Attribute VB_Name = "mod_vbDP5" Option Explicit Public RS232HeaderReceived As Boolean Public RS232PacketPtr As Integer Public RS232ComPortTest As Boolean Public Const MAX_DISPLAY_ENTRIES = 4 Public Sub NetFinderSearch() ' DP5 Netfinder Search Dim idxEntry As Long Dim IdRequest(5) As Byte 'Broadcast Identity Request (Note: Silicon Labs = 4 bytes, Amptek = 6 bytes) On Error GoTo NetFinderSearchErr 'If (NetFinderWinSockError) Then Exit Sub 'NetFinderWinSock.RemoteHost = "" ' this gets set to the responding IP, so reset it each time Netfinder_Seq = Rnd * 32767 ' 15-bit random seq number, so don't have to screw around with signed INT IdRequest(0) = 0 ' Netfinder version/type IdRequest(1) = 0 ' reserved IdRequest(2) = (Netfinder_Seq And &HFF00) \ 256 'MSB IdRequest(3) = Netfinder_Seq And 255 ' LSB IdRequest(4) = &HF4 ' append validation bytes IdRequest(5) = &HFA For idxEntry = 0 To 3 'initialize entries frmDP5_Connect.cmdSelectIP(idxEntry).Visible = False frmDP5_Connect.lblUnit(idxEntry).Caption = "" frmDP5_Connect.lblUnit(idxEntry).BackColor = &H80000005 frmDP5_Connect.lblUnit(idxEntry).ForeColor = &H80000012 InitEntry DppEntries(idxEntry) Next NewNetfinderRequest = True frmDP5.NetFinderWinSock.RemoteHost = "" 'this gets set to the responding IP, so reset it each time frmDP5.NetFinderWinSock.SendData IdRequest() 'send 3 times - DP5 will respond to only first one it sees frmDP5_Connect.lblNetFinderErrors.Caption = "" Exit Sub NetFinderSearchErr: frmDP5_Connect.lblNetFinderErrors.Caption = "Net Finder Socket Error:" & vbNewLine & Err.Description End Sub Public Function SendPacketRS232(IntCtrl As Object, ByRef Buffer() As Byte, ByRef PacketIn() As Byte) As Boolean Dim bytesWritten As Long, bytesRead As Long Dim success As Boolean Dim curStartTime As Currency Dim isExpired As Boolean Dim strLog As String Dim i As Long Dim PLen As Long PLen = (Buffer(4) * 256) + Buffer(5) + 7 ACK_Received = False Packet_Received = False ' a response packet is always expected PIN.STATUS = &HFF ' packet invalid - will be overwritten soon by response/ACK packet ' send the packet 'For i = 0 To POUT.LEN + 7 For i = 0 To PLen IntCtrl.OutPut = Chr(Buffer(i)) Next i Timeout_flag = False curStartTime = msTimeStart() Do DoEvents ' receive bytes and parse packet isExpired = msTimeExpired(curStartTime, 1000) If (isExpired) Then Timeout_flag = True Loop While (PIN.STATUS = &HFF) And (Timeout_flag = False) ' wait for ACK or timeout If Timeout_flag Then strLog = strLog + "Timeout: no response packet!" + vbCrLf SendPacketRS232 = False Else SendPacketRS232 = True End If End Function Public Function SendPacketInet(IntCtrl As Object, ByRef Buffer() As Byte, ByRef PacketIn() As Byte) As Boolean Dim bytesWritten As Long, bytesRead As Long Dim success As Boolean Dim curStartTime As Currency Dim isExpired As Boolean Dim strLog As String Dim idxData As Long Dim PLen As Long Dim Buffer_Eth() As Byte On Error GoTo SendPacketInetErr UDP_offset = 0 ' start at the beginning of InPacket() PLen = (Buffer(4) * 256) + Buffer(5) + 7 ReDim Buffer_Eth(PLen) 'make a buffer the size of the data ACK_Received = False Packet_Received = False ' a response packet is always expected PIN.STATUS = &HFF ' packet invalid - will be overwritten soon by response/ACK packet For idxData = 0 To PLen Buffer_Eth(idxData) = Buffer(idxData) Next IntCtrl.SendData Buffer_Eth() SendPacketInet = True Exit Function SendPacketInetErr: SendPacketInet = False End Function Public Function EntryToStrRS232(ByRef pEntry As NETDISPLAY_ENTRY, strPort As String) As String Dim cstrAlertLevel As String Dim strDeviceType As String Dim cstrIpAddress As String Dim cstrEvent1, cstrEvent2 As String Dim cstrAdditionalDesc As String Dim cstrMacAddress As String Dim cstrEntry As String Dim temp_str, temp_str2 As String Dim idxVal As Long Dim strSep As String cstrAlertLevel = "Connection: " cstrAlertLevel = cstrAlertLevel & strPort strDeviceType = pEntry.str_type ' Device Name/Type ' IP Address String cstrIpAddress = "IP Address: " & IpAddrConvert(pEntry.SockAddr) cstrAdditionalDesc = pEntry.str_description ' Additional Description ' MacAddress cstrMacAddress = "MAC Address: " strSep = "" For idxVal = 0 To 5 cstrMacAddress = cstrMacAddress & strSep & FmtHex(pEntry.mac(idxVal), 2) strSep = "-" Next ' Event1 Time temp_str = pEntry.str_ev1 + " " temp_str2 = FormatNetFinderTime(pEntry, 1) cstrEvent1 = temp_str + temp_str2 ' Event2 Time temp_str = pEntry.str_ev2 + " " temp_str2 = FormatNetFinderTime(pEntry, 2) cstrEvent2 = temp_str + temp_str2 cstrEntry = strDeviceType & vbNewLine cstrEntry = cstrEntry + cstrAlertLevel & vbNewLine cstrEntry = cstrEntry + cstrAdditionalDesc & vbNewLine cstrEntry = cstrEntry + cstrEvent1 & vbNewLine EntryToStrRS232 = cstrEntry End Function Public Function GetWinSockStateString(wSock As Winsock) As String Select Case wSock.State Case sckClosed '0 Default. GetWinSockStateString = "Closed" Case sckOpen '1 GetWinSockStateString = "Open" Case sckListening '2 GetWinSockStateString = "Listening" Case sckConnectionPending '3 GetWinSockStateString = "Connection pending" Case sckResolvingHost '4 GetWinSockStateString = "Resolving host" Case sckHostResolved '5 GetWinSockStateString = "Host resolved" Case sckConnecting '6 GetWinSockStateString = "Connecting" Case sckConnected '7 GetWinSockStateString = "Connected" Case sckClosing '8 GetWinSockStateString = "Peer is closing the connection" Case sckError '9 GetWinSockStateString = "Error" Case Else GetWinSockStateString = "Unknown" End Select End Function