Rapiscan 918CX
The Rapiscan ORION 918CX is a High Performance, compact and versatile 540mm by 360mm tunnel X-Ray system with exceptional image quality and excellent threat detection alert capabilities. The 918CX can present images to the operator in the Classic 4-color and the new proprietary Spectrum 4-color (SP4) option providing superior image, allowing improved security by quick and accurate identification of threats and increase in throughput.
The Dual Mode Auto Z feature aids the operator in quick identification of organic materials, either in Range Mode which highlights areas based on operator selected Z-effective values of 7, 8 or 9, or in Interactive Mode which gives the operator the option to display the Z-effective number of a selected pixel.
The Target and NARCScan software options are designed to detect a wide range of explosives and narcotics respectively in real time during the scanning process by marking a potential threat on the X-ray image. Rapiscan® Systems detection algorithms are based on regulatory approved material analysis techniques.