Amptek DppAPI (C)2008 - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 The DPPAPI is Pre-Release, a release version with updated documentation will be available soon. Changes from to - The DPPAPI has been updated to include the DP5. - See the following DP5 documents for DP5 reference: DP5 Software Migration A3.pdf DP5 Product Changes B1.pdf - The device type value has been changed - A generic a generic DPP Vendor Request has been added - FPGA clock functions have been added (DP5 only) // Run GetStatusStruct or GetStatusString before running Get80MHzMode /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // New DPP/DP5 Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SendDPPVendorRequest - Sends a generic DPP Vendor Request to the default usb device void __stdcall SendDppVendorRequest(void * objptr, int Request, int Value); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get80MHzMode - get 80MHzMode for DP5 only, returns true if DP5 and in 80MHzMode // Run GetStatusStruct or GetStatusString before running Get80MHzMode long __stdcall Get80MHzMode(void * objptr); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetFPGAClockDefault - set 80MHzMode for DP5 only void __stdcall SetFPGAClockDefault(void * objptr, BOOLEAN b80MHzMode, byte DPPDeviceType); // determining the device type: indDPP5 = (byte)(StatusLst.Firmware >= 5.0); //DPP5 20071023 indicates DPP5 type device DppDevice = ((indDPP5 * 2) + (StatusLst.StatDevInd * 1)) + 1; // new device type values enum DeviceType { devtypNONE = 0, // no dpp device devtypDP4 = 1, // dp4 devtypPX4 = 2, //px4 devtypDP4EMUL = 3, // dp5 (dp4 emulation) devtypPX4EMUL = 4 // dp5 (px4 emulation) }; // !!!! new device values must be used for functions requiring a device type value !!!!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // The FPGA Clock Default must be set to // correctly read DP5 configuration files // Run GetStatusStruct or GetStatusString before running Get80MHzMode ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Dpp80MHzMode = (BOOLEAN) Get80MHzMode(objDppApi); // get clock value SetFPGAClockDefault (objDppApi, Dpp80MHzMode, DppDevice); // set clock value CString GetDeviceNameFromVal(int DeviceTypeVal) { CString cstrDeviceType; switch(DeviceTypeVal) { case 1: cstrDeviceType = "DP4"; break; case 2: cstrDeviceType = "PX4"; break; case 3: cstrDeviceType = "DP4EMUL"; break; case 4: cstrDeviceType = "DP5"; break; default: // unknown cstrDeviceType = ""; break; } return cstrDeviceType; } // an example of the OLD configuration read void OnBnClickedConfigButton_OLD() { int numdev; // number of usb devices void * objDppApi; // pointer to dpp api CString cstrStatus; // status display string long FilenameLen; // byte DppDevice; DPP_STATUS StatusLst; GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIG_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(false); // disable button until done objDppApi = OpenDppApi(); // Create/Open DPPAPI numdev = OpenUSBDevice(objDppApi); // Open USB communications if (numdev > 0) { GetStatusStruct(objDppApi, true, &StatusLst); // get device status cstrStatus.Format("(s/n %7i)",(ULONG)StatusLst.SerialNumber); if (StatusLst.SerialNumber < 1) { GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("Device status error."); } else { if(PromptFileName()) { // get the configuration filename DppDevice = StatusLst.StatDevInd; FilenameLen = (long)m_csCurrentFile.GetLength(); GetConfigFromFile(objDppApi, m_csCurrentFile, FilenameLen, DppDevice); SendConfigToDpp(objDppApi); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("Configuration loaded from file and sent to device. " + cstrStatus); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("No configuration file selected."); } } } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("No devices detected."); } CloseUSBDevice (objDppApi); // 7. close usb CloseDppApi (objDppApi); // 8. close DPPAPI Sleep(750); GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIG_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(true); } // Example of the new configuration read void OnBnClickedConfigButton_NEW() { int numdev; // number of usb devices void * objDppApi; // pointer to dpp api CString cstrStatus; // status display string long FilenameLen; // byte DppDevice; byte indDPP5; DPP_STATUS StatusLst; BOOLEAN Dpp80MHzMode; GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIG_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(false); // disable button until done objDppApi = OpenDppApi(); // Create/Open DPPAPI numdev = OpenUSBDevice(objDppApi); // Open USB communications if (numdev > 0) { GetStatusStruct(objDppApi, true, &StatusLst); // get device status cstrStatus.Format("(s/n %7i)",StatusLst.SerialNumber); if (StatusLst.SerialNumber < 1) { // check if device status can be read GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("Device status error."); } else { // device is communicating, get the config file if(PromptFileName()) { // get the configuration filename, if any config dpp DppDevice = StatusLst.StatDevInd; // determine device type (0=dp4,1=px4) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// indDPP5 = (byte)(StatusLst.Firmware >= 5.0); //DPP5 20071023 indicates DPP5 type device DppDevice = ((indDPP5 * 2) + (StatusLst.StatDevInd * 1)) + 1; // Run GetStatusStruct or GetStatusString before running Get80MHzMode Dpp80MHzMode = (BOOLEAN) Get80MHzMode(objDppApi); SetFPGAClockDefault (objDppApi, Dpp80MHzMode, DppDevice); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FilenameLen = (long)m_csCurrentFile.GetLength(); // get configuration filename buffer length GetConfigFromFile(objDppApi, m_csCurrentFile, FilenameLen, DppDevice); // load cfg into dppapi SendConfigToDpp(objDppApi); // send cfg to dpp GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("Configuration loaded from file and sent to device. " + cstrStatus); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("No configuration file selected."); } } } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_STATIC)->SetWindowText("No devices detected."); } CloseUSBDevice (objDppApi); // close usb CloseDppApi (objDppApi); // close DPPAPI Sleep(750); GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIG_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(true); }