{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "Info: *******************************************************************" { } { } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "Analysis & Synthesis Quartus II " "Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 7.1 Build 178 06/25/2007 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version " "Info: Version 7.1 Build 178 06/25/2007 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version" { } { } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Thu Aug 30 15:40:37 2007 " "Info: Processing started: Thu Aug 30 15:40:37 2007" { } { } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off DE1_i2sound -c DE1_i2sound " "Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off DE1_i2sound -c DE1_i2sound" { } { } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v 1 1 " "Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file //file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 DE1_i2sound " "Info: Found entity 1: DE1_i2sound" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 43 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %2!d! design units, including %3!d! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v 1 1 " "Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file //file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 I2C_AV_Config " "Info: Found entity 1: I2C_AV_Config" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 1 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %2!d! design units, including %3!d! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v 1 1 " "Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file //file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 I2C_Controller " "Info: Found entity 1: I2C_Controller" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 42 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %2!d! design units, including %3!d! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v 1 1 " "Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file //file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 PLL " "Info: Found entity 1: PLL" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" 36 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %2!d! design units, including %3!d! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_TOP" "DE1_i2sound " "Info: Elaborating entity \"DE1_i2sound\" for the top level hierarchy" { } { } 0 0 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for the top level hierarchy" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 7 DE1_i2sound.v(247) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at DE1_i2sound.v(247): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (7)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 247 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "UART_TXD DE1_i2sound.v(145) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"UART_TXD\" at DE1_i2sound.v(145) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 145 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[11\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[11\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[10\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[10\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[9\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[9\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[8\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[8\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[7\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[7\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[6\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[6\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[5\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[5\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[4\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[4\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_ADDR\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(149) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_ADDR\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(149) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_LDQM DE1_i2sound.v(150) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_LDQM\" at DE1_i2sound.v(150) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 150 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_UDQM DE1_i2sound.v(151) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_UDQM\" at DE1_i2sound.v(151) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 151 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_WE_N DE1_i2sound.v(152) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_WE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(152) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 152 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_CAS_N DE1_i2sound.v(153) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_CAS_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(153) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 153 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_RAS_N DE1_i2sound.v(154) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_RAS_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(154) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 154 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_CS_N DE1_i2sound.v(155) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_CS_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(155) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 155 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_BA_0 DE1_i2sound.v(156) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_BA_0\" at DE1_i2sound.v(156) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 156 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_BA_1 DE1_i2sound.v(157) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_BA_1\" at DE1_i2sound.v(157) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 157 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_CLK DE1_i2sound.v(158) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_CLK\" at DE1_i2sound.v(158) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 158 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "DRAM_CKE DE1_i2sound.v(159) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"DRAM_CKE\" at DE1_i2sound.v(159) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 159 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[21\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[21\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[20\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[20\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[19\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[19\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[18\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[18\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[17\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[17\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[16\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[16\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[15\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[15\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[14\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[14\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[13\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[13\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[12\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[12\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[11\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[11\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[10\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[10\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[9\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[9\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[8\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[8\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[7\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[7\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[6\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[6\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[5\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[5\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[4\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[4\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_ADDR\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(162) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_ADDR\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(162) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_WE_N DE1_i2sound.v(163) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_WE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(163) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 163 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_RST_N DE1_i2sound.v(164) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_RST_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(164) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 164 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_OE_N DE1_i2sound.v(165) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_OE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(165) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 165 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "FL_CE_N DE1_i2sound.v(166) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"FL_CE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(166) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 166 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[17\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[17\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[16\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[16\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[15\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[15\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[14\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[14\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[13\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[13\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[12\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[12\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[11\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[11\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[10\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[10\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[9\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[9\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[8\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[8\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[7\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[7\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[6\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[6\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[5\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[5\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[4\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[4\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_ADDR\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(169) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_ADDR\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(169) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_UB_N DE1_i2sound.v(170) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_UB_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(170) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 170 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_LB_N DE1_i2sound.v(171) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_LB_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(171) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 171 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_WE_N DE1_i2sound.v(172) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_WE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(172) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 172 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_CE_N DE1_i2sound.v(173) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_CE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(173) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 173 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SRAM_OE_N DE1_i2sound.v(174) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SRAM_OE_N\" at DE1_i2sound.v(174) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 174 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "SD_CLK DE1_i2sound.v(179) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"SD_CLK\" at DE1_i2sound.v(179) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 179 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "TDO DE1_i2sound.v(190) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"TDO\" at DE1_i2sound.v(190) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 190 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_HS DE1_i2sound.v(192) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_HS\" at DE1_i2sound.v(192) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 192 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_VS DE1_i2sound.v(193) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_VS\" at DE1_i2sound.v(193) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 193 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_R\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(194) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_R\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(194) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_R\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(194) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_R\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(194) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_R\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(194) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_R\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(194) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_R\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(194) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_R\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(194) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_G\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(195) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_G\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(195) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_G\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(195) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_G\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(195) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_G\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(195) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_G\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(195) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_G\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(195) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_G\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(195) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_B\[3\] DE1_i2sound.v(196) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_B\[3\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(196) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_B\[2\] DE1_i2sound.v(196) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_B\[2\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(196) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_B\[1\] DE1_i2sound.v(196) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_B\[1\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(196) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "VGA_B\[0\] DE1_i2sound.v(196) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"VGA_B\[0\]\" at DE1_i2sound.v(196) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VDB_DRIVERLESS_OUTPUT_PORT" "AUD_DACDAT DE1_i2sound.v(201) " "Warning (10034): Output port \"AUD_DACDAT\" at DE1_i2sound.v(201) has no driver" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 201 0 0 } } } 0 10034 "Output port \"%1!s!\" at %2!s! has no driver" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "PLL PLL:u0 " "Info: Elaborating entity \"PLL\" for hierarchy \"PLL:u0\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "u0" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 230 0 0 } } } 0 0 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "c:/altera/71/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altpll.tdf 1 1 " "Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file c:/altera/71/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altpll.tdf" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 altpll " "Info: Found entity 1: altpll" { } { { "altpll.tdf" "" { Text "c:/altera/71/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altpll.tdf" 462 1 0 } } } 0 0 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %2!d! design units, including %3!d! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "altpll PLL:u0\|altpll:altpll_component " "Info: Elaborating entity \"altpll\" for hierarchy \"PLL:u0\|altpll:altpll_component\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" "altpll_component" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" 75 0 0 } } } 0 0 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_ELABORATION_HEADER" "PLL:u0\|altpll:altpll_component " "Info: Elaborated megafunction instantiation \"PLL:u0\|altpll:altpll_component\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/PLL.v" 75 0 0 } } } 0 0 "Elaborated megafunction instantiation \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "I2C_AV_Config I2C_AV_Config:u1 " "Info: Elaborating entity \"I2C_AV_Config\" for hierarchy \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "u1" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 238 0 0 } } } 0 0 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 I2C_AV_Config.v(55) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at I2C_AV_Config.v(55): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 55 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 4 I2C_AV_Config.v(103) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at I2C_AV_Config.v(103): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (4)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 103 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "I2C_Controller I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0 " "Info: Elaborating entity \"I2C_Controller\" for hierarchy \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "u0" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 71 0 0 } } } 0 0 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 1 I2C_Controller.v(78) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at I2C_Controller.v(78): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (1)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 78 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 1 I2C_Controller.v(77) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at I2C_Controller.v(77): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (1)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 77 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 6 I2C_Controller.v(90) " "Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at I2C_Controller.v(90): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (6)" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 90 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[23\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[23\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[22\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[22\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[21\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[21\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[21\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[21\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[20\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[20\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[20\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[20\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[19\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[19\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[18\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[18\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[18\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[18\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[17\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[17\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[16\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[16\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[15\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[15\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[14\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[14\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[13\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[13\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[8\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mI2C_DATA\[8\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 108 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[23\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[23\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[22\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[22\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[21\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[21\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[21\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[21\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[20\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[20\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[20\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[20\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[19\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[19\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICDB_SGATE_CDB_INFO_USING_PWRUP_DC" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[18\] High " "Info: Power-up level of register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[18\]\" is not specified -- using power-up level of High to minimize register" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Power-up level of register \"%1!s!\" is not specified -- using power-up level of %2!s! to minimize register" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[18\] data_in VCC " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[18\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[17\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[17\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[16\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[16\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[15\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[15\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[14\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[14\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[13\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[13\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCDB_SGATE_CDB_WARN_TRIVIAL_REG" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[8\] data_in GND " "Warning: Reduced register \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|I2C_Controller:u0\|SD\[8\]\" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 98 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Reduced register \"%1!s!\" with stuck %2!s! port to stuck value %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_PREPROCESS_STAT_NO_BITS" "\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST 3 " "Info: State machine \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST\" contains 3 states" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "State machine \"%1!s!\" contains %2!d! states" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_REPORT_PROCESSOR" "Auto \|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST " "Info: Selected Auto state machine encoding method for state machine \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Selected %1!s! state machine encoding method for state machine \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_HEADER" "\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST " "Info: Encoding result for state machine \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST\"" { { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_BITS_HEADER" "3 " "Info: Completed encoding using 3 state bits" { { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_BITS" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.00 " "Info: Encoded state bit \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.00\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Encoded state bit \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_BITS" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.10 " "Info: Encoded state bit \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.10\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Encoded state bit \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_BITS" "I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.01 " "Info: Encoded state bit \"I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.01\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Encoded state bit \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Completed encoding using %1!d! state bits" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_CODE" "\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.00 000 " "Info: State \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.00\" uses code string \"000\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "State \"%1!s!\" uses code string \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_CODE" "\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.01 101 " "Info: State \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.01\" uses code string \"101\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "State \"%1!s!\" uses code string \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_SMP_MACHINE_POSTPROCESS_STAT_CODE" "\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.10 110 " "Info: State \"\|DE1_i2sound\|I2C_AV_Config:u1\|mSetup_ST.10\" uses code string \"110\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "State \"%1!s!\" uses code string \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_AV_Config.v" 24 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Encoding result for state machine \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_INSERTED_ALWAYS_DISABLED_TRI" "SD_DAT3 " "Warning: The bidir \"SD_DAT3\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 177 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "The bidir \"%1!s!\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_INSERTED_ALWAYS_DISABLED_TRI" "SD_CMD " "Warning: The bidir \"SD_CMD\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 178 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "The bidir \"%1!s!\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_INSERTED_ALWAYS_DISABLED_TRI" "AUD_ADCLRCK " "Warning: The bidir \"AUD_ADCLRCK\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 198 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "The bidir \"%1!s!\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_INSERTED_ALWAYS_DISABLED_TRI" "AUD_BCLK " "Warning: The bidir \"AUD_BCLK\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 202 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "The bidir \"%1!s!\" has no source; inserted an always disabled tri-state buffer." 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_INSERTED_ALWAYS_ENABLED_TRI_AFTER_LOGIC" "AUD_DACLRCK~1 " "Warning: Inserted an always-enabled tri-state buffer between logic and the tri-state bus AUD_DACLRCK~1 that it feeds" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 199 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Inserted an always-enabled tri-state buffer between logic and the tri-state bus %1!s! that it feeds" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_OPT_REMOVED_FANIN_FROM_ALWAYS_DISABLED_IO_BUF_TO_TRI_BUS" "I2C_SDAT~4 I2C_SDAT~1 " "Warning: Removed fan-in from always-disabled I/O buffer I2C_SDAT~4 to tri-state bus I2C_SDAT~1" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 181 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Removed fan-in from always-disabled I/O buffer %1!s! to tri-state bus %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_MLS_PRESET_POWER_UP" "" "Info: Registers with preset signals will power-up high" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 72 -1 0 } } { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 63 -1 0 } } { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/I2C_Controller.v" 68 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Registers with preset signals will power-up high" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IOPT_MLS_DEV_CLRN_SETS_REGISTERS" "" "Info: DEV_CLRn pin will set, and not reset, register with preset signal due to NOT Gate Push-Back" { } { } 0 0 "DEV_CLRn pin will set, and not reset, register with preset signal due to NOT Gate Push-Back" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_ENABLED_OE" "" "Warning: TRI or OPNDRN buffers permanently enabled" { { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_NODE_NAME" "AUD_DACLRCK~2 " "Warning: Node \"AUD_DACLRCK~2\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 200 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "TRI or OPNDRN buffers permanently enabled" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN_HDR" "" "Warning: Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND" { { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX0\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX0\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 137 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX1\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX1\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 138 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX2\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 139 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX3\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"HEX3\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 140 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDG\[7\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"LEDG\[7\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 142 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[0\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[0\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[1\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[1\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[2\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[2\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[3\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[3\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[4\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[4\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[5\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[5\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[6\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[6\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[7\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[7\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[8\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[8\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "LEDR\[9\] VCC " "Warning: Pin \"LEDR\[9\]\" stuck at VCC" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 143 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "UART_TXD GND " "Warning: Pin \"UART_TXD\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 145 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[7\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[7\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[8\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[8\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[9\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[9\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[10\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[10\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_ADDR\[11\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_ADDR\[11\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 149 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_LDQM GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_LDQM\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 150 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_UDQM GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_UDQM\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 151 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_WE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_WE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 152 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_CAS_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_CAS_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 153 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_RAS_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_RAS_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 154 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_CS_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_CS_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 155 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_BA_0 GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_BA_0\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 156 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_BA_1 GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_BA_1\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 157 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_CLK GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_CLK\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 158 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "DRAM_CKE GND " "Warning: Pin \"DRAM_CKE\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 159 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[7\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[7\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[8\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[8\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[9\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[9\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[10\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[10\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[11\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[11\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[12\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[12\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[13\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[13\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[14\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[14\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[15\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[15\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[16\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[16\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[17\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[17\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[18\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[18\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[19\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[19\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[20\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[20\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_ADDR\[21\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_ADDR\[21\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 162 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_WE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_WE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 163 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_RST_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_RST_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 164 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_OE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_OE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 165 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "FL_CE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"FL_CE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 166 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[4\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[4\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[5\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[5\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[6\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[6\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[7\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[7\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[8\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[8\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[9\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[9\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[10\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[10\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[11\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[11\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[12\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[12\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[13\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[13\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[14\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[14\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[15\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[15\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[16\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[16\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_ADDR\[17\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_ADDR\[17\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 169 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_UB_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_UB_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 170 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_LB_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_LB_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 171 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_WE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_WE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 172 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_CE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_CE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 173 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SRAM_OE_N GND " "Warning: Pin \"SRAM_OE_N\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 174 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "SD_CLK GND " "Warning: Pin \"SD_CLK\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 179 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "TDO GND " "Warning: Pin \"TDO\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 190 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_HS GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_HS\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 192 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_VS GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_VS\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 193 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_R\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_R\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_R\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_R\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_R\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_R\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_R\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_R\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 194 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_G\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_G\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_G\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_G\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_G\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_G\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_G\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_G\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 195 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_B\[0\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_B\[0\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_B\[1\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_B\[1\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_B\[2\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_B\[2\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "VGA_B\[3\] GND " "Warning: Pin \"VGA_B\[3\]\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 196 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WOPT_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "AUD_DACDAT GND " "Warning: Pin \"AUD_DACDAT\" stuck at GND" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 201 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Pin \"%1!s!\" stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN_HDR" "23 " "Warning: Design contains 23 input pin(s) that do not drive logic" { { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "CLOCK_24\[0\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"CLOCK_24\[0\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 128 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "CLOCK_24\[1\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"CLOCK_24\[1\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 128 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "CLOCK_27\[1\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"CLOCK_27\[1\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 129 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "EXT_CLOCK " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"EXT_CLOCK\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 131 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "KEY\[1\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"KEY\[1\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 133 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "KEY\[2\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"KEY\[2\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 133 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "KEY\[3\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"KEY\[3\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 133 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[0\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[0\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[1\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[1\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[2\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[2\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[3\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[3\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[4\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[4\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[5\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[5\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[6\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[6\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[7\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[7\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[8\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[8\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[9\] " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[9\]\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 135 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "UART_RXD " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"UART_RXD\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 146 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "TDI " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"TDI\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 187 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "TCK " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"TCK\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 188 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "TCS " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"TCS\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 189 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "PS2_DAT " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"PS2_DAT\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 184 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "PS2_CLK " "Warning: No output dependent on input pin \"PS2_CLK\"" { } { { "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" "" { Text "//file2/R1/DE1/cd/source/DE1_CD_v0.7/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_i2sound/DE1_i2sound.v" 185 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Design contains %1!d! input pin(s) that do not drive logic" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_SUMMARY" "402 " "Info: Implemented 402 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different" { { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_IPINS" "27 " "Info: Implemented 27 input pins" { } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! input pins" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_OPINS" "137 " "Info: Implemented 137 output pins" { } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! output pins" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_BIDIRS" "119 " "Info: Implemented 119 bidirectional pins" { } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! bidirectional pins" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_LCELLS" "118 " "Info: Implemented 118 logic cells" { } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! logic cells" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_PLLS" "1 " "Info: Implemented 1 ClockLock PLLs" { } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! ClockLock PLLs" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "Implemented %1!d! device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "Analysis & Synthesis 0 s 280 s Quartus II " "Info: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 280 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "154 " "Info: Allocated 154 megabytes of memory during processing" { } { } 0 0 "Allocated %1!s! megabytes of memory during processing" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Thu Aug 30 15:40:43 2007 " "Info: Processing ended: Thu Aug 30 15:40:43 2007" { } { } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:06 " "Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:06" { } { } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0} } { } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "" 0}