/** @mainpage
vcDP5_USB_Repeat is a MFC Dialog application that demonstrates how Amptek
DPP communications can be easily integrated into other programs.
vcDP5_USB_Repeat also demonstrates repeat spectrum acquisition.
Sockets and Serial Communications has been remove to simplify communications.
What vcDP5_USB does.
vcDP5_USB_Repeat communicates to a DPP device and
demonstrates a minimal set of acquisition related commands.
vcDP5_USB_Repeat Classes
- @subpage CvcDP5Dlg (Central function control.)
- @subpage CDppWinUSB (Windows WinUSB communication class.)
- @subpage CDP5Status (DPP status processing.)
- @subpage CParsePacket (DPP packet parsing.)
- @subpage CDP5Protocol (Defines and implements DPP protocol.)
- @subpage CSendCommand (Generates command packet to be sent.)
vcDP5_USB_Repeat Main Function
- @subpage CvcDP5Dlg (DPP MFC Dialog Demonstration.)
More Information
http://amptek.com/products/dp5-digital-pulse-processor-software/ Amptek Software Page