Rapiscan METOR M Series Remote Control


Metor WTMDs can be equipped with a wireless bi-directional remote control unit as an alternative means of programming to the
keyboard on the display unit. Bi-directional operation enables loading parameters from one Metor and sending the same parameters to other Metors. This makes the programming of multiple Metor units easy. One remote control unit can be programmed to operate several detectors or up to ten remote control units can be tuned to a specific Metor unit. The remote control operation is also secured with code hopping algorithm. Parameter adjustments are access code protected. Access code protection eliminates any unauthorized tampering with parameters. Only authorized personnel can change the access code. The user interface locks down after entering a wrong access code three times.

MRCS consist of a microcontroller, membrane keyboard, EEPROM memory, bidirectional infrared (IrDA) port, two 1.5V AA alkaline batteries, a battery voltage monitor and a charge pump. MRCS can be located inside the lockable crosspiece to avoid access by unauthorized personnel.