DPP MultiUSB example Project (Programming Language: VB5,VB6) Before running this application please verify: - You have read the setup portion of this readme file - The "Enable MultiUSB" CheckBox is UNCHECKED - You enter your DPP devices in vbDP5_MultiUSB.ini vbDP5_MultiUSB includes vbDP5_MultiUSB.chm HTML help file. To run vbDP5_MultiUSB with your devices: 1. Find vbDP5_MultiUSB.ini 2. Locate the [vbDP5_MultiUSB Application Settings] section 3. Enter the number of usb DPP devices: Number_MUSB_Units=2 4. Enter the DPP serial numbers: MUSB_SN0=1896 MUSB_SN1=100 Important functions and controls: frmDP5.chkMultiSelect: - checked enables Multi-USB device selection (Select Communications Command, connects to vbDP5_MultiUSB.ini devices) - unchecked enables individual USB device selection (Select Communications Command, opens communications dialog) frmDP5.cboCurrentDpp - selects DPP devices in MultiUSB mode frmDP5_Connect.cmdEnumerateDevices_Click - enumerates DPP USB devices frmDP5_Connect.cmdCloseDevice_Click - closes the currently open device frmDP5_Connect.GetDeviceByIndex MUSB_Idx(idxMUSB).Index, idxMUSB - open a specific device by WinUSB index - creates a DPP WinUsbDevice storage entry for future device access - saves the entry to DppWinUSB (temporary storage), MultiWinUSB (Multiple device access storage)