[DP5 Configuration File] ; [For DP5/PC5, +HV for SiPin] ; Rules: No whitespace before command - it must start at left column ; Command must end with semicolon ; Anything after semicolon is ignored (i.e. comments) BOOT=OFF; ; RESC=YES; Clear the existing configuration ;CLCK=AUTO; FPGA clock: 20, 80, or AUTO CLCK=20; FPGA clock: 20, 80, or AUTO TPEA=38.4US; Peaking time in uS TFLA=1.6US; Flat top in uS ;TPFA=1600NS; Fast channel Peaking Time:[####] (100 or 400 @ 80MHz, 400 or 1600 @ 20MHz) CUSP=0%; Cusp parameter [OFF|##] (-99 to 99%, 0% or OFF=normal trapezoid, +%=cusp-like, -%=Gaussian-like) ;RESL=3000US; Reset lockout PDMD=NORM; Peak detect mode; NORM, MIN (for min+max) THSL=3.03%; Slow threshold TLLD=0; LLD THFA=50; Fast threshold (0-255) ;THFA=2; Fast threshold (0-255) MCAC=1024; MCA channels: [256|512|1024|2048|4096|8192] SOFF=OFF; Spectrum offset: +/-####.### (in channels) DACO=SHAPED; DAC output selection: [#|OFF|FAST|SHAPED|INPUT|PEAK|SDD|SUM|PZBD|RTDP] (1-8) ;DACO=SUM; DAC output selection: [#|OFF|FAST|SHAPED|INPUT|PEAK|SDD|SUM|PZBD|RTDP] (1-8) ;DACO=INPUT; DAC output selection: [#|OFF|FAST|SHAPED|INPUT|PEAK|SDD|SUM|PZBD|RTDP] (1-8) ;DACF=100MV; DAC offset; +/-### (millivolts) DACF=101MV; DAC offset ;PURE=ON; Pileup reject enable: [ON|OFF] ;GAIN=99.5; Total gain; ###.### ;GAIN=100; GAIN=91.9; Total gain RTDE=ON; RTD enable RTDS=600%; RTD sensitivity threshold; ###% RTDT=3.13%; RTD threshold RTDD=110; RTDW=50; BLRM=1; BLR mode BLRD=2; BLR down correction BLRU=1; BLR up correction GATE=OFF; Gate control: [OFF|HIGH|LOW] ("HIGH" -> events rejected while gate is high) ;AUO1=ICR; AUX_OUT1 selection: [#|ICR|PILEUP|MCSTB|ONESH|DETRES|MCAEN|PEAKH|SCA8] AUO1=ICR; AUX_OUT1 selection: [#|ICR|PILEUP|MCSTB|ONESH|DETRES|MCAEN|PEAKH|SCA8] ;PRET=60; Preset Time (in seconds, 100mS precision): [#######.#|OFF] (0 same as OFF) ;PRER=10.123; Preset Real Time (in seconds, 1mS precision): [#######.###|OFF] (0 same as OFF) ;PREC=10000; Preset Counts: [##########|OFF] (up to 10 digits) ;PRCL=536; ;PRCH=538; ;AINP=NEG; Analog input polarity: [POS|NEG] (SDD=+, SiPIN=-) AINP=NEG; Analog input polarity: [POS|NEG] (SDD=+, SiPIN=-) ; HVSE=101.1V; PC5 HV setting (if PC5 present): [{+|-}####|OFF] (HV is only turned on if PC5 is proper HV polarity. SDD requires negative HV, SiPIN requires positive HV) TECS=230.0K; PC5 TEC cooler setting: [###|OFF] (degrees K) PAPS=8.5V; PC5 Preamp power supply: [8.5|5|OFF|ON] ('8.5' or '5' turn on the PC5 preamp supplies if they're the proper voltage. 'ON' doesn't check.) ; INOF=DEF; Input offset: [{+|-}[####]|AUTO|DEF] ('DEF' uses standard default settings ;INOF=1000MV; Input offset: [{+|-}[####]|AUTO|DEF] ('DEF' uses standard default settings; 'AUTO' searches for an appropriate setting; '####' is in mV.) SCOE=FALLING; Scope trigger edge: [RI{SING}|FA{LLING}] ;SCOT=-25%; Scope trigger position: [87|50|12|-25] in % SCOT=12%; Scope trigger position: [87|50|12|-25] in % SCOG=1; ;MCAS=NORM; MCA source: [NORM|MCS|FAST|PUR|RTD] ;MCAS=FAST; MCA source: [NORM|MCS|FAST|PUR|RTD] ;MCSL=536; ;MCSH=538; ;MCST=.05S; MCS timebase: [###.###] (in seconds, multiples of 10mS) AUO2=6; AUX_OUT2 selection: [#] (1-8) (6=RTD_REJ) ;TPMO=-SNG; Test pulser mode (output DAC): [OFF|+SNG|+DBL|-SNG|-DBL] (single or double pulses, + or -) GPED=RI; General purpose (GP) counter edge: [RI{SING}|FA{LLING}] GPIN=DETRES; GP counter input: [#|AUX1|AUX2|PILEUP|RTDREJ|SCA8|TBD|DETRES|OFF] GPME=ON; GP counter MCA EN: [ON|OF{F}] ('ON' means GP counter is disabled when MCA is disabled) GPGA=ON; GP counter Gate EN: [ON|OF{F}] ('ON' means GP counter is conditioned by GATE) GPMC=ON; GP clear control: [ON|OF{F}] ('ON' means GP counter is cleared when MCA is cleared; otherwise, command clears it) MCAE=ON; Initial state of MCA enable: [ON|OF{F}] PURE=ON; MCAS=NORM; MCST=.01S; PREC=PRESET; RESL=1638US; VOLU=OFF; ;SCAW=1000; ;SCAI=8; ;SCAL=535; ;SCAH=537; ;SCAO=HI;