gccDppConsole Test C++ SDK  20170920
DPP C++ Console Demonstration
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "DP5Status.h"
00003 #include "stringex.h"
00004 #include "DppConst.h"
00005 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00006     #pragma warning(disable:4996)
00007 #endif
00009 CDP5Status::CDP5Status(void)
00010 {
00011 }
00013 CDP5Status::~CDP5Status(void)
00014 {
00015 }
00017 void CDP5Status::Process_Status(DP4_FORMAT_STATUS *m_DP5_Status)
00018 {
00019         bool bDMCA_LiveTime = false;
00020         unsigned int uiFwBuild = 0;
00022         m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID = m_DP5_Status->RAW[39];
00023     m_DP5_Status->FastCount = DppUtil.LongWordToDouble(0, m_DP5_Status->RAW);
00024     m_DP5_Status->SlowCount = DppUtil.LongWordToDouble(4, m_DP5_Status->RAW);
00025     m_DP5_Status->GP_COUNTER = DppUtil.LongWordToDouble(8, m_DP5_Status->RAW);
00026     m_DP5_Status->AccumulationTime = (float)m_DP5_Status->RAW[12] * 0.001 + (float)(m_DP5_Status->RAW[13] + (float)m_DP5_Status->RAW[14] * 256.0 + (float)m_DP5_Status->RAW[15] * 65536.0) * 0.1;
00027         m_DP5_Status->RealTime = ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[20] + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[21] * 256.0) + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[22] * 65536.0) + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[23] * 16777216.0)) * 0.001;
00029         m_DP5_Status->Firmware = m_DP5_Status->RAW[24];
00030     m_DP5_Status->FPGA = m_DP5_Status->RAW[25];
00032         if (m_DP5_Status->Firmware > 0x65) {
00033                 m_DP5_Status->Build = m_DP5_Status->RAW[37] & 0xF;              //Build # added in FW6.06
00034         } else {
00035                 m_DP5_Status->Build = 0;
00036         }
00038         //Firmware Version:  6.07  Build:  0 has LiveTime and PREL
00039         //DEVICE_ID 0=DP5,1=PX5,2=DP5G,3=MCA8000D,4=TB5
00040         if (m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID == dppMCA8000D) {
00041                 if (m_DP5_Status->Firmware >= 0x67) {
00042                         bDMCA_LiveTime = true;
00043                 }
00044         }
00046         if (bDMCA_LiveTime) {
00047                 m_DP5_Status->LiveTime = ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[16] + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[17] * 256.0) + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[18] * 65536.0) + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[19] * 16777216.0)) * 0.001;
00048         } else {
00049                 m_DP5_Status->LiveTime = 0;
00050         }
00052     if (m_DP5_Status->RAW[29] < 128) {
00053         m_DP5_Status->SerialNumber = (unsigned long)DppUtil.LongWordToDouble(26, m_DP5_Status->RAW);
00054     } else {
00055         m_DP5_Status->SerialNumber = -1;
00056     }
00058         // m_DP5_Status->HV = (double)(m_DP5_Status->RAW[31] + (m_DP5_Status->RAW[30] & 15) * 256) * 0.5;                                       // 0.5V/count
00060         if (m_DP5_Status->RAW[30] < 128)  {    // not negative
00061         m_DP5_Status->HV = ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[31] + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[30] * 256.0)) * 0.5;  // 0.5V/count
00062         } else {
00063                 m_DP5_Status->HV = (((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[31] + ((double)m_DP5_Status->RAW[30] * 256)) - 65536.0) * 0.5; // 0.5V/count
00064         }
00066         m_DP5_Status->DET_TEMP = (double)((m_DP5_Status->RAW[33]) + (m_DP5_Status->RAW[32] & 15) * 256) * 0.1; // - 273.16;             // 0.1K/count
00067     m_DP5_Status->DP5_TEMP = m_DP5_Status->RAW[34] - ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[34] & 128) * 2);
00069     m_DP5_Status->PresetRtDone = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 128) == 128);
00071         //unsigned char:35 BIT:D6 
00072         // == Preset LiveTime Done for MCA8000D
00073         // == FAST Thresh locked for other dpp devices
00074         m_DP5_Status->PresetLtDone = false;
00075         m_DP5_Status->AFAST_LOCKED = false;
00076         if (bDMCA_LiveTime) {           // test for MCA8000D
00077                 m_DP5_Status->PresetLtDone = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 64) == 64);
00078         } else {
00079                 m_DP5_Status->AFAST_LOCKED = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 64) == 64);
00080         }
00081     m_DP5_Status->MCA_EN = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 32) == 32);
00082     m_DP5_Status->PRECNT_REACHED = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 16) == 16);
00083     m_DP5_Status->SCOPE_DR = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 4) == 4);
00084     m_DP5_Status->DP5_CONFIGURED = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[35] & 2) == 2);
00086     m_DP5_Status->AOFFSET_LOCKED = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[36] & 128) == 0);  // 0=locked, 1=searching
00087     m_DP5_Status->MCS_DONE = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[36] & 64) == 64);
00089     m_DP5_Status->b80MHzMode = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[36] & 2) == 2);
00090     m_DP5_Status->bFPGAAutoClock = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[36] & 1) == 1);
00092     m_DP5_Status->PC5_PRESENT = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[38] & 128) == 128);
00093     if  (m_DP5_Status->PC5_PRESENT) {
00094         m_DP5_Status->PC5_HV_POL = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[38] & 64) == 64);
00095         m_DP5_Status->PC5_8_5V = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[38] & 32) == 32);
00096     } else {
00097         m_DP5_Status->PC5_HV_POL = false;
00098         m_DP5_Status->PC5_8_5V = false;
00099     }
00101         if (m_DP5_Status->Firmware >= 0x65) {           // reboot flag added FW6.05
00102                 if ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[36] & 32) == 32) {
00103             m_DP5_Status->ReBootFlag = true;
00104                 } else {
00105                         m_DP5_Status->ReBootFlag = false;
00106                 }
00107         } else {
00108         m_DP5_Status->ReBootFlag = false;
00109         }
00111         m_DP5_Status->TEC_Voltage = (((double)(m_DP5_Status->RAW[40] & 15) * 256.0) + (double)(m_DP5_Status->RAW[41])) / 758.5;
00112         m_DP5_Status->DPP_ECO = m_DP5_Status->RAW[49];
00113         m_DP5_Status->bScintHas80MHzOption = false;
00114         m_DP5_Status->DPP_options = (m_DP5_Status->RAW[42] & 15);
00115         m_DP5_Status->HPGe_HV_INH = false;
00116         m_DP5_Status->HPGe_HV_INH_POL = false;
00117         m_DP5_Status->AU34_2 = false;
00118         m_DP5_Status->isAscInstalled = false;
00119         m_DP5_Status->isDP5_RevDxGains = false;
00120         if (m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID == dppPX5) {
00121                 if (m_DP5_Status->DPP_options == PX5_OPTION_HPGe_HVPS) {
00122                         m_DP5_Status->HPGe_HV_INH = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[42] & 32) == 32);
00123                         m_DP5_Status->HPGe_HV_INH_POL = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[42] & 16) == 16);
00124                         if (m_DP5_Status->DPP_ECO == 1) {
00125                                 m_DP5_Status->isAscInstalled = true;
00126                                 m_DP5_Status->AU34_2 = ((m_DP5_Status->RAW[42] & 64) == 64);
00127                         }
00128                 }
00129         } else if ((m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID == dppDP5G) || (m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID == dppTB5)) {
00130                 if ((m_DP5_Status->DPP_ECO == 1) || (m_DP5_Status->DPP_ECO == 2)) {
00131                         // DPP_ECO == 2 80MHz option added 20150409
00132                         m_DP5_Status->bScintHas80MHzOption = true;
00133                 }
00134         } else if (m_DP5_Status->DEVICE_ID == dppDP5) {
00135                 uiFwBuild = m_DP5_Status->Firmware;
00136                 uiFwBuild = uiFwBuild << 8;
00137                 uiFwBuild = uiFwBuild + m_DP5_Status->Build;
00138                 // uiFwBuild - firmware with build for comparison
00139                 if (uiFwBuild >= 0x686) {
00140                         // 0xFF Value indicates old Analog Gain Count of 16
00141                         // Values < 0xFF indicate new gain count of 24 and new board rev
00142                         // "DP5 G3 Configuration P" will not be used (==0xFF)
00143                         if (m_DP5_Status->DPP_ECO < 0xFF) {             
00144                                 m_DP5_Status->isDP5_RevDxGains = true;
00145                         }
00147                 }
00149         }
00150 }
00152 string CDP5Status::DP5_Dx_OptionFlags(unsigned char DP5_Dx_Options) {
00153         unsigned char D7D6;
00154         unsigned char D5D4;
00155         unsigned char D3D0;
00156         string strRev("");
00157         stringex strfn;
00159         //D7-D6: 0 = DP5 Rev D
00160         //       1 = DP5 Rev E (future)
00161         //       2 = DP5 Rev F (future)
00162         //       3 = DP5 Rev G (future)
00163         D7D6 = ((DP5_Dx_Options >> 6) & 0x03) + 'D';
00164         //D5-D4: minor rev, 0-3 (i.e. Rev D0, D1 etc.)
00165         D5D4 = ((DP5_Dx_Options >> 4) & 0x03);
00166         //D3-D0: Configuration 0 = A, 1=B, 2=C... 15=P.
00167         D3D0 = (DP5_Dx_Options & 0x0F) + 'A';
00169         strRev = strfn.Format("DP5 Rev %c%d Configuration %c",D7D6,D5D4,D3D0);
00170         return(strRev);
00172 }
00174 string CDP5Status::ShowStatusValueStrings(DP4_FORMAT_STATUS m_DP5_Status) 
00175 { 
00176     string strConfig("");
00177     string strTemp;
00178         string strIntPart;
00179         string strFracPart;
00180         stringex strfn;
00182         strTemp = GetDeviceNameFromVal(m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID);
00183         strConfig = "Device Type: " + strTemp + "\r\n";
00184         strTemp = strfn.Format("Serial Number: %lu\r\n",m_DP5_Status.SerialNumber);     //SerialNumber
00185         strConfig += strTemp;
00186         strTemp = "Firmware: " + DppUtil.BYTEVersionToString(m_DP5_Status.Firmware);   
00187         strConfig += strTemp;
00188         if (m_DP5_Status.Firmware > 0x65) {
00189                 strTemp = strfn.Format("  Build:  %d\r\n", m_DP5_Status.Build);
00190                 strConfig += strTemp;
00191         } else {
00192                 strConfig += "\r\n";
00193         }               
00194         strTemp = "FPGA: " + DppUtil.BYTEVersionToString(m_DP5_Status.FPGA) + "\r\n"; 
00195         strConfig += strTemp;
00196         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppMCA8000D) {
00197                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Fast Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.FastCount);          //FastCount
00198                 strConfig += strTemp;
00199         }
00200         strTemp = strfn.Format("Slow Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.SlowCount);          //SlowCount
00201         strConfig += strTemp;
00202         strTemp = strfn.Format("GP Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.GP_COUNTER);           //GP Count
00203         strConfig += strTemp;
00205         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppMCA8000D) {
00206                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Accumulation Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.AccumulationTime);        //AccumulationTime
00207                 strConfig += strTemp;
00208         }
00210         strTemp = strfn.Format("Real Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.RealTime);        //RealTime
00211         strConfig += strTemp;
00213         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppMCA8000D) {
00214                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Live Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.LiveTime);        //RealTime
00215                 strConfig += strTemp;
00216         }
00218         return strConfig;
00219 }
00221 string CDP5Status::PX5_OptionsString(DP4_FORMAT_STATUS m_DP5_Status)
00222 {
00223         string strOptions("");
00224         string strValue("");
00226         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppPX5) {
00227         //m_DP5_Status.DPP_options = 1;
00228         //m_DP5_Status.HPGe_HV_INH = true;
00229         //m_DP5_Status.HPGe_HV_INH_POL = true;
00230         if (m_DP5_Status.DPP_options > 0) {
00231             //===============PX5 Options==================
00232             strOptions += "PX5 Options: ";
00233             if ((m_DP5_Status.DPP_options & 1) == 1) {
00234                 strOptions += "HPGe HVPS\r\n";
00235             } else {
00236                 strOptions += "Unknown\r\n";
00237             }
00238             //===============HPGe HVPS HV Status==================
00239             strOptions += "HPGe HV: ";
00240             if (m_DP5_Status.HPGe_HV_INH) {
00241                 strOptions += "not inhibited\r\n";
00242             } else {
00243                 strOptions += "inhibited\r\n";
00244             }
00245             //===============HPGe HVPS Inhibit Status==================
00246             strOptions += "INH Polarity: ";
00247             if (m_DP5_Status.HPGe_HV_INH_POL) {
00248                 strOptions += "high\r\n";
00249             } else {
00250                 strOptions += "low\r\n";
00251             }
00252         } else {
00253             strOptions += "PX5 Options: None\r\n";  //           strOptions += "No Options Installed"
00254         }
00255     }
00256         return strOptions; 
00257 }
00259 string CDP5Status::GetStatusValueStrings(DP4_FORMAT_STATUS m_DP5_Status) 
00260 { 
00261     string strConfig("");
00262     string strTemp;
00263         string strIntPart;
00264         string strFracPart;
00265         stringex strfn;
00267         strTemp = GetDeviceNameFromVal(m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID);
00268         strConfig = "Device Type: " + strTemp + "\r\n";
00269         strTemp = strfn.Format("Serial Number: %lu\r\n",m_DP5_Status.SerialNumber);     //SerialNumber
00270         strConfig += strTemp;
00271         strTemp = "Firmware: " + DppUtil.BYTEVersionToString(m_DP5_Status.Firmware);   
00272         strConfig += strTemp;
00273         if (m_DP5_Status.Firmware > 0x65) {
00274                 strTemp = strfn.Format("  Build:  %d\r\n", m_DP5_Status.Build);
00275                 strConfig += strTemp;
00276         } else {
00277                 strConfig += "\r\n";
00278         }
00279         strTemp = "FPGA: " + DppUtil.BYTEVersionToString(m_DP5_Status.FPGA) + "\r\n"; 
00280         strConfig += strTemp;
00281         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppMCA8000D) {
00282                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Fast Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.FastCount);          //FastCount
00283                 strConfig += strTemp;
00284         }
00285         strTemp = strfn.Format("Slow Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.SlowCount);          //SlowCount
00286         strConfig += strTemp;
00287         strTemp = strfn.Format("GP Count: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.GP_COUNTER);           //GP Count
00288         strConfig += strTemp;
00290         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppMCA8000D) {
00291                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Accumulation Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.AccumulationTime);        //AccumulationTime
00292                 strConfig += strTemp;
00293         }
00295         strTemp = strfn.Format("Real Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.RealTime);        //RealTime
00296         strConfig += strTemp;
00298         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppMCA8000D) {
00299                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Live Time: %.0f\r\n",m_DP5_Status.LiveTime);        //RealTime
00300                 strConfig += strTemp;
00301         }
00303    if ((m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppDP5G) && (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppTB5) && (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID != dppMCA8000D)) {
00304         strTemp = strfn.Format("Detector Temp: %.0fK\r\n",m_DP5_Status.DET_TEMP);               //"##0�C") ' round to nearest degree
00305                 strConfig += strTemp;
00306                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Detector HV: %.0fV\r\n",m_DP5_Status.HV);
00307                 strConfig += strTemp;
00308                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Board Temp: %d�C\r\n",(int)m_DP5_Status.DP5_TEMP);
00309                 strConfig += strTemp;
00310         } else if ((m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppDP5G) || (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppTB5)) {         // GAMMARAD5,TB5
00311                 if (m_DP5_Status.DET_TEMP > 0) {
00312                         strTemp = strfn.Format("Detector Temp: %.1fK\r\n",m_DP5_Status.DET_TEMP);
00313                         strConfig += strTemp;
00314                 } else {
00315                         strConfig += "";
00316                 }
00317                 strTemp = strfn.Format("HV Set: %.0fV\r\n",m_DP5_Status.HV);
00318                 strConfig += strTemp;
00319         } else if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppMCA8000D) {             // Digital MCA
00320                 strTemp = strfn.Format("Board Temp: %d�C\r\n",(int)m_DP5_Status.DP5_TEMP);
00321                 strConfig += strTemp;
00322         }
00323         if (m_DP5_Status.DEVICE_ID == dppPX5) {
00324                 strTemp = PX5_OptionsString(m_DP5_Status);
00325                 strConfig += strTemp;
00326                 strTemp = strfn.Format("TEC V: %.3fV\r\n",m_DP5_Status.TEC_Voltage);
00327                 strConfig += strTemp;
00328         }
00329         return strConfig;
00330 }
00332 void CDP5Status::Process_Diagnostics(Packet_In PIN, DiagDataType *dd, int device_type)
00333 {
00334     long idxVal;
00335     string strVal;
00336         double DP5_ADC_Gain[10];  // convert each ADC count to engineering units - values calculated in FORM.LOAD
00337         double PC5_ADC_Gain[3];
00338         double PX5_ADC_Gain[12];
00339     stringex strfn;
00341     DP5_ADC_Gain[0] = 1.0 / 0.00286;                // 2.86mV/C
00342     DP5_ADC_Gain[1] = 1.0;                          // Vdd mon (out-of-scale)
00343     DP5_ADC_Gain[2] = (30.1 + 20.0) / 20.0;           // PWR
00344     DP5_ADC_Gain[3] = (13.0 + 20.0) / 20.0;            // 3.3V
00345     DP5_ADC_Gain[4] = (4.99 + 20.0) / 20.0;         // 2.5V
00346     DP5_ADC_Gain[5] = 1.0;                          // 1.2V
00347     DP5_ADC_Gain[6] = (35.7 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // 5.5V
00348     DP5_ADC_Gain[7] = (35.7 + 75.0) / 35.7;        // -5.5V (this one is tricky)
00349     DP5_ADC_Gain[8] = 1.0;                          // AN_IN
00350     DP5_ADC_Gain[9] = 1.0;                          // VREF_IN
00352     PC5_ADC_Gain[0] = 500.0;                        // HV: 1500V/3V
00353     PC5_ADC_Gain[1] = 100.0;                        // TEC: 300K/3V
00354     PC5_ADC_Gain[2] = (20.0 + 10.0) / 10.0;            // +8.5/5V
00356         //PX5_ADC_Gain[0] = (30.1 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // PWR
00357         PX5_ADC_Gain[0] = (69.8 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // 9V (was originally PWR)
00358     PX5_ADC_Gain[1] = (13.0 + 20.0) / 20.0;            // 3.3V
00359     PX5_ADC_Gain[2] = (4.99 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // 2.5V
00360     PX5_ADC_Gain[3] = 1.0;                         // 1.2V
00361     PX5_ADC_Gain[4] = (30.1 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // 5V
00362     PX5_ADC_Gain[5] = (10.7 + 75.0) / 10.7;         // -5V (this one is tricky)
00363     PX5_ADC_Gain[6] = (64.9 + 20.0) / 20.0;          // +PA
00364     PX5_ADC_Gain[7] = (10.7 + 75) / 10.7;        // -PA
00365     PX5_ADC_Gain[8] = (16.0 + 20.0) / 20.0;            // +TEC
00366     PX5_ADC_Gain[9] = 500.0;                       // HV: 1500V/3V
00367     PX5_ADC_Gain[10] = 100.0;                       // TEC: 300K/3V
00368     PX5_ADC_Gain[11] = 1.0 / 0.00286;               // 2.86mV/C
00370     dd->Firmware = PIN.DATA[0];
00371     dd->FPGA = PIN.DATA[1];
00372     strVal = "0x0" + FmtHex(PIN.DATA[2], 2) + FmtHex(PIN.DATA[3], 2) + FmtHex(PIN.DATA[4], 2);
00373     dd->SRAMTestData = strtol(strVal.c_str(),NULL,0);
00374     dd->SRAMTestPass = (dd->SRAMTestData == 0xFFFFFF);
00375     dd->TempOffset = PIN.DATA[180] + 256 * (PIN.DATA[180] > 127);  // 8-bit signed value
00377         if ((device_type == dppDP5) || (device_type == dppDP5X)) {
00378                 for(idxVal=0;idxVal<10;idxVal++){
00379                         dd->ADC_V[idxVal] = (float)((((PIN.DATA[5 + idxVal * 2] & 3) * 256) + PIN.DATA[6 + idxVal * 2]) * 2.44 / 1024.0 * DP5_ADC_Gain[idxVal]); // convert counts to engineering units (C or V)
00380                 }
00381                 dd->ADC_V[7] = dd->ADC_V[7] + dd->ADC_V[6] * (float)(1.0 - DP5_ADC_Gain[7]);  // -5.5V is a function of +5.5V
00382                 dd->strTempRaw = strfn.Format("%   #.0f0C", dd->ADC_V[0] - 271.3);
00383                 dd->strTempCal = strfn.Format("%   #.0f0C", (dd->ADC_V[0] - 280.0 + dd->TempOffset));
00384         } else if (device_type == dppPX5) {
00385         for(idxVal=0;idxVal<11;idxVal++){
00386             dd->ADC_V[idxVal] = (float)((((PIN.DATA[5 + idxVal * 2] & 15) * 256) + PIN.DATA[6 + idxVal * 2]) * 3.0 / 4096.0 * PX5_ADC_Gain[idxVal]);   // convert counts to engineering units (C or V)
00387                 }
00388         dd->ADC_V[11] = (float)((((PIN.DATA[5 + 11 * 2] & 3) * 256) + PIN.DATA[6 + 11 * 2]) * 3.0 / 1024.0 * PX5_ADC_Gain[11]);  // convert counts to engineering units (C or V)
00389         dd->ADC_V[5] = (float)(dd->ADC_V[5] - (3.0 * PX5_ADC_Gain[5]) + 3.0); // -5V uses +3VR
00390         dd->ADC_V[7] = (float)(dd->ADC_V[7] - (3.0 * PX5_ADC_Gain[7]) + 3.0); // -PA uses +3VR
00391                 dd->strTempRaw = strfn.Format("%#.1fC", dd->ADC_V[11] - 271.3);
00392                 dd->strTempCal = strfn.Format("%#.1fC", (dd->ADC_V[11] - 280.0 + dd->TempOffset));
00393         }       
00395     dd->PC5_PRESENT = false;  // assume no PC5, then check to see if there are any non-zero bytes
00396         for(idxVal=25;idxVal<=38;idxVal++) {
00397                 if (PIN.DATA[idxVal] > 0) {
00398             dd->PC5_PRESENT = true;
00399             break;
00400         }
00401     }
00403     if (dd->PC5_PRESENT) {
00404                 for(idxVal=0;idxVal<=2;idxVal++) {
00405                         dd->PC5_V[idxVal] = (float)((((PIN.DATA[25 + idxVal * 2] & 15) * 256) + PIN.DATA[26 + idxVal * 2]) * 3.0 / 4096.0 * PC5_ADC_Gain[idxVal]); // convert counts to engineering units (C or V)
00406                 }
00407                 if (PIN.DATA[34] < 128) {
00408                         dd->PC5_SN = (unsigned long)DppUtil.LongWordToDouble(31, PIN.DATA);
00409                 } else {
00410                         dd->PC5_SN = -1; // no PC5 S/N
00411                 }
00412                 if ((PIN.DATA[35] == 255) && (PIN.DATA[36] == 255)) {
00413                         dd->PC5Initialized = false;
00414                         dd->PC5DCAL = 0;
00415                 } else {
00416                         dd->PC5Initialized = true;
00417                         dd->PC5DCAL = (float)(((float)(PIN.DATA[35]) * 256.0 + (float)(PIN.DATA[36])) * 3.0 / 4096.0);
00418                 }
00419                 dd->IsPosHV = ((PIN.DATA[37] & 128) == 128);
00420                 dd->Is8_5VPreAmp = ((PIN.DATA[37] & 64) == 64);
00421                 dd->Sup9VOn = ((PIN.DATA[38] & 8) == 8);
00422                 dd->PreAmpON = ((PIN.DATA[38] & 4) == 4);
00423                 dd->HVOn = ((PIN.DATA[38] & 2) == 2);
00424                 dd->TECOn = ((PIN.DATA[38] & 1) == 1);
00425         } else {
00426         for(idxVal=0;idxVal<=2;idxVal++) {
00427             dd->PC5_V[idxVal] = 0;
00428                 }
00429         dd->PC5_SN = -1; // no PC5 S/N
00430         dd->PC5Initialized = false;
00431         dd->PC5DCAL = 0;
00432         dd->IsPosHV = false;
00433         dd->Is8_5VPreAmp = false;
00434         dd->Sup9VOn = false;
00435         dd->PreAmpON = false;
00436         dd->HVOn = false;
00437         dd->TECOn = false;
00438     }
00439         for(idxVal=0;idxVal<=191;idxVal++) {
00440         dd->DiagData[idxVal] = PIN.DATA[idxVal + 39];
00441     }
00442         //string strData;
00443         //strData = DisplayBufferArray(PIN.DATA, 256);
00444         //SaveStringDataToFile(strData);
00445 }
00447 string CDP5Status::DiagnosticsToString(DiagDataType dd, int device_type)
00448 {
00449     long idxVal;
00450         string strVal;
00451     string strDiag;
00452         stringex strfn;
00454     strDiag = "Firmware: " + VersionToStr(dd.Firmware) + "\r\n";
00455     strDiag += "FPGA: " + VersionToStr(dd.FPGA) + "\r\n";
00456     strDiag += "SRAM Test: ";
00457     if (dd.SRAMTestPass) {
00458         strDiag += "PASS\r\n";
00459     } else {
00460         strDiag += "ERROR @ 0x" + FmtHex(dd.SRAMTestData, 6) + "\r\n";
00461     }
00463         if ((device_type == dppDP5) || (device_type == dppDP5X)) {
00464                 strDiag += "DP5 Temp (raw): " + dd.strTempRaw + "\r\n";
00465                 strDiag += "DP5 Temp (cal'd): " + dd.strTempCal + "\r\n";
00466                 strDiag += "PWR: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[2]) + "\r\n";
00467                 strDiag += "3.3V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[3]) + "\r\n";
00468                 strDiag += "2.5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[4]) + "\r\n";
00469                 strDiag += "1.2V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[5]) + "\r\n";
00470                 strDiag += "+5.5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[6]) + "\r\n";
00471                 strDiag += "-5.5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[7]) + "\r\n";
00472                 strDiag += "AN_IN: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[8]) + "\r\n";
00473                 strDiag += "VREF_IN: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[9]) + "\r\n";
00475                 strDiag += "\r\n";
00476                 if (dd.PC5_PRESENT) {
00477                         strDiag += "PC5: Present\r\n";
00478                         strVal = strfn.Format("%dV",(int)(dd.PC5_V[0]));
00479                         strDiag += "HV: " + strVal + "\r\n";
00480                         strVal = strfn.Format("%#.1fK",dd.PC5_V[1]);
00481                         strDiag += "Detector Temp: " + strVal + "\r\n";
00482                         strDiag += "+8.5/5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.PC5_V[2]) + "\r\n";
00483                         if (dd.PC5_SN > -1) {
00484                                 strDiag += "PC5 S/N: " + FmtLng(dd.PC5_SN) + "\r\n";
00485                         } else {
00486                                 strDiag += "PC5 S/N: none\r\n";
00487                         }
00488                         if (dd.PC5Initialized) {
00489                                 strDiag += "PC5 DCAL: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.PC5DCAL) + "\r\n";
00490                         } else {
00491                                 strDiag += "PC5 DCAL: Uninitialized\r\n";
00492                         }
00493                         strDiag += "PC5 Flavor: ";
00494                         strDiag += IsAorB(dd.IsPosHV, "+HV, ", "-HV, ");
00495                         strDiag += IsAorB(dd.Is8_5VPreAmp, "8.5V preamp", "5V preamp") + "\r\n";
00496                         strDiag += "PC5 Supplies:\r\n";
00497                         strDiag += "9V: " + OnOffStr(dd.Sup9VOn) + "\r\n";
00498                         strDiag += "Preamp: " + OnOffStr(dd.PreAmpON) + "\r\n";
00499                         strDiag += "HV: " + OnOffStr(dd.HVOn) + "\r\n";
00500                         strDiag += "TEC: " + OnOffStr(dd.TECOn) + "\r\n";
00501                 } else {
00502                         strDiag += "PC5: Not Present\r\n";
00503                 }
00504         } else if (device_type == dppPX5) {
00505                 strDiag += "PX5 Temp (raw): " + dd.strTempRaw + "\r\n";
00506                 strDiag += "PX5 Temp (cal'd): " + dd.strTempCal + "\r\n";
00507                 //strDiag += "PWR: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[0]) + "\r\n";
00508                 strDiag += "9V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[0]) + "\r\n";
00509                 strDiag += "3.3V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[1]) + "\r\n";
00510                 strDiag += "2.5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[2]) + "\r\n";
00511                 strDiag += "1.2V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[3]) + "\r\n";
00512                 strDiag += "+5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[4]) + "\r\n";
00513                 strDiag += "-5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[5]) + "\r\n";
00514                 strDiag += "+PA: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[6]) + "\r\n";
00515                 strDiag += "-PA: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[7]) + "\r\n";
00516                 strDiag += "TEC: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[8]) + "\r\n";
00517                 strDiag += "ABS(HV): " + FmtHvPwr(dd.ADC_V[9]) + "\r\n";
00518                 strDiag += "DET_TEMP: " + FmtPc5Temp(dd.ADC_V[10]) + "\r\n";
00519         }
00521     strDiag += "\r\nDiagnostic Data\r\n";
00522     strDiag += "---------------\r\n";
00523         for(idxVal=0;idxVal<=191;idxVal++) {
00524         if ((idxVal % 8) == 0) { 
00525                         strDiag += FmtHex(idxVal, 2) + ":";
00526                 }
00527         strDiag += FmtHex(dd.DiagData[idxVal], 2) + " ";
00528         if ((idxVal % 8) == 7) { 
00529                         strDiag += "\r\n";
00530                 }
00531     }
00532     return (strDiag);
00533 }
00535 string CDP5Status::DiagStrPX5Option(DiagDataType dd, int device_type)
00536 {
00537     long idxVal;
00538         string strVal;
00539     string strDiag;
00540         stringex strfn;
00542     strDiag = "Firmware: " + VersionToStr(dd.Firmware) + "\r\n";
00543     strDiag += "FPGA: " + VersionToStr(dd.FPGA) + "\r\n";
00544     strDiag += "SRAM Test: ";
00545     if (dd.SRAMTestPass) {
00546         strDiag += "PASS\r\n";
00547     } else {
00548         strDiag += "ERROR @ 0x" + FmtHex(dd.SRAMTestData, 6) + "\r\n";
00549     }
00551         if (device_type == dppPX5) {
00552                 strDiag += "PX5 Temp (raw): " + dd.strTempRaw + "\r\n";
00553                 strDiag += "PX5 Temp (cal'd): " + dd.strTempCal + "\r\n";
00554                 strDiag += "9V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[0]) + "\r\n";
00555                 strDiag += "3.3V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[1]) + "\r\n";
00556                 strDiag += "2.5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[2]) + "\r\n";
00557                 strDiag += "TDET: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[3]) + "\r\n";
00558                 strDiag += "+5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[4]) + "\r\n";
00559                 strDiag += "-5V: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[5]) + "\r\n";
00560                 strDiag += "+PA: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[6]) + "\r\n";
00561                 strDiag += "-PA: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[7]) + "\r\n";
00562                 strDiag += "TEC: " + FmtPc5Pwr(dd.ADC_V[8]) + "\r\n";
00563                 strDiag += "ABS(HV): " + FmtHvPwr(dd.ADC_V[9]) + "\r\n";
00564                 strDiag += "DET_TEMP: " + FmtPc5Temp(dd.ADC_V[10]) + "\r\n";
00565         }
00567     strDiag += "\r\nDiagnostic Data\r\n";
00568     strDiag += "---------------\r\n";
00569         for(idxVal=0;idxVal<=191;idxVal++) {
00570         if ((idxVal % 8) == 0) { 
00571                         strDiag += FmtHex(idxVal, 2) + ":";
00572                 }
00573         strDiag += FmtHex(dd.DiagData[idxVal], 2) + " ";
00574         if ((idxVal % 8) == 7) { 
00575                         strDiag += "\r\n";
00576                 }
00577     }
00578     return (strDiag);
00579 }
00581 string CDP5Status::FmtHvPwr(float fVal) 
00582 {
00583         string strVal;
00584         stringex strfn;
00585         strVal = strfn.Format("%#.1fV", fVal);  // "#.##0V"
00586         return strVal;
00587 }
00589 string CDP5Status::FmtPc5Pwr(float fVal) 
00590 {
00591         string strVal;
00592         stringex strfn;
00593         strVal = strfn.Format("%#.3fV", fVal);  // "#.##0V"
00594         return strVal;
00595 }
00597 string CDP5Status::FmtPc5Temp(float fVal) 
00598 {
00599         string strVal;
00600         stringex strfn;
00601         strVal = strfn.Format("%#.1fK", fVal);  // "#.##0V"
00602         return strVal;
00603 }
00605 string CDP5Status::FmtHex(long FmtHex, long HexDig) 
00606 {
00607         string strHex;
00608         string strFmt;
00609         stringex strfn;
00610         strFmt = strfn.Format("%d",HexDig);             // max size of 0 pad
00611         strFmt = "%0" + strFmt + "X";           // string format specifier
00612         strHex = strfn.Format(strFmt.c_str(), FmtHex);  // create padded string
00613         return strHex;
00614 }
00616 string CDP5Status::FmtLng(long lVal) 
00617 {
00618         string strVal;
00619         stringex strfn;
00620         strVal = strfn.Format("%d", lVal);
00621         return strVal;
00622 }
00624 string CDP5Status::VersionToStr(unsigned char bVersion)
00625 {
00626         string strVerMajor;
00627         string strVerMinor;
00628         string strVer;
00629         stringex strfn;
00630         strVerMajor = strfn.Format("%d",((bVersion & 0xF0) / 16));
00631         strVerMinor = strfn.Format("%02d",(bVersion & 0x0F));
00632         strVer = strVerMajor + "." + strVerMinor;
00633         return (strVer);
00634 }
00636 string CDP5Status::OnOffStr(bool bOn)
00637 {
00638     if (bOn) {
00639         return("ON");
00640     } else {
00641         return("OFF");
00642     }
00643 }
00645 string CDP5Status::IsAorB(bool bIsA, string strA, string strB)
00646 {
00647     if (bIsA) {
00648         return(strA);
00649     } else {
00650         return(strB);
00651     }
00652 }
00654 string CDP5Status::GetDeviceNameFromVal(int DeviceTypeVal) 
00655 {
00656     string strDeviceType;
00657         switch(DeviceTypeVal) {
00658                 case 0:
00659             strDeviceType = "DP5";
00660                         break;
00661                 case 1:
00662             strDeviceType = "PX5";
00663                         break;
00664                 case 2:
00665             strDeviceType = "DP5G";
00666                         break;
00667                 case 3:
00668             strDeviceType = "MCA8000D";
00669                         break;
00670                 case 4:
00671             strDeviceType = "TB5";
00672                         break;
00673                 case 5:
00674             strDeviceType = "DP5-X";
00675                         break;
00676                 default:           //if unknown set to DP5
00677             strDeviceType = "DP5";
00678                         break;
00679         }
00680     return strDeviceType;
00681 }
00683 string CDP5Status::DisplayBufferArray(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned long bufSizeIn)
00684 {
00685     unsigned long i;
00686         string strVal("");
00687         string strMsg("");
00688         stringex strfn;
00689         for(i=0;i<bufSizeIn;i++) {
00690                 strVal = strfn.Format("%.2X ",buffer[i]);
00691                 strMsg += strVal;
00692                 //if (((i+1) % 16) == 0 ) { 
00693                 //      strMsg += "\r\n";
00694                 //} else 
00695                 if (((i+1) % 8) == 0 ) {
00696                 //      strMsg += "   ";
00697                         //strMsg += "\r\n";
00698                         strMsg += "\n";
00699                 }
00700         }
00701         //strMsg += "\n";
00702         return strMsg;
00703 }
00705 void CDP5Status::SaveStringDataToFile(string strData)
00706 {
00707         FILE  *out;
00708         string strFilename;
00709         string strError;
00710         stringex strfn;
00712         strFilename = "vcDP5_Data.txt";
00714         if ( (out = fopen(strFilename.c_str(),"w")) == (FILE *) NULL)
00715                 strError = strfn.Format("Couldn't open %s for writing.\n", strFilename.c_str());
00716         else
00717         {
00718                 fprintf(out,"%s\n",strData.c_str());
00719         }
00720         fclose(out);
00721 }