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To order a development version of ComponentWorks, contact your local National Instruments branch office or visit the NI Online Store.@ DP"P4Visit NI Store@@nMS Sans SerifP >}+Y P4Visit NI StoreeComponentWorksMS Sans SerifXfP2OKP/AYou are using an evaluation version of ComponentWorks ActiveX controls. The controls will function normally for 30 days. 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Use the mouse in the preview window to change the size and position of parts of the control.PbAQ,FontPfL< &Font...Pf^G+Use control's font@dA -Sho&w all@& 1&Colors @) 4C @% 5C @& C@% &Visible@# ,&Image@" /&Default@" 0&Custom...@& P&roperties...@& S&tretch@$ @"'Colors:@&(Colors:@$)Colors:@3 (6@@"nMS Sans SerifPPFScaleP !Mi&nimum:P+ % P Ma&ximum:P+% aP + &Log@<2 Auto BoundsP 8& &Inverted@ SInc/D&ec:@+R% bPYLFValues P_ 0 &Continuous P_& &DiscreteP]&In&terval:P~$ P]6&Base:P~4 Y@Colors: P C P CPI &Font...P(2 Ca&ption: P& CP5K @LArc angles (degrees)@ [Sta&rt:@(X @cZE&nd:@W [PF7Control &refresh:!PQJ7PaK ?&Windowless@n @ C@@nMS Sans SerifP #Ca&ption:P< F  P  4CP < &Font...P ( O&n text:P<F Z P 5CP #On color: P CP4#O&ff text:P<2F \ P2 CP4$Off color: P2 CPI &Mode:!P<G^DrPI$Back color: PF CP_7Control &refresh:!P<]^7P]> ?&Windowless@@nMS Sans SerifPIndexP#NameP`ValueP 7@  PS&NameP]< vPGS&ValuePF]F zPA xAddPA w&Del P4A y+ P@A p-P A&xis: @9hP &Location:!P9(P/La&bels:!P-9(PA1 Show &ticksPPI Show &grid lines@@ nMS Sans Serif!@GfPZZTick spacing P . 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SBorderStyleW ;]RangeCheckingWWW*TextD"8n_DCWNumEditEventsWWW, >PreviousValueWWW+ OutOfRangeWWD&IncDecButtonClickedWP/ IncButtonWWWD`$ cValueChangingWWW.NewValue'lAttemptedValueWW-NumberWW/ DescriptionW|( /ScodeWWWHelpFileH* /OHelpContextW+ +CancelDisplayWWW` 86CWNumEditWWW cwref.hlpWNational Instruments CW UI 3.0A collection of CWPlot objects.WWW0Returns the number of objects in the collection.WW!Defines the plot for the CWGraph.WNo lineWWW Solid line Step XY lineWW Step YX lineWW Dash lineW Dotted lineWWW Dash-dot lineWDash-dot-dot lineWACWLineStyles are the constants for the CWPlot.LineStyle property.W=Specifies the style of lines for connecting points on a plot.WNoneWW Empty squareWW Solid squareWWAsteriskWWDotted empty squareWWWDotted solid squareWWW Solid diamondWEmpty square with XWWWEmpty square with crossWWW Empty circleWW Solid circleWWDotted empty circleWWWDotted solid circleWWWXWWWWWBold XSmall XWWWCrossW Bold cross Small crossWWWSmall empty squareSmall solid square Simple dot Empty diamondW]CWPointStyles are the constants for the CWCursor.PointStyle and CWPlot.PointStyle properties.W2Specifies the image drawn at each point on a plot.Specifies the name of the plot.WWWISpecifies the width of the plotting line. The width range is from 1 to 5.W+Specifies if the plot is visible or hidden.WWWText1W-Specifies whether the axis has a Log10 scale.W(Specifies the maximum value of the axis.WW(Specifies the minimum value of the axis.WW7Specifies whether the direction of an axis is inverted.WWW[Represents only discrete values on the axis, according to the base and interval properties.WWW/Specifies the interval between discrete values.WWW+Specifies the base value for discrete axes.WWWSpecifies the name of the axis.WWWODetermines if the minimum and maximum limits of the axis are automatically set.WWWConfigures ticks on an axis.WW.Specifies if ticks are drawn above the object..Specifies if ticks are drawn below the object.<Specifies if tick marks are drawn to the left of the object.WW=Specifies if tick marks are drawn to the right of the object.W<Specifies if tick marks are drawn on the inside of the axis.WW=Specifies if tick marks are drawn on the outside of the axis.W(Specifies the number of major divisions.WW@Specifies the number of minor divisions for each major division.WW4Specifies if divisions are automatically calculated.WW6Specifies the number of units between major divisions.0Specifies the base number for calculating ticks.WW6Specifies the number of units between minor divisions.(Specifies if major grid lines are drawn.WW(Specifies if minor grid lines are drawn.WW(Specifies the color of major grid lines.WW(Specifies the color of minor grid lines.WW#Specifies if major ticks are drawn.WWW#Specifies if minor ticks are drawn.WWW#Specifies the color of major ticks.WWW#Specifies the color of minor ticks.WWWVReturns a CWTicks object, which specifies how divisions and ticks appear on this axis.CSpecifies the format string for formatting the labels on this axis.WWW(Controls placement of labels on an axis.WW,Specifies if labels appear above the object.WW,Specifies if labels appear below the object.WW5Specifies if labels appear to the left of the object.W6Specifies if labels appear to the right of the object."Specifies the color of the labels.%Specifies if radial labels are drawn.W+Specifies the width of a label on the axis.WWWHReturns a CWLabel object, which specifies how labels appear on the axis.WW0Specifies whether the axis is visible or hidden.WW-Specifies the color used to draw the caption.W'Specifies the text to draw on the axis.WWWJSets both the minimum and the maximum values of the axis at the same time.0A collection of CWValuePair objects for an axis.WW&The axis does not draw the value pair.+The axis draws the name of the value pairs.WWW+The axis draws the value of the value pair.WWW<CWValuePairLabels specify how value pairs appear on an axis.WW9Specifies the type of labels to draw for the value pairs.W:The axis draws the value pairs at their value on the axis.:The axis draws the value pairs at their index on the axis.ACWValuePairLocations specify where value pairs appear on an axis.WWSpecifies whether CWValuePairs are placed on the axis by their value or by their index.WWWBSpecifies if major ticks are placed at the location of ValuePairs.:Specifies if grid lines are drawn at value pair locations.$Configures an individual value pair.WW&Specifies the name of this value pair.'Specifies the value of this value pair.WWW1Returns the specified object from the collection.W/Removes the specified item from the collection.WWW(Removes all objects from the collection.WW<Adds an object to the collection and returns the new object.WW7Swaps two CWValuePair elements, altering their indices.WWWqReturns a CWValuePairs collection of CWValuePair objects, which specify labels for particular points on the axis.W'Causes the axis to rescale immediately.WWW>Specifies the X axis for a plot. This is a read-only property.`Specifies whether to fill the area between the plot and the CWPlot.BaseValue or CWPlot.BasePlot.WW[Specifies whether lines connect the data points to the CWPlot.BaseValue or CWPlot.BasePlot.WWWFSpecifies the Y value to use when FillToBase or LineToBase is enabled.NSpecifies a plot to use for Y values when FillToBase or LineToBase is enabled.BDetermines if the CWGraph plot or chart methods can use this plot.[Specifies if the extents of the data in the plot affect the extents of an autoscaling axis.WWW Specifies the Y axis for a plot.WW=Specifies the color of line that connects points in the plot.W)Specifies the color for points on a plot.WDSpecifies the color to use for filling to the BaseValue or BasePlot.WW_Specifies the color of lines connecting data points to the CWPlot.BaseValue or CWPlot.BasePlot.WWWpSpecifies if the plot generates mouse events when CWGraph.TrackMode = cwGTrackAllEvents and the plot is visible.WWdSpecifies whether a plot can be discarded if the next CWGraph plot or chart method does not need it.WW]Default value used by the PlotY and ChartY methods if the optional xInc parameter is omitted.WSDefault value used by the PlotY method if the optional xFirst parameter is omitted.WWWgDefault value used by the PlotXY and ChartXY methods if the optional bXInFirstRow parameter is omitted.WWW]Displays data from an external source in a chart as it would if you called the ChartY method.W^Displays data from an external source in a chart as it would if you called the ChartXY method.fDisplays data from an external source in a plot on a graph as it would if you called the PlotY method.gDisplays data from an external source in a plot on a graph as it would if you called the PlotXY method.WWW0Clears the data currently displayed in the plot.WW&Plots a one-dimensional array of data.5Plots an array of Y data against an array of X data.WCharts a 1D array of data.6Charts an array of Y data against an array of X data.rPlots a two-dimensional array of data as an XY plot. The first row is the X data and the second row is the Y data.)Charts a 2D array of data as an XY chart.W"A collection of CWPointer objects.rRepresents a single value displayed on a knob or slide control. You can add multiple pointers to knobs and slides.#Specifies the value of the pointer.WWWNo fill is drawn.W:Fills the area between this pointer and the minimum value.:Fills the area between this pointer and the maximum value.OFills the area between this pointer and the pointer with the next larger value.WWWPFills the area between this pointer and the pointer with the next smaller value.WWKCWPointerFillStyles are the constants that specify how a pointer is filled.WWW$Specifies how the pointer is filled.WW"Specifies the name of the pointer.(Specifies the fill color of the pointer.WWASpecifies the index of this pointer in the CWPointers collection.WNo pointer image is used.WxOn a CWKnob control, the pointer appears as a thin line. On a CWSlide control, the pointer appears as a slider "thumb."WWThe pointer appears as an arrow facing left or to the bottom, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.WWWThe pointer appears as an arrow facing right or to the top, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.WA custom image represents the pointer. This style is available only on the CWSlide control. You cannot set the pointer's style to this value for other controls.gThe pointer appears as a three-dimensional needle. This style is available only on the CWKnob control.WWWQCWPointerStyles are the constants that specify how a pointer appears graphically.W-Specifies the graphical style of the pointer.W3Specifies whether the pointer is visible or hidden.WWWnThe pointer responds to mouse clicks, clicks on the increment and decrement buttons, and programmatic changes.lThe pointer does not respond to mouse clicks. You can only change the value of the pointer programmatically.WWThe pointer always contains the minimum value that other pointers have had since statistics were reset. The pointer does not respond to user input, and you cannot set its value programmatically.The pointer always contains the maximum value that other pointers have had since statistics were reset. The pointer does not respond to user input, and you cannot set its value programmatically.The pointer always contains the mean of the values that other pointers have had since statistics were reset. The pointer does not respond to user input, and you cannot set its value programmatically.WWWzResponds to mouse clicks anywhere on the control and the increment and decrement buttons, as well as programmatic changes.The pointer responds to mouse clicks directly on the pointer, mouse clicks on the increment and decrement buttons, and programmatic changes.WWUCWPointerModes are the constants that specify how a CWPointer responds to user input.W=Specifies how the pointer behaves and responds to user input.W#Specifies the color of the pointer.WWW?Specifies the index of the value pair selected by this pointer.WWWA collection of CWAxis objects.WWWJProvides access to the statistics kept by the CWKnob and CWSlide controls./Returns the mean of the last 10 pointer values.WWWNReturns the maximum value of any pointer since the statistics were last reset.NReturns the minimum value of any pointer since the statistics were last reset.Resets the minimum, maximum, and mean statistics. After resetting the values, the system recalculates the minimum and maximum using only values collected since the last reset.WWW!A collection of CWCursor objects.W Configures cursors on a CWGraph.WW~Current X-axis position of the cursor. The SnapMode can cause the value to be coerced to a point on one of the current plots.}Current Y-axis position of the cursor. The SnapMode can cause the value to be coerced to a point on one of the current plots.W$Sets cursor independent of any plot.WW*Snaps cursor to nearest point on any plot.*Snaps cursor to points on a specific plot.6The cursor is independent of any plot or axes setting.eFor a fixed X location the curosr's y value is the y value of the nearest point on the specifed plot.WGCWCursorSnapModes are the constants for the CWCursor.SnapMode property.WWWJSpecifies the coordinates available for cursors to line up with on a plot.6Specifies the color of the cursor crosshair and point.There is no crosshair.)The crosshair is a short horizontal line.W9If the point style is cwPointNone, a solid line is drawn.W'The crosshair is a short vertical line.WWWCThe crosshair is a short horizontal line and a short vertical line.WWWCThe crosshair has a long horizontal line and a short vertical line.WWWBThe crosshair is a short horizontal line and a long vertical line.BThe crosshair has a long horizontal line and a long vertical line.KCWCrosshairStyles are the constants for the CWPlot.CrosshairStyle property.WWW>Specifies the type of lines that identify the cursor position.;Specifies the point associated with the cursor on the plot.WWWgSpecifies if the CWCursor generates mouse events or if you can drag the cursor in cursor tracking mode.WWW!Specifies the cursor point style.W.Specifies the plot associated with the cursor.2Specifies whether the cursor is visible or hidden.!Specifies the name of the cursor.W@Sets the X- and Y-axis positions of the cursor at the same time.WWHThe CWImage object determines how images are displayed within a control.WW Specifies the path to the image.WW/Specifies the image used in the CWImage object.WWWSSpecifies whether the CWImage object saves the image itself or a link to the image.WWWoSpecifies whether the image is displayed normal size or stretched to fit the size available within the control.WWW Specifies if the image is tiled.WW/Specifies if the image has a transparent color.WWWESpecifies the color in the image that should be drawn as transparent.W.Specifies whether the image is visible or not.OffWWW150 ms300 ms600 ms900 ms1200 msWWW1500 msWWW1800 msWWWYCWSpeeds are the constants for the Style parameter of the CWSlide.SetBuiltinStyle method.W*Specifies how often this image will blink.,Specifies how often this image will animate.WW%Specifies the direction of animation.WJSpecifies the number of rows in a bitmap that is being used for animation.MSpecifies the number of columns in a bitmap that is being used for animation.WColor of the image, or, if you are doing dynamic color substitution in Windows metafiles, the color in the image that you want to replace.cSpecifies that you want to perform dynamic color substitution in the metafile image if set to True.WWWFlips an image horizontally.WWFlips an image vertically.PPercentage for matching color hues on the image to the SubstituteColor property.WWXColor that will replace the color specified by the Color property in the metafile image.WW#Loads the image from the given URL.WWWThe CWPictureDisp object manipulates images within controls. This object is very similar to the Picture object within Visual Basic and other containers.WAReturns the CWImage object that allows advanced image operations.WBReturns a handle to the graphic contained within a Picture object.1Specifies a handle to the palette of the picture.W(Returns the graphic format of a picture.WW5Specifies the width of the picture in HiMetric units.W6Specifies the height of the picture in HiMetric units.*Binds a control property to a data source.CName of the property that you are binding to an external data item.WWWRLocation expressed as a URL of the data source or target to which you are binding.TRead once when connected. You can trigger another read by calling the Update method.WW[Read when connected and automatically read again if the data at the data source is updated.WWWdWrite the current data once connected. You can trigger the write again by calling the Update method.WWpWrite the current data once connected. The data is rewritten automatically if the any attribute or value is set.WWNCWDSAccessModes are the constants for the AccessMode property on CWDataSocket.DRead or write connection to make when connecting to the data source.WW5Identifies the actual URL of the current data source.W>DataSocket is not connected to any data source or data target.ODataSocket is in the process of transferring the data or waiting for an update.WWW+DataSocket has completed the data transfer.WWWHDataSocket encountered an error connecting to the data source or target.WWHDataSocket is in the process of connecting to the data source or target.WWNThe CWDSStatus object holds constants for the Status property on CWDataSocket.&Current status of the data connection._Indicates whether value or attributes on the CWBinding have been set since they were last read.WWW8Last error code used in an CWBindingStatusUpdated event.WWEIndicates whether the status has changed or if an error has occurred.WaSpecifies whether the binding automatically connects to the source as soon as the program is run.W4Last message used in a CWBindingStatusUpdated event.WWKAutomatically calls Update at a regular interval specified in milliseconds.WWWcIndicates whether the binding generates the CWBindingDataUpdated event when the bound data changes.WWWName of the CWBinding.Object whose property will bind to a data source or target. This object might be either a control or one of the objects on that control.WW2Connects the CWBinding to a data source or target.JCauses the CWBinding to read from a data source or write to a data target.PDisconnects the CWBinding from the data item to which it is currently connected.WWdEnables interactive browsing and selection of data items on DataSocket and OPC servers and of files.WW"A collection of CWBinding objects.YThe CWData object holds a value and attributes associated with the DataSocket connection.W&Specifes the value of a CWData object.&Gets a CWData object for an attriubuteSets the value of an attribute.WWW$Returns True if an attribute exists.WW+Deletes an existing attribute if it exists.WWW;Copies the value and attributes from another CWData object.WWWClears value and all attibutes.WWW9Returns the names of the attributes on the CWData object.W&Keystrokes are ignored by the control.(Keystrokes are processed by the control.WW@Constants that specify how a control responds to keyboard input.WWVertical 1 slideWWHorizontal 1 slideVertical pointer slideHorizontal pointer slideWWVertical 2 slideWWHorizontal 2 slideVertical bar slideHorizontal bar slideWW Tank slideThermometer slideW^CWSlideStyles are the constants for the Style parameter of the CWSlide.SetBuiltinStyle method.KnobWWDialWWHorizontal top gaugeWWVertical right gaugeWWHorizontal bottom gaugeWWWVertical left gaugeWWW\CWKnobStyles are the constants for the Style parameter of the CWKnob.SetBuiltinStyle method.WWVertical toggleWWWHorizontal toggleW Square LEDSquare star LEDWWW Round LEDWRound star LEDRound push buttonWSquare push button3-D vertical slide3-D horizontal slideWWVertical slideHorizontal slideWW On/off toggleWCommand buttonCustom bitmap buttonWW`CWButtonStyles are the constants for the Style parameter of the CWButton.SetBuiltinStyle method.WW;Does not indicate graphically if the control has the focus.WWW3Indicates graphically if the control has the focus.WWWxCWShowFocusModes are the constants for the ShowFocusMode property of the CWPump, CWValve, CWMotor and CWVessel controls.WWnWhen you click the mouse on the CWButton, the value changes and remains until you click on the CWButton again.When you click the mouse on the CWButton, the value of the CWButton changes. When you release the mouse, the value of the CWButton changes back to its original state.WWWzThe CWButton does not respond to user input. In this mode, you can only change the value of the CWButton programmatically.SCWButtonModes are the constants that specify how a CWButton responds to user input.WWW-The CWNumEdit control responds to user input.WThe CWNumEdit control does not respond to user input In this mode, you can only change the value of the CWNumEdit control programmatically.WWPCWNumEditModes are the constants for the Mode property of the CWNumEdit control.WW&Configures a CWGraph as a strip chart.&Configures a CWGraph as a scope chart.DCWChartStyles are the constants for the CWGraph.ChartStyle property.WW*Fires mouse events for only the plot area.9Fires mouse events for plots, cursors, and the plot area.W!Positions cursors with the mouse.WNSets the extents of the X and Y axes by dragging the plot area with the mouse.HSets the extents of the X axis by dragging the plot area with the mouse.WWHSets the extents of the Y axis by dragging the plot area with the mouse.WWJSets the extents of the X and Y axes by selecting a region with the mouse.DSets the extents of the X axis by selecting a region with the mouse.WWDSets the extents of the Y axis by selecting a region with the mouse.WWGCWGraphTrackModes are the constants for the CWGraph.TrackMode property.WWW(Sets cursor near the intersection point.WW'Sets cursor near the X (vertical) line.WWW)Sets cursor near the Y (horizontal) line.W:CWCursorParts are the constants for CWGraph cursor events. Fixed singleWWBorder Styles.Flat (two dimensional)Three-dimensionalW Appearances.WWLeftWWRightWTopWWWBottomKCWPositions are the numeric edit box increment/dececrement button positionsWWW Left align Right alignWWWCenter$CWAlignments handles text Alignment.WWButton control.WWW0Specifies if the control responds to user input.WWISpecifies the font for the caption and the two text fields in the button.W-Specifies the background color of the button.W0Specifies how the button responds to user input.WW.Specifies the text that appears in the button.*Specifies the current value of the button.2Specifies the text for the button in the On state.3Specifies the text for the button in the Off state.WWW2Specifies the color of the button in the On state.3Specifies the color of the button in the Off state.WWW?Specifies the color of the text for the button in the On state.WWW@Specifies the color of the text for the button in the Off state.WW2Specifies the color of the caption for the button.5Specifies the picture for the button in the On state.W6Specifies the picture for the button in the Off state.Specifies whether the control draws new data as soon as it is available or if the form refreshes the control when it draws other controls.5Specifies how the control indicates it has the focus.W<Specifies the image to use for the background of the button.WW&Specifies if the control has a window.Returns the ready state.WW?Specifies how the control handles keyboard input from the user.WWWISets many properties of the control to represent the new style specified.W'Displays the About Box for the control.WWW$Imports a previously exported style.WW:Exports the style of the ComponentWorks control to a file.OProvides access to the CWImage objects in the CWButton control in the On state.WWWPProvides access to the CWImage objects in the CWButton control in the Off state.WW'Returns an image of the entire control.WWWRedraws the CWButton control.W*Returns a collection of CWBinding objects. Event interface for Bool ControlWW+Fires when the value of the button changes.WWW.Fires when you click the mouse on the control.5Fires when you double-click the mouse on the control.W;Fires when you press a key while the control has the focus.WWWCFires when you release a key while the control has the input focus.WWWGFires when a KeyDown message generates a key while a control is active.WWW,Fires when the mouse moves over the control.WW3Fires when you press a mouse button on the control.WWW ReadyState+Generated when the binding data is updated.WWW<Generated when the status of the binding connection changes.WWSlide control.5Specifies the CWPointer object of the active pointer.W/Specifies the text that appears in the control.WWW3Specifies the font for the caption and axis labels.WWWColor of the caption.W/Returns the Statistics object for this control.WWW Background color of the control.WWValuePairs OnlyWWW*Specifies the value of the active pointer.2Foreground color in the CWSlide or CWKnob control.:Specifies how the control indicates that it has the focus.3Image to be used for the background of the control.WWWSpecifies the amount that the control is changed when the user clicks the increment or decrement buttons, or uses the keyboard to increment or decrement the control.WRSpecifies the color used to paint the interior of several types of CWSlide styles.+Returns the CWAxis object for this control.WWW(Returns a collection of Pointer objects.WWHProvides access to the CWImage objects in the CWKnob or CWSlide control.WW"Event interface for Slider ControlSGenerated as the value of a pointer changes from the user interface or the program.WWW;Generated when the value of a pointer has stopped changing.WWW Knob control.WASpecifies the start angle (in degrees) for the CWKnob's axis arc.W?Specifies the end angle (in degrees) for the CWKnob's axis arc.WWW Event interface for Knob ControlWWCWGraph Control.WW1Specifies whether the graph generates any events.W0Specifies the background color of the plot area.WW=Specifies the image used for the background of the plot area.W2Determines how the mouse interacts with the graph.*Specifies the font for labels on all axes.6Returns the CWPlot to use as a template for new plots.PSpecifies how chart methods update the display as new data is added to the plot.WWRSpecifies how many points the graph stores when charting before deleting old data.:Specifies the image for the background of the graph frame.(Specifies the color for the graph frame.WWSpecifies if the graph draws new data as soon as it is available, or if the form refreshes the graph when it draws other controls.1Specifies the caption to be drawn on the CWGraph.W6Specifies the color for the graph caption's background#Specifies the color of the caption.WWWkDefault value used by the Plot/Chart methods if the optional bPlotPerRow/bChartPerRow parameter is omitted.WWW"Specifies a collection of CWPlots.)Specifies a collection of CWAxis objects.WhPlots a 1D or 2D array of Y data against a 1D array of X data. Each row of Y values generates one plot. WW)Plots Y data evenly spaced on the X axis.WdPlots a 2D array of data. The first row is X values, and subsequent rows are Y values for each plot.WW+Specifies a collection of CWCursor objects.WWWFCharts Y data on one or more plots relative to the index of the data. 'Charts a two-dimensional array of data.WWW?Charts a 1D or 2D array of Y data against a 1D array of X data.WWWClears data in all plots.W>Provides access to the CWImage objects in the CWGraph control.Redraws the CWGraph control.WW!Event interface for Graph ControlW6Generated when you reposition a cursor with the mouse.,Fires when you move the mouse over a cursor.WW/Fires when you release the mouse over a cursor.WWW/Generated when you click the mouse on a cursor.WWW)Fires when you click the mouse on a plot.W*Fires when you move the mouse over a plot.-Fires when you release the mouse over a plot.W=Fires when you click the mouse on the plot area of the graph.W>Fires when you move the mouse over the plot area of the graph.AFires when you release the mouse over the plot area of the graph.W(Dispatch interface for CWNumEdit ControlWW.Specifies the font the CWNumEdit control uses.;Specifies if the user is able to interact with the control.WWW8Specifies the current value of the numeric edit control.WW)Specifies how the CWNumEdit will operate.W=Specifies if the increment and decrement buttons are visible.WoSpecifies the amount the value increments or decrements when the user clicks the increment or decrement button.WWWHSpecifies the minimum value of the CWNumEdit control for range checking.WWHSpecifies the maximum value of the CWNumEdit control for range checking.WWSpecifies the number of seconds the increment or decrement button must be held down until the value is changed by the AccelInc value instead of the IncValue.WzSpecifies the amount the value increments or decrements by how long the user holds down the increment or decrement button.PSpecifies the background color of the edit box portion of the CWNumEdit control.WW9Specifies the color of the text in the CWNumEdit control.WWSpecifies the location of the increment and decrement buttons of the CWNumEdit control.WWW?Specifies how the text within the CWNumEdit control is aligned.WWWESpecifies how the edit box portion of the CWNumEdit control is drawn.WJSpecifies the border around the edit box portion of the CWNumEdit control.DSpecifies if the CWNumEdit control enforces the minimum and maximum.WWHSpecifies the string that formats the value in the numeric edit control.WW5Specifies the text that is displayed in the edit box.WJSpecifies whether the CWNumEdit control is in discrete or continuous mode.0Interval to use in a discrete CWNumEdit control.WW5Initial value to use in a discrete CWNumEdit control.W(Sets the Minimum and Maximum properties.WW%Event interface for CWNumEdit ControlWeGenerated when the value of the CWNumEdit control has changed from the user interface or the program.W]Generated when the user clicks the increment or decrement button on the numeric edit control.W}Generated when the value of the CWNumEdit control is about to change (the value of the control has been entered but not set).WIGenerated when the user enters an illegal value in the CWNumEdit control.W?CWNumEdit is the top-level object for the Numeric Edit control.WWW, X( HXhdxx4l%1=(    T 0I@ ` XH    @Ua @ L  @  t@@h@d8WWWW0,L N  4 ,D N8  4 Ql < |O$oOP  0,Dpl 4 8PDd jO 8  8T lO  8 8 T PX 8 8T Pt 8 8T kO L  8T P  L  $Od$O $O $aO $N$ p,bO $cO $dOX $eO $fO $gOP $Np,iO$O$OX$P$P $P0 $hO@$$9 $:l $; $0 $ $! $X  ` x  0 8<Td| 8 ( @ X p   8 L d D|$@\x <Xt4P4L'4L'4L'4L'4L'4L'4L'4L' @@@@@@@@p8Tp4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'0 4 K'L 4 K'\ 4 K'l 4 K' 4 K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'4K'@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@l(Hl0Hd|8Tp4Pl0Lh48T ~l   `<~ 4 ~ $~\ $~ $~ $~ $~  $~ $~ $~ $~ ,~x  $~ 0,~  $~ $~ @$$~@  (\ t  T8Xl|8Xx <Xt0 $RN| $SN $PN $QN $NN\ $ON $7N $8N $4NL $5N $P $6N $P(  $PT $P $P  $P  $P $"N( $NP  dx,Lh <8Tp4Pl $/ND  $1Nt  $-N  $.N $3N  $P8 $P` dx8Tpt,PL N  4 ,D N8  4 Ql P< |O8T N@$?N $=N $NL  $ 0D X ,Dp <XT46' 46'46'D@@@x8847'47',@@ $ P$N $N @$T 8,L N  4 ,D N8  4 Ql < |O$oOP  0,Dp0 $uN$tN$rN${N$qN$vN! $N!$pN& @$ $O& $O' TX ( |0 @8Tp44' 44' 44'\44'44'@@@@@ 8Tp4:'L4:'h4:'4:'4:'H 4:' @@@@@@Xt8Tp45'"45'"45'"45'#45'|$45'H%45'%@@@@@@@<\8Tp,pL N  4 ,D N8  4 Ql p< |O$oOP  0,Dpt 4 N( $N' $N' $NL( <X,L N  4 ,D N8  4 Ql < |O$oOP  0,Dpl8T N40   $N) $N*$N,$NP,$N.$N. $O/$N/ ,P/ $O/ $N0  d < <T|T8Tp4P4J'*4J'*4J'*4J'+4J'P+@@@@@(Dd8Tp4M',4M',4M',4M'-4M'4-4M'|-4M',4M'-4M'.@@@@@@@@@0Pp8Tp4 4 4Q`6$,Q0,-Q0 $.Q1 $/Qt1 $0Q1 $1Q 2$2Q@2 $vW2 $tW`3 $"Y3 $#Y3 $$Y3 $%Y04$yj4 $P 5 $Qt5 $R5$S5$T6 |$@\t <Xt8Tp4^(24^(24,^(24X^(24^(24^(24^(24^(2@@@@@@@@4Lh8Tp,R$7$&Yh7$'Y7$(Y7$)Y 8$*YD8|4HXh8Tp,D $? 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Scaled data will be returned.Newer version of NI-DAQ required.The type timer on the device cannot perform the requested operation.DAQ operation cannot be started because it is not configured or is currently active.Cannot reconfigure when PulseType has changed.You have called a function or method requiring a ComponentWorks product for which you do not have a license. For example, you might be using a function that is not supported in the Base package. To upgrade your product, contact National Instruments.Out of memory.An overflow error has occurred.The result of a calculation is an imaginary number.A divide by zero error has occurred.You have passed an invalid type into a parameter of a VARIANT type.You have passed an invalid value for one of the parameters to the function, method, or property.Too many controls are configured for this DAQ device. Reset one of the other controls configured for this device before configuring any more controls for this device.An unexpected error has occurred.Engineering math error.Algorithm failure. Call National Instruments technical support.The order must be positive.The shifts must meet the following condition: |shifts| < samples.Parameter must meet the following condition: Top>BaseWindow length must be > 2 and a power of 2.The size of the input array and its Hilbert transform must be equal.Time increment must not be greater than (window length)/4.Window length must be > 4 and a power of 2.Time increment must not be greater than dM.dN must be greater than zero.Time increment must be greater than the (window length)/16.The IIRFiltering coefficients are not correct.The elements in the vector cannot be all zero.The internal memory state of this function was not initialized correctly.The coefficients of the polynomial are invalid.The maximum number of iterations was exceeded.The selection is invalid.Divide by zero errorNegative number errorInvalid number of dimensions or dependent variablesThe parameter to the beta function should be 0 < p < 1The contingency table has a negative number.The number of categories or samples must be greater than one.The probability must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one.The probability must be between zero and one.The degrees of freedom must be one or more.All values in the first column of X matrix must be one.The interpolating function has a pole at the requested value.The x-values must be distinct.The Random Effect model was requested when the Fixed Effect model is required.The data is unbalanced. All cells must contain the same number of observations.There is an overflow in the calculated F-value for the ANOVA Fit function.The total number of data points must be equal to the product of levels/each factor * observations/cell.Zero observations were made at some level of a factor.The level of factors is outside the allowable range of some data.The number of levels is out of range .The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular.The input matrix must be a square matrix.The number of columns in the first matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the second matrix or vector.The number of intervals must be > 0.The number of data points in the array must be greater than the order.The elements in the array must be nonzero and either all positive or all negative.The standard deviation must be greater than zero for normalization.The number of coefficients must be even for this filter.The number of coefficients must be odd for this filter.The rank of the filter must meet the following condition: 1 <= (2*rank + 1) <= sizeThe filter cannot be designed with the specified input values.The leakage coefficient, leak, and step-size parameter, u, must meet the following condition: 0 <= leak <= uThe step-size, u, must meet the following condition: 0 <= u <= 0.1The attenuation value must be greater than the ripple amplitude.The final value must be > 0.The width must be > 0.The attenuation must be > 0.The ripple amplitude must be > 0.The following conditions must be met: 0 < f_low <= f_high <= fs/2.The decimating factor must meet the following condition: 0 < decimating factor <= samplesThe order must be > 0.The cut-off frequency, fc, must meet the following condition: 0 <= fc <= fs/2The upper value must be >= the lower value.The following condition must be met: 0 <= (index + length) < samples.The following condition must be met: 0 <= index < samples.dt must be > 0.dt must be >= 0.The following conditions must be met: 0 <= (delay + width) < samples.The width must meet the following condition: 0 < width < samplesThe number of cycles must be > 0 and <= the number of samples.The duty cycle must be equal to or fall between 0 and 100: 0 <= duty cycle <= 100.The maximum allowable transform size has been exceeded.The size of the input array must be a power of two: size = 2^m, 0<m<23.The input arrays do not contain the correct number of data values for this function.The number of samples must be >= 3.The number of samples must be >= 2.The number of samples must be >= 0.The number of samples must be >0.The input sequences must be the same size.There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine.The interrupt service routine on the remote SCXI unit is taking longer than necessary. You do not need to reset your remote SCXI unit. Clear and restart your data acquisition.An invalid reset signature was sent from the host to the remote SCXI unit.Reprogramming the remote SCXI unit was unsuccessful. Please try again.No response was received from the remote SCXI unit within the specified time limit.One or more data points might have been lost during buffered GPCTR operations due to speed limitations of your system.The input signal exceeded the input range of the ADC.Could not rearrange data after a pretrigger acquisition completed.New data could not be transferred to the waveform buffer of the remote SCXI unit to keep up with the waveform update rate. Try using a slower waveform update rate if possible.The data collected on the remote SCXI unit was overwritten before it could be transferred to the buffer in the host. Try using a slower data acquisition rate if possible.You cannot do another transfer after a successful partial transfer.A change to the update rate is not possible at this time because 1) when waveform generation is in progress, you cannot change the interval timebase or 2) when you make several changes in a row, you must give each change enough time to take effect before requesting further changes.The system has reconfigured the device and has invalidated the existing configuration. The device requires reinitialization to be used again.An unexpected error occurred inside the kernel of the device while performing this operation.An unexpected error occurred from the operating system while performing the given operation.NI-DAQ does not support the current operation on this particular version of the operating system.An error occurred accessing a file.Unable to write to a file.Unable to read from a file.Unable to seek within a file.Unable to close a file.The configuration file or DSP kernel file could not be opened.The driver could not obtain a valid reading from the transfer-count register in the DMA controller.New buffer information was not available at the time of the DMA chaining interrupt; DMA transfers will terminate at the end of the currently active transfer buffer.The driver wrote new data into the input transfer buffer before the previously acquired data was read.Because of system limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput; the onboard device memory reported an overflow error.New data was not written to the output transfer buffer before the driver attempted to transfer the data to the device.Because of system limitations, the driver could not write data to the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput. This error may be returned erroneously when an overRunErr has occurred.The hardware is not responding to the specified operation, or the response from the hardware is not consistent with the functionality of the hardware.The firmware does not support the specified operation, or the firmware operation could not complete due to a data-integrity problem.The contents or the location of the driver file was changed between accesses to the driver.An unexpected error occurred inside the driver when performing this given operation.Attempted to start a pulse width measurement with the pulse in the phase to be measured (e.g., high phase for high-level gating).An error occurred in the parallel port communication with the DAQ device.The trigger occurred before sufficient pretrigger data was acquired.No trigger value was found in the input transfer buffer.The clock rate is faster than the hardware can support. An attempt to input or output a new data point was made before the hardware could finish processing the previous data point. This condition might also occur when glitches are present on an external clock signal.The transfer stopped prior to reaching the end of the transfer buffer.The on-going transfer has been stopped to prevent regeneration for output operations or to reallocate resources for input operations.The requested amount of data has not yet been acquired.An error occurred during the calibration process. Possible reasons for this error include incorrect connection of the stimulus signal, incorrect value of the stimulus signal, or malfunction of your DAQ device.The operation could not complete within the time limit.Calibration constants in the load area have a different polarity from the current configuration. Therefore, you should load constants from factory.The specified operation cannot be performed with the SC-2040 configured in hold mode.The polarity of the output channel cannot be bipolar when outputting currents.When you have an SC2040 attached to your device, all analog input channels must be configured for differential input mode.A signal has already been assigned to the SCXI track-and-hold trigger line, or a control call was inappropriate because the specified module is not configured for one-channel operation.The specified counter is not configured for event-counting operation.The specified port has not been configured for handshaking.Pretriggering and posttriggering cannot be used simultaneously on the Lab and 1200 series devices.The call had no effect because the specified channel had not been set for later internal update.You cannot use this combination of scan and convert clock signal sources for this operation and board.You cannot use this combination of scan and sample clock source polarities for this operation and board.You cannot use this combination of scan and sample clock timebases for this board.Unable to convert your timebase/interval pair to match the actual hardware capabilities of this board.Multi-rate scanning cannot be used with the AMUX-64, SCXI, or pretriggered acquisitions.You have set up an operation that requires the use of interrupts. DMA is not allowed. For example, some DAQ events, such as messaging and LabVIEW occurrences, require interrupts.The scan rate is above the maximum or below the minimum for the hardware, gains, and filters used.You cannot use an external scan clock when doing a single scan of a single channel.The acquisition cannot be started because the channel clock is disabled.This board does not allow an external sample clock with an external scan clock, start trigger, or stop trigger.This board does not allow digital triggers A and B to be enabled at the same time.Digital trigger B is illegal for the number of total scans and pretrigger scans specified.The number of total scans and pretrigger scans implies that a triggered start is intended, but triggering is not enabled.A configuration change has invalidated the acquisition buffer, or an acquisition buffer has not been configured.A configuration change has invalidated the scan list.The clock rate exceeds the board's recommended maximum rate.All channels of this board must have the same input mode.All channels of this board must have the same coupling.All channels of this board must be the same polarity.All channels of this board must have the same range.All channels of this board must have the same gain.Autozero cannot be enabled for the configured measurement mode.The input range is invalid for the configured measurement mode.The clock cannot be assigned to the specified destination.Attempted to configure a buffer after the buffer had already been configured. You can configure a buffer only once.You cannot start a continuous (double-buffered) operation with a synchronous function call.Either the SCXI operating mode specified in a configuration call is invalid, or a module is in the wrong operating mode to execute the function call.No continuous (double buffered) transfer is in progress for the specified resource.The specified analog output regeneration mode is not allowed for this board.Certain inputs were ignored because they were not relevant in the current operating mode.Continuous input or output transfers are not allowed in the current operating mode, or continuous operation is not allowed for this type of device.The parameters specified to read data were invalid in the context of the acquisition. For example, an attempt was made to read 0 bytes from the transfer buffer, or an attempt was made to read past the end of the transfer buffer.The specified operating mode is invalid, or the resources have not been configured for the specified operating mode.A signal has already been assigned to the trigger resource.No signal has been assigned to the trigger resource.The trigger configuration for the trigger slave is invalid.The trigger configuration for the trigger master is invalid.The delayed trigger mode is not supported or is not available in the current configuration, or no delay source has been assigned.No posttrigger source has been assigned.The pretrigger mode is not supported or is not available in the current configuration, or no pretrigger source has been assigned.The specified trigger signal cannot be assigned to the trigger resource.No trigger signal has been assigned to the trigger resource.A source signal has already been assigned to the clock resource.The specified source signal cannot be assigned to the clock resource.No source signal has been assigned to the clock resource.The clock configuration for the clock slave is invalid.The clock configuration for the clock master is invalid.The specified group does not support the specified transfer direction.The specified channel does not support the specified transfer direction.The specified line does not support the specified transfer direction.Some of the lines in the specified channel are not configured for the transfer direction specified. For a write transfer, some lines are configured for input. For a read transfer, some lines are configured for output.A single output channel in a group might not be paused if the output data for the group is interleaved.A transfer is already in progress for the specified resource, or the operation is not allowed because the device is in the process of performing transfers, possibly with different resources.No transfer is in progress for the specified resource.The specified resource is already armed.The specified resource is not armed.No data was written to the transfer buffer because the final data block has already been loaded.Once data generation has started, only the transfer buffers originally written to may be updated. If DMA is active and a single transfer buffer contains interleaved channel-data, new data must be provided for all output channels currently using the DMA channel.The output data associated with a group must be for a single channel or must be for consecutive channels.No output data has been written into the transfer buffer.The specified resources have already been configured by a setup operation.No setup operation has been performed for the specified resources. Or, some resources require a specific ordering of calls for proper setup.Either DAQ or WFM can use a PC memory buffer, but not both at the same time.The DSP handle input is not valid .The type of matrix terminal block configured will not allow proper operation of this function with the given parameters.This function requires that some matrix terminal block is configured with the SCXI module.This function requires that no matrix terminal block is configured with the SCXI module.CTRB1 will drive COUTB1; however, CTRB1 also will drive TRIG1. This can cause unpredictable results when scanning the chassis.At least one of the specified SCXI modules is not supported for the operation.You must provide a single buffer of interleaved data, and the channels must be in ascending order. You cannot use DMA to transfer data from two buffers; however, you might be able to use interrupts.The scan list is too large to fit into the mux-gain memory of the board.The specified resource has not been reserved, so the action is not allowed.The specified resource is unavailable because it has already been reserved by another entity.You have mixed VIs from the DAQ library and the _DAQ compatibility library (LabVIEW 2.2 style VIs). You may switch between the two libraries only by running the DAQ VI Device Reset before calling _DAQ compatibility VIs or by running the compatibility VI Board Reset before calling DAQ VIs.The NI-DAQ DLL could not be called due to an interface error. Install the NI-DAQ driver.The storage disk you specified is full.DMA cannot be configured for the specified group because it is too small, too large, or misaligned. Consult the device user manual to determine group ramifications with respect to DMA.The specified DMA channel is already in use by another device.No DMA channel is available for use.No DMA controller is available in the system.The specified interrupt level is already in use by another device.No interrupt level is available for use.The driver is unable to make the transfer buffer contiguous in virtual memory and therefore cannot lock it into physical memory; thus, the buffer cannot be used for DMA transfers.A hardware error occurred in physical memory, or no memory is located at the specified address.A cache-related error occurred, or caching is not supported in the current mode.The driver is unable to continue parsing a string input due to stack limitations.The operating environment is unable to grant a page lock.The transfer buffer contains a page break; system resources might require reprogramming when the page break is encountered.The transfer buffer cannot be locked into physical memory. On PC AT machines, portions of the DMA data acquisition buffer may be in an invalid DMA region, for example, above 16 megabytes.No more system memory is available on the heap, or no more memory is available on the device, or insufficient disk space is available.The transfer buffer is not aligned properly for the current data-transfer mode. For example, the buffer is at an odd address, is not aligned to a 32-bit boundary, is not aligned to a 512-bit boundary, and so on. Alternatively, the driver is unable to align the buffer because the buffer is too small.The specified memory is disabled or is unavailable given the current addressing mode.No memory is configured to support the current data-transfer mode, or the configured memory does not support the current data-transfer mode. (If block transfers are in use, the memory must be capable of performing block transfers.)The specified resource is owned by the driver and cannot be accessed or modified by the user.This function does not support your DAQ device when an external multiplexer (such as an AMUX-64T or SCXI) is connected to it.The selected signal requires a pin that is reserved and configured only by NI-DAQ. You cannot configure this pin yourself.A group is already assigned, or the specified line or channel is already assigned to a group.No group is assigned, or the specified line or channel cannot be assigned to a group.The specified counter is in use.A related line, channel, or group is in use; if the driver configures the specified line, channel, or group, the configuration, data, or handshaking lines for the related line, channel, or group will be disturbed.The specified group is in use.The specified channel is in use.The specified line is in use.No group is available.No channel is available.No line is available.The specified device does not support the requested action (the driver recognizes the device, but the action is inappropriate for the device).No device is located in the specified slot or at the specified address.The specified device is not a National Instruments product, the driver does not support the device (for example, the driver was released before the device was supported), or the device has not been configured using the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility or Measurement & Automation Explorer.The specified resource is owned by the user and cannot be accessed or modified by the driver.The specified signal destination is invalid.The specified source specification is invalid for the signal source or signal name.The specified signal name is invalid.The specified signal source is invalid for the selected signal name.The scan list is invalid; for example, you are mixing AMUX-64T channels and onboard channels, scanning SCXI channels out of order, or have specified a different starting channel for the same SCXI module. Also, the driver attempts to achieve complicated gain distributions over SCXI channels on the same module by manipulating the scan list and returns this error if it fails.The DSP driver was unable to load the kernel for its operating system.Neither an SCXI entry module (i.e., the SCXI module cabled to the measurement device that performs the acquisition/control operation) has been specified by the user, nor can NI-DAQ uniquely determine the entry module for the current SCXI configuration.The module ID read from the SCXI module conflicts with the configured module type.The remote SCXI unit is in reprogramming mode and is waiting for reprogramming commands from the host (NI-DAQ Configuration Utility).There was an error in sending a packet to the remote chassis. Check your serial port cable connections.The packet received by the remote SCXI unit is invalid. Check your serial port cable connections.The required amount of memory cannot be allocated on the remote SCXI unit for the specified operation.The remote SCXI unit is not synchronized with the host. Reset the chassis again to resynchronize it with the host.The specified SCXI configuration parameters are invalid, or the function cannot be executed with the current SCXI configuration.The specified RTSI signal is already being driven by a RTSI line, or the specified RTSI line is already being driven by a RTSI signal.The RTSI or PFI signal/line cannot be connected as specified.No RTSI or PFI signal/line is connected, or the specified signal and the specified line are not connected, or your connection to an RDA server either cannot be made or has been terminated.The user mode code failed when calling the kernel mode code.Bad DMA channel 3 specified in the configuration utility or by the operating system.Bad DMA channel 2 specified in the configuration utility or by the operating system.Bad DMA channel 1 specified in the configuration utility or by the operating system.Bad base address specified in the configuration utility.There was an error in opening the specified COM port.There was an error in initializing the driver for remote SCXI.Cannot configure the DAQCard because 1) the correct version of the card and socket services software is not installed; 2) the card in the PCMCIA socket is not a DAQCard; or 3) the base address and/or interrupt level requested are not available according to the card and socket services resource manager. Try different settings or use AutoAssign in the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility.Unable to find one or more jumperless boards you have configured using the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility.The DMA channels for two or more devices are the same.The DMA configuration is incorrect given the capabilities of the computer/DMA controller or device.The interrupt levels for two or more devices are the same.The interrupt configuration is incorrect given the capabilities of the computer or device.The base addresses for two or more devices are the same; consequently, the driver is unable to access the specified device.The CMOS configuration-memory for the device is empty or invalid, or the configuration specified does not agree with the current configuration of the device, or the EISA system configuration is invalid.The driver is unable to communicate with the specified external device.The driver encountered an operating-system error while attempting to perform an operation, or the operating system does not support an operation performed by the driver.The driver encountered a hardware-initialization error while attempting to configure the specified device.The driver could not locate or open the configuration file, or the format of the configuration file is not compatible with the currently installed driver.The specified function is not located in the driver.One of the driver files or the configuration utility is out of date, or a particular feature of the Channel Wizard is not supported in this version of the driver.The driver interface could not locate or open the driver.The password for accessing the EEPROM is incorrect.The specified EEPROM location is invalid.You cannot write into this location or area of your EEPROM because it is write-protected. You may be trying to store calibration constants into a write-protected area; if this is the case, you should select user area of the EEPROM instead.Unable to write data to EEPROM.Unable to read data from EEPROM.The specified measurement mode is invalid.The specified notch filter is invalid.The specified autoincrement mode is invalid.The specified frequency output (FOUT or FREQ_OUT) port is invalid.The specified pulse width is invalid.The specified pulse delay is invalid.The specified pulse period is invalid.The specified duty cycle is invalid.The specified pulse mode is invalid.The specified output polarity is invalid.The specified output type is invalid.The specified source edge is invalid.The specified gate signal is invalid.The specified gate source is invalid.The specified gate mode is invalid.The specified gating option is invalid.The specified counter does not support the specified count direction.Invalid source selected.Invalid action used.Invalid entityID used.Invalid paramID used.Invalid paramValue used.Invalid counterNumber used.Invalid application used.The requested digital port width is not a multiple of the hardware port width or is not attainable by the DAQ hardware.The specified calibration constant area is invalid. For instance, the specified calibration constant area contains constants which cannot be modified outside the factory.The specified calibration operation is invalid.The specified calibration constant is invalid.The calibration stimulus passed to the function is invalid.The calDAC constant passed to the function is invalid.FIFO mode waveform generation cannot be used because at least one condition is not satisfied.Some devices require a time gap between the last sample in a scan and the start of the next scan. The scan interval you have specified does not provide a large enough gap for the board. See your documentation for an explanation.You have attempted to use an invalid setting for the iterations parameter. The iterations value must be 0 or greater. Your device might be limited to only two values, 0 and 1.The individual range, polarity, and gain settings are valid but the combination is not allowed.The total count is inconsistent with the buffer size and pretrigger scan count or with the board type.The trigger level is invalid.The trigger type is invalid.The external reference is invalid.The trigger range or trigger hysteresis window is invalid.The trigger count is invalid.The trigger mode is invalid.The posttrigger sample count is invalid.The pretrigger sample count is invalid.The gain or gain adjust is invalid.The trigger skip count is invalid.The specified input mode is invalid.The specified polarity is invalid.The specified divisor is invalid.The specified control code is inappropriate for the current configuration or state.The specified task ID is invalid.The group size is invalid.The specified input string is too long. For instance, DAQScope 5102 devices can only store a string up to 32 bytes in length on the calibration EEPROM. In that case, please shorten the string.The specified day is invalid.The specified month is invalid.The specified year is invalid.The specified attribute is not relevant.No configured message matches the one you tried to delete.The window handle passed to the function is invalid.The SCXI module slot that was specified is invalid or corresponds to an empty slot.The specified SCXI chassis does not correspond to a configured SCXI chassis.The specified baud rate for communicating with the serial port is not valid on this platform.The function you are calling is no longer supported in this version of the driver.The cutoff frequency specified is not valid for this device.For DAQEvents 0 and 1 general value A must be greater than 0 and less than the internal buffer size. If DMA is used for DAQEvent 1, general value A must divide the internal buffer size evenly, with no remainder. If the TIO-10 is used for DAQEvent 4, general value A must be 1 or 2.The requested number of buffers or the buffer size is not allowed. For example, the buffer limit for Lab and 1200 devices is 64K samples, or the board does not support multiple buffers.The requested input limits exceed the board's capability or configuration. Alternative limits were selected.Adding the write offset to the write mark places the write mark outside the internal buffer.The write mode is out of range or not allowed.Your data array contains an incomplete update, or you are trying to write past the end of the internal buffer, or your output operation is continuous and the length of your array is not a multiple of one half of the internal buffer size.The limits are beyond the range of the board.The timebase is invalid.The frequency is invalid.The offset is unreachable.The read mode is invalid.The read count is invalid.The time limit is invalid.The group size is too large for the board.The driver returned an unrecognized or unlisted error code.The analog input or analog output voltage range is invalid for the specified channel, or you are writing an invalid voltage to the analog output.The analog input scan rate is too fast for the number of channels and the channel clock rate; or the given clock rate is not supported by the associated counter channel or I/O channel.The count is too small or too large for the specified counter, or the given I/O transfer count is not appropriate for the current buffer or channel configuration.The counter is invalid.The group is invalid.A channel, port, or counter is out of range for the device type or device configuration; or the combination of channels is not allowed; or the scan order must be reversed (0 last).The line is invalid.The device is invalid.The value of a numeric parameter is inconsistent with another one, and therefore the combination is invalid.The value of a numeric parameter is invalid.An error was detected in the input string; the syntax of the string is correct, but certain values specified in the string are inconsistent with other values specified in the string.An error was detected in the input string; the arrangement or ordering of the characters in the string is not consistent with the expected ordering.Free Snap To Point Lock To PlotLock To Plot From End[None])CWNumEdit Control (National Instruments)NumEdit Property Page ImmediateBool Property PageIUnknownVariant IDispatchNullEmptyDefault ControlPointerAuto scale X and Y axesLayout InvalidateNoneGeneralFill to MaximumFill to MinimumControlFilll to value Less Than IndicatorFill to value Greater ThanMinimumLabels0AxisBackStyleNumericScaleFormatTicksPointerCursors Value PairsAxesPlotsGraphKnobButtonSliderKnobAutoShortLongFloat .### k"Hz" .### k"V".###e.###E.### <Default>DoubleMaximumMean Vertical tank Vertical bar Custom colorLeftRightAboveBelowBy ValueBy IndexNameValueNone IndicatorSwitch when pressedXAxisYAxis-ShortLongBooleanFloatDateDoubleErrorCurrencyDateStringUnknownCurrencyBooleanByteSwitch when releasedSwitch until releasedLatch when pressedLatch when releasedSlider Control Knob ControlBoolean ControlGraph Fill Boundary Fill TokenBorderPointer Knob ImageFrameInside Fill BoundaryNoneSolidXY StepYX StepBars0.0 - Infinity + InfinityNone Empty Square Solid SquareAsteriskDotted Empty SquareDotted Solid Square Solid DiamondEmpty Square with XEmpty Square with Cross Empty Circle Solid CircleDotted Empty CircleDotted Solid CircleXBold XSmall XCross Bold Cross Small CrossSmall Empty SquareSmall Solid Square Simple Dot Empty Diamond Point only Minor X only Major X only Minor Y onlyMinor X & Minor YMajor X & Minor Y Major Y onlyMinor X & Major YMajor X & Major Y'Can't set BasePlot property to be self. 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Graph Frame Plot AreaKnob Top Meter Right Meter Bottom Meter Left MeterGuage"b"8bbVertical SlideHorizontal SlideVertical Pointer SlideHorizontal Pointer SlideVertical SlideHorizontal Slide Vertical FillHorizontal FillTank ThermometerNumEdit Style Property PageStyleNone Fixed SingleLeftRightTopBottomLeftCenterRightOut of Present RangeValue Out of RangeFlat3DNumericOut of Present RangeValue Out of Range Type Mismatch Invalid InputInvalid Data TypeTimeDate35438.56798542Axis Caption: On Text: Off Text: Caption: Auto (1.0) IndicatorControlMotorPumpValveVesselInteriorControl (Smooth)Control (Exact)Not supported.TextForeBackAM/PMPMAMam/pmA/Pa/pAaPpampmBack]Pictures"*.BMP;*.DIB;*.ICO;*.WMF;*.EMF"Bitmaps"*.BMP;*.DIB"Icons"*.ICO"Metafiles"*.WMF;*.EMF"bmpAdvancedUnable to set the value. Scroll BarsDesktopActive Title BarInactive Title BarMenu BarWindow Background Window Frame Menu Text Window TextActive Title Bar Text Active BorderInactive BorderApplication Workspace HighlightHighlighted Text 3D Objects 3D Shadow Disabled Text Button TextInactive Title Bar Text 3D HighlightOnOff On to Off Off to On BackgroundCaptionImageValue must be positive.Value must be non-negative.Value is illegal.+No error text exists for this error number.JThe object you passed in as a parameter was created in a different thread.ThreadingModelCLSIDInprocServer32Fastest ApartmentUnknown Image.<This property or method does not apply to this image object. Very FastFastMediumSlow Very SlowOff PathStyle PathImages Windowless Import Style Export StyleExport Style...Import Style...hCall from illegal thread. A control must be accessed from the same thread the control was created with.HelpExport Style toConfigured task is in use.Import Style fromValue out of range.Value not in enumeration.NThe object specified is not part of the control or is not of the correct type.Serial Number: User: Organization: UNICODE Version: TrueFalseSCODEcError loading control. A newer version needed. The default settings for the control will be used.KErrors loading control. The default settings for the control will be used.Error creating default control. Invalid indexUnable to start ComponentWorksComponentWorks?Evaluation Copy - Contact your software vendor for questions. This Beta version of ComponentWorks has Expired. Please contact National Instruments for the released version. Unable to Start ComponentWorks.Can't access itemCan't remove itemRemove not uspportedRemoveAll not supportedAdd not supported,SOFTWARE\National Instruments\ComponentWorksOEMDLL-CW About Property Page (National Instruments)AboutCWSaveAs(Saves as 1.0)VersionCWForceDemoModeValueAThe control cannot be editted while the property page is showing..cwxComponentWorks Styles"*.cwx"(Saves as 1.1)CThe object specified is not bindable or is not part of the control.MThe specified property is not bindable or does not exist on the bound object.Could not load DataSocket resource. Check to make sure that the DataSocket ActiveX control (cwds.ocx) is present and registered on your system.JThe specified property can not be bound to using the selected access mode.Binding- What's This?The CWBindings feature is not available directly within a web page for security reasons. You can safely use this feature on a web page by embedding the ComponentWorks control inside a custom control, which can be made safe for initialization and scripting.Images.CW Images Property Page (National Instruments)On TextOff TextInteriorLoad...PasteUse default imageReload image from file Save linkFile Name or URLBackground ColorForeground ColorInterior ColorReadRead AutoUpdateWriteWrite AutoUpdate#Browse for an item on an OPC Server#Browse for an item on an OPC Server)Browse for an item on a DataSocket Server2Browse from the URL listed on the property page...Connect to specified binding!Disocnnect from specified bindingBrowse for URLTest current binding3.0 About ComponentWorks UI Controls\00 000G11222a334y44,555L667y77@889h99/:::=;;;V<<(== >{>I? 0 0&0s00111111252q2222;3{333333,4=4T4y4485I5`5p5}55556666677+787h77778 88L8R8X8^8d8j8p8v888888888888888889 9-9T99999999*:5:;:s:x::::::;;;/;8;=;E;;;;;;;<<;<@>>?01272F2U2r22T3444444555 55555 5,5666#7)7C7Z748888939999999:$:*:V:l::::i;;;m===>> ??!?;???????@10j0o00000000000111(1U11112 272K2Q2_2223=3D3K3333.444?4D4O444444(55556*6777 88;;;;;;;;< <<<<<8=R=j=====>??P00111G23~44)578C:::;c=T>&??`0123633I4455566X7p7v777777777G8V8b8}88888888.9@9_9{999:#::;;B;;; >p(3A67:;;;#$>0>>>xJ0z012x22222222223333344/484R4t4}44444>5U5f55P6[6f66889;;;;= =====>^>r>?@0"0M00611.23U5k5576j66l7777+8d89L:N?@1333 444O4Z4_4j44444555 66i6C7V7\7o777777j8|888>9L9::;;;; <<5>?"???Do1111112233u4|44 5(66D777899\:=>;>t>>>F?<0L001111$3V4D5 6x89V:<<==7>>>?;I;U;_;;;<#<+<3<;<]`? 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