The following libraries represent the typical energy lines for the cases they represent. The data in these libraries are believed to be accurate; however, Amptek, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for typographic errors or errors due to inaccurate data in the sources used to create these files. Accident.lib - gamma ray library of some isotopes found at nuclear power plant accidents Activ.lib - neutron activation gamma ray library Eu152.lib - gamma ray library of Eu-152 isotope Natural.lib - library of some natural gamma ray emitting isotopes Ra226.lib - Ra-226 gamma lines library snpbco57.lib - example library to be used with the spectrum snppbco57.asp Source.lib - gamma ray library of selected standard calibration sources Xray-Ka1.lib - K alfa1 X-ray lines from 0.0 5 keV to 100 keV Xray-Kb1.lib - K beta1 X-ray lines from 1 keV to 112 keV Xray-La1.lib - L alfa1 X-ray lines from 2 keV to 17 keV Xray-Lb1.lib - L beta1 X-ray lines from 2 keV to 22 keV To create your own library, use the format described in the Online Help.