NanoStructure Solutions™
MOXTEK has been producing nanostructured optical components for over 20 years. We offer high volume wafer replication of nanostructure devices on Ø200mm wafers. Our versatile capabilities are used to manufacture functional metasurfaces including: metalens, meta-optical elements (MOE), diffractive optical elements (DOE), patterned nanostructures, waveguides, photonics crystals, and biosensor arrays. These devices are used for imaging, illumination, and display systems for a variety of applications including: automotive, medical/dental imaging, camera systems, and many others.
Moxtek collaborates with customers to design, verify and create solutions for high volume manufacturing. We provide options for prompt design iterations and NanoImprint Lithography (NIL) optimization. Moxtek uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) monitoring of post-print Critical Dimension (CD) repeatability.
Moxtek offers prototyping samples on our recurring Design Master Shuttle. This NIL Design Master Shuttle includes space for multiple (different) design structures, which allows engineers to test several designs on a single shuttle iteration thereby reducing development time/cost. We can add your unique design on our next Design Master Shuttle for prototyping your latest lens or nanostructure optical device. These design shuttles are processed multiple times a year.