Attribute VB_Name = "modSCA" Option Explicit Public Const SCA_SECTION = "DP5 SCA Configuration" Public Const CFG_SECTION = "DP5 Configuration File" Public Type scaRegister Index As Variant Low As Variant High As Variant OutPut As Variant End Type Public Type scaSetup strIniFilename As String Channels As Variant HaveChannels As Boolean Index As Variant HaveIndex As Boolean PulseWidth As Variant sca(15) As scaRegister End Type Public sca As scaSetup Public Function SplitData(strData As String, ByRef varValue As Variant, strDefault As Variant) As Boolean Dim lSep As Long Dim strChan As String lSep = InStr(strData, ";") If (lSep > 0) Then 'file has setting, separate comments from data, if any varValue = Trim(Left(strData, lSep - 1)) SplitData = True Else varValue = strDefault SplitData = False End If End Function Public Function varValueToIndex(varData As Variant) As Long Dim strCase As String strCase = UCase(CStr(varData)) Select Case strCase Case "OFF" varValueToIndex = 0 Case "HI" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "LOW" varValueToIndex = 2 Case "256" varValueToIndex = 0 Case "512" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "1024" varValueToIndex = 2 Case "2048" varValueToIndex = 3 Case "4096" varValueToIndex = 4 Case "8192" varValueToIndex = 5 Case "100" varValueToIndex = 0 Case "1000" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "1" varValueToIndex = 0 Case "2" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "3" varValueToIndex = 2 Case "4" varValueToIndex = 3 Case "5" varValueToIndex = 4 Case "6" varValueToIndex = 5 Case "7" varValueToIndex = 6 Case "8" varValueToIndex = 7 Case "HIGH" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "HIG" varValueToIndex = 1 Case "LO" varValueToIndex = 2 Case Else varValueToIndex = 0 End Select End Function 'these must be in the correct order, old sca settings will be deleted and new appended to end Public Sub SaveSCASetupINI(sca As scaSetup) Dim strData As String Dim Index As Long If (Not sca.HaveChannels) Then strData = CStr(sca.Channels) & ";" SaveToIniEx sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "MCAC", strData End If Index = Val(sca.Index) Call DeleteIniSettingEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAI") Call DeleteIniSettingEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAO") Call DeleteIniSettingEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAL") Call DeleteIniSettingEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAH") Call DeleteIniSettingEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAW") strData = CStr(sca.PulseWidth) & ";" SaveToIniEx sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAW", strData End Sub Public Sub SaveSCASettingsINI(sca As scaSetup, Index As Long) Dim strIdx As String Dim strData As String strIdx = CStr(Index) strData = CStr( - 1).OutPut) & ";" SaveToIniEx sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAO" & strIdx, strData strData = CStr( - 1).Low) & ";" SaveToIniEx sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAL" & strIdx, strData strData = CStr( - 1).High) & ";" SaveToIniEx sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAH" & strIdx, strData End Sub Public Sub GetSCASetupINI(sca As scaSetup) Dim lSep As Long Dim strValue As String Dim strComment As String Dim strData As String Dim Index As Long strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "MCAC", "1024") sca.HaveChannels = SplitData(strData, sca.Channels, "1024") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAW", "100") Call SplitData(strData, sca.PulseWidth, "100") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAI", "1") sca.HaveIndex = SplitData(strData, sca.Index, "1") If (sca.HaveIndex) Then 'update sca from latest config data Index = Val(sca.Index) strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAO", strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).OutPut, "OFF") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAL", strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).Low, "1") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, CFG_SECTION, "SCAH", strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).High, "1024") End If End Sub Public Sub GetSCASettingsINI(sca As scaSetup, Index As Long) Dim lSep As Long Dim strValue As String Dim strComment As String Dim strIdx As String Dim strData As String strIdx = CStr(Index) - 1).Index = strIdx 'for future use 'skip updating data that was updated from the configuration settings If (sca.HaveIndex And (Val(sca.Index) = Index)) Then Exit Sub strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAO" & strIdx, strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).OutPut, "OFF") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAL" & strIdx, strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).Low, "1") strData = GetFromIniEx(sca.strIniFilename, SCA_SECTION, "SCAH" & strIdx, strData) Call SplitData(strData, - 1).High, "1024") End Sub ' 1234567 'expecting data format strCMD=strData; (CMD1=?;) Public Sub ReadSCASetting(ByRef sca As scaSetup, strSCAInfo As String) Dim strCmd As String Dim strData As String Dim lSep As Long Dim lTerm As Long lSep = InStr(strSCAInfo, "=") lTerm = InStr(strSCAInfo, ";") If (lSep <> 5) Then Exit Sub If (lTerm < 7) Then Exit Sub strCmd = UCase(Left(strSCAInfo, 4)) strData = UCase(Mid(strSCAInfo, 6, lTerm - 6)) Select Case strCmd Case "MCAC" sca.Channels = strData Case "SCAW" sca.PulseWidth = strData Case "SCAI" sca.Index = strData sca.HaveIndex = True - 1).Index = strData Case "SCAL" If (Val(sca.Index) > 0) Then - 1).Low = strData Case "SCAH" If (Val(sca.Index) > 0) Then - 1).High = strData Case "SCAO" If (Val(sca.Index) > 0) Then - 1).OutPut = strData Case Else 'unknown data error End Select End Sub 'reads dpp command string removes and returns byref next dpp config command 'functions returns true if command found, false otherwise Public Function GetNextCMD(ByRef strCMDList As String, ByRef strCmd As String) As Boolean Dim strCMDs As String Dim strCMDOut As String Dim lNextCMD As Long GetNextCMD = False If (Len(strCMDList) < 7) Then Exit Function '1234=6;8 lNextCMD = InStr(strCMDList, ";") If (lNextCMD < 7) Then Exit Function '1234=6;8 strCmd = UCase(Left(strCMDList, lNextCMD)) strCMDList = Mid(strCMDList, lNextCMD + 1) GetNextCMD = True End Function Public Sub SCACfgParser(ByRef sca As scaSetup, strSCASettings As String) Dim strCMDList As String Dim strCmd As String Dim idxCMDs As Long Dim CMDMax As Long Dim bHaveCMD As Boolean If (Len(strSCASettings) < 7) Then Exit Sub strCMDList = strSCASettings strCmd = "" CMDMax = CLng(Len(strSCASettings) \ 7) + 1 'loop the max number of times For idxCMDs = 0 To CMDMax bHaveCMD = GetNextCMD(strCMDList, strCmd) If (bHaveCMD) Then ReadSCASetting sca, strCmd Else Exit For End If Next End Sub Public Function SCAString(strCmd As String, strData As String, Optional bDppMsg As Boolean) Dim str As String str = UCase(strCmd) str = str & "=" str = str & UCase(strData) & ";" If (Not bDppMsg) Then str = str & vbNewLine End If SCAString = str End Function 'these must be in the correct order, old sca settings will be delected and new appended to end Public Function SCASetupString(sca As scaSetup, Optional bDppMsg As Boolean = True) Dim strData As String Dim Index As Long Dim strSCAsus As String Dim str As String strSCAsus = "" If (Not sca.HaveChannels) Then str = SCAString("MCAC", CStr(sca.Channels), bDppMsg) strSCAsus = strSCAsus & str End If strData = CStr(sca.PulseWidth) str = SCAString("SCAW", strData, bDppMsg) strSCAsus = strSCAsus & str SCASetupString = strSCAsus End Function Public Function SCASettingsString(sca As scaSetup, Index As Long, Optional bDppMsg As Boolean = True) Dim strIdx As String Dim strData As String Dim strSCAsets As String Dim str As String strIdx = CStr(Index) strData = CStr( - 1).Index) str = SCAString("SCAI", strData, bDppMsg) strSCAsets = strSCAsets & str strData = CStr( - 1).OutPut) str = SCAString("SCAO", strData, bDppMsg) strSCAsets = strSCAsets & str strData = CStr( - 1).Low) str = SCAString("SCAL", strData, bDppMsg) strSCAsets = strSCAsets & str strData = CStr( - 1).High) str = SCAString("SCAH", strData, bDppMsg) strSCAsets = strSCAsets & str SCASettingsString = strSCAsets End Function Public Function SCAStringALL(sca As scaSetup, Optional bDppMsg As Boolean = True) Dim idxSCA As Long Dim strSCA As String strSCA = SCASetupString(sca, bDppMsg) For idxSCA = 1 To 8 strSCA = strSCA & SCASettingsString(sca, idxSCA, bDppMsg) Next SCAStringALL = strSCA End Function Public Function SCAStringALLDisplay(sca As scaSetup) Dim idxSCA As Long Dim strSCA As String Dim bDppMsg As Boolean bDppMsg = True strSCA = SCASetupString(sca, bDppMsg) For idxSCA = 1 To 8 strSCA = strSCA & vbNewLine strSCA = strSCA & SCASettingsString(sca, idxSCA, bDppMsg) Next SCAStringALLDisplay = strSCA End Function Public Sub InitSCA() Dim idxSCA As Long sca.strIniFilename = "" sca.HaveChannels = False sca.Channels = "1024" sca.Index = 1 sca.PulseWidth = "100" For idxSCA = 0 To 15 = 1 = sca.Channels If (idxSCA < 8) Then = "OFF" End If Next End Sub