EMResource Workgroup

The EMResource Workgroup is a regional workgroup created by the NCTTRAC Board of Directors to develop an efficient and useful EMResource product for TSA-E.  The EMResource Workgroup is composed of representatives from the ED Operations, EMS, Air Medical, REPC, Trauma, Stroke, Cardiac, Pediatrics, Perinatal, Medical Directors, and SPI committees, and reports directly to the NCTTRAC Board of Directors.

The workgroup’s overall charge is to improve NCTTRAC’s EMResource organization, utilization, and system data confidence. The Workgroup will review current configuration and utilization of EMResource,  additional functionalities that are availability, and will make recommendations to the Board regarding changes to the web application format.  We will also develop supporting regional policies to make EMResource relevant and beneficial.  We plan on building on past joint NCTTRAC-DFWHC collaborative efforts to improve patient destination and hospital status information across clinical disciplines.

july, 2023

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Workgroup Lead

Kris Powell

Workgroup Goals

Develop an optimized EMResource application and utilization that does the following:

(1) Improve patient outcomes by strengthening EMS and Hospital decision support.

(2) Provides enhanced visibility of regional capabilities for broadened disaster support in regional patient destination and transportation management.

(3) Timely status information that integrates with WebEOC for effective coordination with Emergency Management.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the EMResource Workgroup will be on Tuesday, November 19th, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.  This meeting will serve as a review of the changes implemented during the EMResource Overhaul.  The EMResource Overhaul will be evaluated for effectiveness and any additional changes needed will be identified.  All EMResource users are invited to attend.  

A webinar option is available at the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9176705865351400973


