Attribute VB_Name = "modDisplayCfg" Option Explicit '@bfunc Saves the configuration class (clsDPPConfig) settings 'to a display string, includes description labels. '@bparm configuration class to be displayed '@rdesc configuration display string with description labels '@devnote uses all DPP dialog control classes to convert values Public Function ShowConfigSettingStrings() As String Dim strConfig As String Dim strTemp As String strConfig = "" 'saves the comm port string COM 'if port > 0 then is a ser com port, if = 0 then is USB, else not set strConfig = strConfig & "COM Port: " & GetPortStrFromVal(Port) & vbNewLine strTemp = GetRiseStringFromVal(Rise, Avg) strConfig = strConfig & "Rise: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetTopStringFromVal(FlatTop, Avg) strConfig = strConfig & "Top: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strConfig = strConfig & "Fast Threshold: " & FastChThreshold & vbNewLine strConfig = strConfig & "PUR Enable: " & GetPUROnOffTextFromVal(PUREnable) & vbNewLine 'saves RTD OFF/ON State,slow/fast values strTemp = GetRTDOnTextFromVal(CBool(RTDOn)) strConfig = strConfig & "RTD ON/OFF: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetRTDSlowStrFromVal(RTDSlow) strConfig = strConfig & "RTD Threshold: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetRTDFastStrFromVal(RTDFast) strConfig = strConfig & "RTD Fast HWHM: " & strTemp & vbNewLine ' the following were added in v3.4 strTemp = GetBaselineOnStrFromValShort(BaselineOn) strConfig = strConfig & "AutoBaseline: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strConfig = strConfig & "BLR: " & GetBLRStrFromVal(BLR) & vbNewLine strConfig = strConfig & "Acquisition Mode: " & GetAcqModeTextFromVal(AcqMode) & vbNewLine strConfig = strConfig & "MCS Timebase: " & GetTimebaseStrFromIndex(MCSTimebase) & vbNewLine 'saves the setup string MCA+NumberOfChannels or MCADisable if disabled strTemp = GetMCAChannelsStrFromVal(MCAEnable, MCA) strConfig = strConfig & "MCA Channels: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetSlowChThresStrFromVal(SlowChThreshold) strConfig = strConfig & "Slow Threshold: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetBufferSelectDispStr(BufferSelect) strConfig = strConfig & "Buffer Select: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetGateValueString(Gate) strConfig = strConfig & "Gate Input (TTL): " & strTemp & vbNewLine 'print gate value strTemp = GetPresetTimeStrFromVal(Preset) strConfig = strConfig & "Preset: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetCoarseGainString(CoarseGain, DppDevice) strConfig = strConfig & "Coarse Gain: " & strTemp & vbNewLine 'save gain value in text form strTemp = GetFineGainString(FineGain) strConfig = strConfig & "Fine Gain: " & strTemp & vbNewLine 'save gain value in text form strTemp = GetInputPolarityString(InvertCG) strConfig = strConfig & "Input Polarity: " & strTemp & vbNewLine 'save gain value in text form strTemp = GetInputOffsetString(InputOffset) strConfig = strConfig & "Input Offset: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetPoleZeroString(PoleZero) strConfig = strConfig & "Pole Zero: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetDetResetTextFromVal(CInt(DetReset)) strConfig = strConfig & "Det Rst Lockout: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetTECString(TEC) strConfig = strConfig & "TEC: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetHVString(HV) strConfig = strConfig & "HV: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetPreampPowerString(Pwr8_5SEL_On) strConfig = strConfig & "Preamp Power: " & strTemp & vbNewLine 'save dac settings (change values 0-4 + DAC_Enable to DAC1-DAC5) 'read dac val opt index and add 1 to get DAC opt value or DAC5 for off Dim DAC_Enable As Byte DAC_Enable = CByte(Abs(CBool(DAC > 0))) strConfig = strConfig & "Analog Out: " & GetDACHeaderStrFromVal(DAC_Enable, DAC) & vbNewLine strTemp = GetOutputOffsetStrFromVal(OutputOffset) strConfig = strConfig & "Offset: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetAuxComboStrFromIndex(AuxOut) strConfig = strConfig & "Aux: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetOutputOffsetStrFromVal(OutputOffset) strConfig = strConfig & "Offset: " & strTemp & vbNewLine strTemp = GetAudioString(AudibleCounter) strConfig = strConfig & "Audio: " & strTemp & vbNewLine ShowConfigSettingStrings = strConfig End Function Public Function GetTECString(TEC As Integer) As String Dim dblTemp As Double dblTemp = CDbl(TEC) * 3# / 4096# * 100# GetTECString = FormatNumber(dblTemp, 1) & "K" End Function Public Function GetHVString(HV As Integer) As String Dim dblTemp As Double dblTemp = CDbl(HV) * 3# / 4096# * 500# GetHVString = FormatNumber(dblTemp, 1) & "V" End Function Public Function GetPreampPowerString(Pwr8_5SEL_On As Boolean) As String If (Pwr8_5SEL_On) Then GetPreampPowerString = "8.5V" Else GetPreampPowerString = "5.0V" End If End Function '@mfunc get the Aux output option display string based on given Aux optionbox index '@parm Aux optionbox index '@rdesc Aux output option string display text (shape name or off) '@devnote This is used in clsDPPFile.CreateSaveFileHeader. Public Function GetAuxComboStrFromIndex(AuxOut As Long) As String Select Case AuxOut Case 0 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "ICR" Case 1 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "PILEUP" Case 2 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "HOLD" Case 3 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "ONESHOT" Case 4 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "DET_RES" Case 5 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "MCA_EN" Case 6 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "TRIGGER" Case 7 GetAuxComboStrFromIndex = "SCA8" End Select End Function Public Function GetAudioString(AudibleCounter As Byte) Select Case AudibleCounter Case 0 GetAudioString = "Off" Case 1 GetAudioString = "Low" Case 2 GetAudioString = "Medium" Case 3 GetAudioString = "High" Case Else GetAudioString = "Off" End Select End Function Public Function GetPoleZeroString(PoleZero As Integer) As String If (CBool(PoleZero)) Then GetPoleZeroString = CStr(PoleZero) Else GetPoleZeroString = "Off" End If End Function Public Function GetInputOffsetString(InputOffset As Long) As String Dim dblInputOffset As Double dblInputOffset = ((CDbl(InputOffset) - 2048#) / 1000#) GetInputOffsetString = FormatNumber(dblInputOffset, 3) & "V" End Function 'get rise str from value '@bfunc Get Rise value string from a Rise and Avg values. '@bparm Rise value '@bparm Avg value '@rdesc Rise value string Public Function GetRiseStringFromVal(RiseVal As Integer, AvgVal As Integer) As String If (AvgVal = 0) Then GetRiseStringFromVal = "12.8uS" '"Rise Value Not Set" ElseIf (RiseVal = -1) Then GetRiseStringFromVal = "12.8uS" '"Rise Value Not Set" Else GetRiseStringFromVal = FormatNumber((RiseVal * 0.8 * (2 ^ (AvgVal - 1))), 1) & "uS" End If End Function 'get top str from value 'calculates the top width string from given FlatTop and Avg values '@bfunc Get FlatTop value string from a FlatTop and Avg values. '@bparm FlatTop value '@bparm Avg value '@rdesc FlatTop value string Public Function GetTopStringFromVal(FlatTopVal As Integer, AvgVal As Integer) As String Dim dblTop As Double dblTop = 0.1 * (2 ^ AvgVal) * (FlatTopVal + 1) GetTopStringFromVal = FormatNumber(dblTop, 1) & "uS" End Function '@bfunc Get Slow Threshold display text string from Slow Threshold value. '@bparm Slow Threshold value '@rdesc Slow Threshold display text string Public Function GetSlowChThresStrFromVal(byteSlowThres As Byte) As String GetSlowChThresStrFromVal = CStr(Int(byteSlowThres * 100# * 4# / 4096 * 100) / 100) + "% FS" End Function '@bfunc get the output DAC offset display string based on given offset value '@rdesc output DAC offset display string '@devnote This is used in clsDPPFile. Public Function GetOutputOffsetStrFromVal(OffsetVal As Long) As String GetOutputOffsetStrFromVal = CStr(Int(((OffsetVal * 2 + ((OffsetVal * 2) > 127) * 256) * 1000 * 16 / 4096))) + "mV" End Function '@bfunc Get PUR On/Off value text from PUR enable value. '@bparm PUR enable value '@rdesc PUR On/Off value string Public Function GetPUROnOffTextFromVal(PUREnableVal As Boolean) As String If PUREnableVal Then GetPUROnOffTextFromVal = "PUROn" Else GetPUROnOffTextFromVal = "PUROff" End If End Function '@bfunc get the detector reset value text from a reset value '@bparm detector reset value '@rdesc detector reset value text '@flag intResetVal=0 | 13.1mS '@flag intResetVal=1 | 6.55mS '@flag intResetVal=2 | 3.28mS '@flag intResetVal=3 | 1.64mS '@flag intResetVal=4 | 819uS '@flag intResetVal=5 | 410uS '@flag intResetVal=6 | 205uS '@flag intResetVal=7 | 102uS '@flag intResetVal=8 | OFF '@flag intResetVal=other values | Unknown Public Function GetDetResetTextFromVal(intResetVal As Integer) Select Case intResetVal Case 0 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "13.1mS" Case 1 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "6.55mS" Case 2 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "3.28mS" Case 3 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "1.64mS" Case 4 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "819uS" Case 5 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "410uS" Case 6 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "205uS" Case 7 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "102uS" Case 8 GetDetResetTextFromVal = "OFF" Case Else GetDetResetTextFromVal = "Unknown" End Select End Function '@bfunc get the baseline option control text from a reset value '@bparm detector reset value '@rdesc detector reset value text '@flag intResetVal=0 | Slow '@flag intResetVal=1 | Slow '@flag intResetVal=2 | Slow '@flag intResetVal=3 | Slow '@flag intResetVal=4 | Fast '@flag intResetVal=5 | Fast '@flag intResetVal=6 | Fast '@flag intResetVal=7 | Fast '@flag intResetVal=8 | --- '@flag intResetVal=other values | --- Public Function GetBaselineOptTextFromVal(intResetVal As Integer) As String Select Case intResetVal Case 0 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Slow" Case 1 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Slow" Case 2 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Slow" Case 3 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Slow" Case 4 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Fast" Case 5 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Fast" Case 6 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Fast" Case 7 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "Fast" Case 8 GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "---" Case Else GetBaselineOptTextFromVal = "---" End Select End Function '@bfunc get the DAC output option display string based on given DAC optionbox index '@bparm DAC optionbox index '@rdesc DAC output option string display text (shape name or off) '@devnote This is used in clsDPPFile.CreateSaveFileHeader. Public Function GetDACHeaderStrFromVal(DAC_EnableVal As Byte, DACVal As Integer) As String Dim strMsg As String Dim DACIndex As Integer DACIndex = GetDACOptIndexFromVal(DAC_EnableVal, DACVal) strMsg = "" Select Case DACIndex Case 0 strMsg = strMsg & "Fast Channel" Case 1 strMsg = strMsg & "Shaped Pulse" Case 2 strMsg = strMsg & "Decimated Input" Case 3 strMsg = strMsg & "Test" Case 4 strMsg = strMsg & "Off" Case Else strMsg = strMsg & "unknown" End Select GetDACHeaderStrFromVal = strMsg End Function '@bfunc get the DAC output option control index given DAC values '@bparm DAC Enabled value '@bparm DAC output type value '@rdesc DAC output option control index Public Function GetDACOptIndexFromVal(DAC_EnableVal As Byte, DACVal As Integer) As Integer GetDACOptIndexFromVal = 4 'set default to off If Not CBool(DAC_EnableVal) Then 'if not enabled, set to off val(=4) GetDACOptIndexFromVal = 4 ElseIf DACVal < 4 Then GetDACOptIndexFromVal = DACVal End If End Function '@bfunc Get Acq Mode value string from AcqMode value. '@bparm AcqMode value '@rdesc AcqMode value string '@comm used in clsDPPFile.SaveConfigFile Public Function GetAcqModeTextFromVal(AcqMode As Byte) As String GetAcqModeTextFromVal = Trim(IIf(CBool(AcqMode), "MCS", "MCA")) End Function Public Function GetInputPolarityString(InvertCG As Boolean) If (InvertCG) Then GetInputPolarityString = "Negative" Else GetInputPolarityString = "Positive" End If End Function '@bfunc Get MCA Channels String from MCAEnable and MCA Value '@bparm MCAEnable Value '@bparm MCA Value '@rdesc string containing number of channels selected (without leading "MCA") '@comm string used to display the number of channels, returns "Disable" if disabled Public Function GetMCAChannelsStrFromVal(MCAEnableVal As Boolean, mcaVal As Integer) As String GetMCAChannelsStrFromVal = Trim(IIf(MCAEnableVal, CStr(((2 ^ (4 - mcaVal)) * 256)), "Disable")) End Function '@bfunc Get Port Selection value string from a port value. '@bparm port value '@rdesc Port Selection value string Public Function GetPortStrFromVal(PortVal As Integer) As String 'saves the comm port string COM 'if port > 0 then is a ser com port, if = 0 then is USB, else not set GetPortStrFromVal = Trim(IIf(PortVal > 0, "COM" & Trim(CStr(PortVal)), IIf(PortVal = 0, "USB", "Port Not Set"))) End Function '@bfunc Get RTD On/Off value string from RTD On/Off value. '@bparm RTD On/Off value '@rdesc RTD RTD On/Off value string '@comm used in clsDPPFile.SaveConfigFile Public Function GetRTDOnTextFromVal(RTDOnVal As Boolean) As String GetRTDOnTextFromVal = Trim(IIf(RTDOnVal, "RTDOn", "RTDOff")) End Function '@bfunc Get RTD Slow value string from RTD slow value. '@bparm RTD slow value '@rdesc RTD Slow value string Public Function GetRTDSlowStrFromVal(RTDSlowVal As Byte) As String GetRTDSlowStrFromVal = FormatNumber((CDbl(RTDSlowVal * 100# / 512# * 100#) / 100#), 2) + "% FS" End Function '@bfunc Get RTD Fast value string from RTD fast value. '@bparm RTD fast value '@rdesc RTD Fast value string Public Function GetRTDFastStrFromVal(RTDFastVal As Byte) As String GetRTDFastStrFromVal = CStr(RTDFastVal) End Function '@bfunc Get DP4 Analog Coarse Gain value text from a gain value. '@bparm Gain Option index '@rdesc DP4 Analog Coarse Gain value text '@comm gain values are 0-3 (0=GAIN10,1=GAIN20,2=GAIN50,3=GAIN100) Public Function GetAlogGainText(intAlogGain As Integer) As String Select Case intAlogGain Case 0 GetAlogGainText = "GAIN10" Case 1 GetAlogGainText = "GAIN20" Case 2 GetAlogGainText = "GAIN50" Case 3 GetAlogGainText = "GAIN100" Case Else GetAlogGainText = "GAIN not selected" End Select End Function Public Function GetCoarseGainString(CoarseGain As Integer, DppType As Integer) If DppType Then GetCoarseGainString = FormatNumber((4# * (1.2 ^ CoarseGain)), 2) & "x" Else Select Case CoarseGain Case 0 GetCoarseGainString = "11x" Case 1 GetCoarseGainString = "21x" Case 2 GetCoarseGainString = "55x" Case 3 GetCoarseGainString = "106x" Case Else GetCoarseGainString = "11x" End Select End If End Function Public Function GetFineGainString(FineGain As Integer) Dim dblTemp As Double dblTemp = CSng(FineGain) / CSng(8192) GetFineGainString = FormatNumber(dblTemp, 4) End Function '@bfunc get the BaselineOn Display string from baselineon value '@bparm baselineon value '@rdesc BaselineOn Display string '@flag BaselineOnVal=False | AutoBaselineOff '@flag BaselineOnVal=True | AutoBaselineOn Public Function GetBaselineOnStrFromVal(BaselineOnVal As Boolean) ' the following were added in v3.4 If BaselineOnVal Then GetBaselineOnStrFromVal = "AutoBaselineOn" Else GetBaselineOnStrFromVal = "AutoBaselineOff" End If End Function '@bfunc get the BaselineOn Display string from baselineon value '@bparm baselineon value '@rdesc BaselineOn Display string '@flag BaselineOnVal=False | AutoBaselineOff '@flag BaselineOnVal=True | AutoBaselineOn Public Function GetBaselineOnStrFromValShort(BaselineOnVal As Boolean) ' the following were added in v3.4 If BaselineOnVal Then GetBaselineOnStrFromValShort = "On" Else GetBaselineOnStrFromValShort = "Off" End If End Function '@bfunc Get the BLR display string from a BLR value '@bparm BLR correction value '@rdesc BLR display string '@devnote See module notes for BLR correction settings. 'This function can be used to get a BLR correction string 'from a configuration value. Public Function GetBLRStrFromVal(BLRVal As Byte) As String Dim strBLR As String If BLRVal = 63 Then strBLR = "BLR:OFF" Else strBLR = "BLR:ON " strBLR = strBLR & "DN:" & 4 ^ ((BLRVal And 48) / 16) & " " '(values 1,4,16,64) strBLR = strBLR & "UP:" & 4 ^ ((BLRVal And 12) / 4) & " " '(values 1,4,16,64) ' If (BLR And 3) > 1 Then '(values 32,256,2048,16384) If (BLRVal And 3) > 1 Then '(values 32,256,2048,16384) strBLR = strBLR & "TH:" & Int((32 * 8 ^ (BLRVal And 3)) / 1000) & "K" Else strBLR = strBLR & "TH:" & (32 * 8 ^ (BLRVal And 3)) End If End If GetBLRStrFromVal = strBLR End Function '@bfunc get the buffer selection value display text from a buffer selection value '@bparm buffer selection value '@rdesc buffer selection value display text Public Function GetBufferSelectValueString(ByVal BufferSelect As Integer) As String If BufferSelect = BufferSelectA Then GetBufferSelectValueString = "BufferSelectA" ElseIf BufferSelect = BufferSelectB Then GetBufferSelectValueString = "BufferSelectB" ElseIf BufferSelect = BufferSelectHW Then GetBufferSelectValueString = "BufferSelectHW" Else GetBufferSelectValueString = "BufferSelectA" End If End Function '@mfunc get the buffer selection value display text from a buffer selection value '@parm buffer selection value '@rdesc buffer selection value display text Public Function GetBufferSelectDispStr(BufferSelect As Byte) As String If (BufferSelect = BufferSelectA) Then GetBufferSelectDispStr = "Buffer A" ElseIf (BufferSelect = BufferSelectB) Then GetBufferSelectDispStr = "Buffer B" ElseIf (BufferSelect = BufferSelectHW) Then GetBufferSelectDispStr = "Buffer Hardware" Else GetBufferSelectDispStr = "Buffer None" End If End Function '@bfunc Get gate value string from a gate value. '@bparm Gate value '@rdesc gate value string Public Function GetGateValueString(ByVal Gate As Integer) As String If Gate = 0 Then GetGateValueString = "GateOff" ElseIf Gate = 128 Then GetGateValueString = "GateHigh" ElseIf Gate = 192 Then GetGateValueString = "GateLow" Else GetGateValueString = "Gate not selected" End If End Function '@bfunc Get Preset Time value string from a preset time value. '@bparm preset time value '@rdesc Preset Time Control value string Public Function GetPresetTimeStrFromVal(PresetVal As Long) As String Select Case PresetVal Case 0 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "None" Case 10 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "1 sec" Case 20 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "2 sec" Case 50 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "5 sec" Case 100 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "10 sec" Case 300 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "30 sec" Case 600 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "1 min" Case 1200 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "2 min" Case 3000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "5 min" Case 6000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "10 min" Case 18000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "30 min" Case 36000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "1 hr" Case 72000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "2 hr" Case 180000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "5 hr" Case 360000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "10 hr" Case 864000 GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = "24 hr" Case Else GetPresetTimeStrFromVal = CLng(Val(PresetVal) / 10) & " sec" End Select End Function 'this function puts spaces in strings to align description Text (Right) 'NOTE: needs fixed width font to display correctly '^^^^^^^^^^^^Description : Public Function TR(strStr As String, bufsize As Integer) As String Dim posStart As Long Dim posEnd As Long Dim strText As String Dim strBuffer As String Dim lenStr As Long Dim strDescr As String Dim remNL As Boolean 'flag, if text has vb nl as first chars don't remove (ie =false) Dim lenAdj As Long 'adjust the string search for increase in size due to alignment Dim strPre As String Dim strMid As String Dim strEnd As String Dim loopCntr As Integer 'On Error GoTo trErr TR = strStr 'If (InStr(1, strText, vbNewLine) = 1) Then If (InStr(1, strStr, vbNewLine) = 1) Then remNL = False Else strText = vbNewLine & strStr 'append NL to string remNL = True 'will need to remove nl End If posStart = 1 posEnd = 1 lenStr = 0 lenAdj = 0 loopCntr = 0 Do posStart = posStart + lenAdj posEnd = posEnd + lenAdj posStart = InStr(posEnd, strText, vbNewLine) + 2 'posStart at NL (2 chars) posEnd = InStr(posStart, strText, ":") + 1 'posEnd at ":" (1 char) If (posEnd < 2) Then Exit Do lenStr = (posEnd - posStart) + 1 lenAdj = bufsize - lenStr 'strBuffer = Space(lenAdj) 'create spaces buffer 'strBuffer = String(lenAdj, "#") 'create spaces buffer strBuffer = String(lenAdj, " ") 'create spaces buffer strDescr = Mid(strText, posStart, lenStr) 'get string to be aligned strPre = Mid(strText, 1, posStart - 1) strMid = strBuffer & strDescr strEnd = Mid(strText, posEnd + 1) 'insert string with buffer of spaces strText = strPre & strMid & strEnd If (loopCntr > 100) Then Exit Function 'exit if in infinite loop (won't do 100 lines) Loop While ((posEnd > 1) And (posEnd < Len(strText))) 'Loop Until ":" Not found If remNL Then strText = Mid(strText, 3) 'remove leading nl 'MsgBox strText TR = strText Exit Function trErr: 'MsgBox Err.Description 'exit without returning aligned string End Function ' NOTE MCS Timebase control index=cfg value (the value doesn't need to be converted) '@mfunc Get MCS Timebase value string from a timebase value. '@parm mcs timebase value '@rdesc MCS Timebase Control value string Public Function GetTimebaseStrFromIndex(TimebaseVal As Long) As String Select Case TimebaseVal Case 0 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "10mS/channel" Case 1 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "20mS/channel" Case 2 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "50mS/channel" Case 3 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "100mS/channel" Case 4 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "200mS/channel" Case 5 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "500mS/channel" Case 6 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "1 sec/channel" Case 7 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "2 sec/channel" Case 8 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "5 sec/channel" Case 9 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "10 sec/channel" Case 10 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "20 sec/channel" Case 11 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "30 sec/channel" Case 12 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "60 sec/channel" Case 13 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "90 sec/channel" Case 14 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "120 sec/channel" Case 15 GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "300 sec/channel" Case Else GetTimebaseStrFromIndex = "1 sec/channel" End Select End Function