Multiple USB DPP README 20070613 NOTE: SEE AssignAppToDpp.pdf and SelectDpp.pdf 0.) This is an ADVANCED FEATURE, PLEASE read all the documentation. 1.) When enabled, ADMCA can be assigned to a DPP device. (AssignAppToDpp.pdf) 2.) ADMCA can read all USB DPP devices. 3.) If more than one USB DPP device is connected, devices can be selected from a list. (SelectDpp.pdf) NOTE: YOU MUST SELECT THE CORRECT DEVICE TYPE BEFORE SELECTING A DEVICE FROM THE LIST OF AVAILABLE DEVICES. 4.) In AssignAppToDpp.pdf, UNIQUE unit number examples UnitNumber=Unit1 OR UnitNumber=Office203 ;Assign a UNIQUE unit number to your application. ;UnitNumber=YourUnitNumber ADMCA Analog and Digital Acquisition Software (MCA8000A/DP4/X123/GAMMA-RAD/PX4) RNREV20070613 Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Amptek, Inc.