i (00:07:23) cvf global_trans 186 \i (00:07:24) cvf global_trans 184 \i (00:07:24) cvf global_trans 183 \i (00:07:24) cvf global_trans 181 \i (00:07:24) cvf global_trans 180 \i (00:07:24) cvf apply \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 179 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 177 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 176 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 174 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 173 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 171 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 169 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 167 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 166 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 164 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 163 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 162 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 159 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 157 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 156 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 154 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 153 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 152 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 149 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 147 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 146 \i (00:07:26) cvf global_trans 145 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 97 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 96 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 94 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 93 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 91 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 90 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 91 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 93 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 94 \i (00:07:27) cvf shapes_trans 96 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 94 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 93 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 91 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 90 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 87 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 86 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 84 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 83 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 81 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 80 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 77 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 76 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 74 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 73 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 72 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 70 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 67 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 66 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 65 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 63 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 62 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 60 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 57 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 56 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 55 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 53 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 52 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 50 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 48 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 46 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 45 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 43 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 42 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 41 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 38 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 36 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 35 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 33 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 32 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 31 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 28 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 26 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 25 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 24 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 22 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 21 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 18 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 17 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 15 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 14 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 12 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 11 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 8 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 7 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 9 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 11 \i (00:07:28) cvf shapes_trans 12 \i (00:07:29) cvf apply \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 14 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 15 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 17 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 18 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 21 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 22 \i (00:07:30) cvf shapes_trans 24 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 25 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 26 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 28 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 31 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 32 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 33 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 35 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 36 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 38 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 41 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 42 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 43 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 45 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 46 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 48 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 50 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 52 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 53 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 55 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 56 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 57 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 60 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 62 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 63 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 65 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 66 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 67 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 70 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 72 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 73 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 74 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 76 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 77 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 80 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 81 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 83 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 84 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 86 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 87 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 88 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 91 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 93 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 94 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 96 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 97 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 98 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 101 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 103 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 104 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 105 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 107 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 108 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 111 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 112 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 114 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 115 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 117 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 118 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 121 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 122 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 124 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 125 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 127 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 128 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 131 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 132 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 134 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 135 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 136 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 138 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 141 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 142 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 144 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 145 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 146 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 148 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 151 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 152 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 153 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 155 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 156 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 158 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 160 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 162 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 163 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 165 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 166 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 168 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 170 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 172 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 173 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 175 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 176 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 177 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 180 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 182 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 183 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 184 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 186 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 187 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 190 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 192 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 193 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 194 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 196 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 197 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 200 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 201 \i (00:07:31) cvf shapes_trans 203 \i (00:07:32) cvf apply \i (00:07:33) cvf okay \i (00:07:34) setwindow pcb \i (00:07:34) roam x 96 \i (00:07:34) roam x 96 \i (00:07:36) drag_start grid 7423.443 2085.680 \i (00:07:36) slide \t (00:07:36) Waiting for the destination pick. \i (00:07:37) drag_stop grid 7629.441 2017.460 \t (00:07:37) No DRC errors detected. \i (00:07:37) signalintegrity \e (00:07:41) Command not found: F13 \i (00:07:41) prepopup 6388.104 1848.917 \i (00:07:44) setwindow form.mini \i (00:07:44) FORM mini class PACKAGE GEOMETRY \i (00:07:46) FORM mini subclass SILKSCREEN_TOP \i (00:07:47) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:07:47) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:07:48) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:07:49) FORM mini subclass PLACE_BOUND_TOP \i (00:07:50) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:07:51) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:07:51) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:07:52) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:07:53) FORM mini subclass SOLDERMASK_TOP \i (00:07:54) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:07:55) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:07:57) FORM mini class BOUNDARY \i (00:07:57) FORM mini class BOARD GEOMETRY \i (00:07:59) FORM mini subclass SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM \i (00:07:59) FORM mini subclass SILKSCREEN_TOP \i (00:08:00) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:08:01) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:08:01) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:08:08) FORM mini class REF DES \i (00:08:09) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:08:10) FORM mini subcolor 0 \i (00:08:11) FORM mini subclass SILKSCREEN_TOP \i (00:08:12) FORM mini subcolor 1 \i (00:08:14) FORM mini subcolor color 69 \i (00:08:17) setwindow form.find \i (00:08:17) FORM find all_off \i (00:08:18) setwindow pcb \i (00:08:18) prepopup 6202.171 1832.865 \i (00:08:19) pop dyn_option_select 'Application Mode@:@General Edit' \i (00:08:19) generaledit \e (00:08:20) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:21) prepopup 7282.990 1518.518 \i (00:08:22) pop dyn_option_select @:@Move \i (00:08:22) move \t (00:08:22) last pick: 7275.000 1525.000 \t (00:08:22) last pick: 7300.000 1475.000 \t (00:08:22) Pick new location for the element(s). \i (00:08:22) prepopup 7410.067 1494.440 \i (00:08:23) rotate \t (00:08:23) Spin the element(s). \i (00:08:24) iangle -90.000 \t (00:08:24) last angle: 0.000 Degrees \e (00:08:24) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:24) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:24) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:24) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:24) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:25) pick grid 7368.600 1454.311 \t (00:08:25) last pick: 7375.000 1450.000 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:25) generaledit \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:25) 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F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:27) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:28) pick grid 7292.354 1521.193 \t (00:08:28) last pick: 7300.000 1525.000 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:28) generaledit \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:28) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:29) Command not found: F13 \i (00:08:29) prepopup 7521.092 1764.645 \i (00:08:29) pop dyn_option_select @:@Move \i (00:08:30) move \t (00:08:30) last pick: 7525.000 1775.000 \t (00:08:30) last pick: 7540.000 1740.000 \t (00:08:30) Pick new location for the element(s). \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30) Command not found: F13 \e (00:08:30)