using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace csRepeat
public abstract class DPDevice
public enum InterfaceTypes
//public InterfaceTypes InterfaceType { get; set; }
private InterfaceTypes _InterfaceType;
public InterfaceTypes InterfaceType {
get { return _InterfaceType; }
set { _InterfaceType = value; }
//public DeviceTypes DeviceType { get; set; }
private DeviceTypes _DeviceType;
public DeviceTypes DeviceType {
get { return _DeviceType; }
set { _DeviceType = value; }
public Version FirmwareVersion;
public Version FpgaVersion;
//public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
private string _SerialNumber;
public string SerialNumber {
get { return _SerialNumber; }
set { _SerialNumber = value; }
public DPDevice(InterfaceTypes interfaceType,
DeviceTypes deviceType,
Version firmwareVersion,
Version fpgaVersion,
string serialNumber)
this.InterfaceType = interfaceType;
this.DeviceType = deviceType;
this.FirmwareVersion = firmwareVersion;
this.FpgaVersion = fpgaVersion;
this.SerialNumber = serialNumber;
// default to Normal state
FpgaState = FpgaStates.Normal;
// see if we saw an encryption failure
if (fpgaVersion.Equals(FpgaEncryptionFailureVersion))
FpgaState = FpgaStates.EncryptionFailure;
/// Possible fpga states
public enum FpgaStates
/// Normal fpga state
/// Fpga reports an encryption failure
/// Fpga image is unprogrammed
/// 14.14 is fpga encryption failure
public static readonly Version FpgaEncryptionFailureVersion = new Version(14, 14);
/// Fpga states, defaults to 'Normal'
private FpgaStates _FpgaState;
public FpgaStates FpgaState
get { return _FpgaState; }
internal set { _FpgaState = value; }
public delegate void UploadProgressUpdateDelegate(long currentByteOffset, long totalBytes);
public delegate bool HasFirmwareLoadBeenCancelledDelegate();
public HasFirmwareLoadBeenCancelledDelegate HasFirmwareLoadBeenCancelled;
public static List PerformDeviceDetection()
List devices = new List();
List fw6UsbDevices = FW6.DPDeviceUsb.DetectDevices();
List fw6SerialDevices = FW6.DPDeviceSerialFW6.DetectDevices();
if (fw6SerialDevices != null)
foreach (DPDevice a in fw6SerialDevices)
if (fw6UsbDevices != null)
foreach (DPDevice a in fw6UsbDevices)
return devices;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("Amptek {0} - S/N {1} - uC Ver {2} FPGA Ver {3} - {4}",
DeviceType, SerialNumber, DisplayVersion.VersionString(this, FirmwareVersion, false), DisplayVersion.VersionString(this, FpgaVersion, true), InterfaceType);