The capability to act quickly and safely to incidents in dangerous and hazardous environments is extremely important for  industrial NDT workers, the emergency services and first response teams (CBRNe). It is essential upon entry into both known (for example those working in the Industrial NDT market) and unknown (for example first responders) scenarios, that personnel  are equipped with the correct radiation monitoring equipment to ensure any radiological hazard is detected and any exposure to radiation is monitored carefully.

With an extended dose rate range of up to 100 R/Hr, weather, shock and drop proof housings, Tracerco’s PED ER+ is the ideal solution for use in rugged environments. Portability, the ability to provide immediate data on a large clear display and the capability of being used as both a Personal Dosimeter and a handheld dose rate survey meter, ensures that the safety of both the worker, and those personnel that are in the area of the event is never compromised. Pop-up message alarms (when dose limits are reached), to the user, also allows personnel to organize, plan and respond to radiation more efficiently.

The PED ER+ also comes complete with Bluetooth technology, meaning live dose rates can be transmitted to an Android device located in a safe area. This allows the management and monitoring of situations to be undertaken in real time, away from a potentially hazardous event.  The addition of GPS tracking provides location data alongside dose data, giving a map of potential radiation hazards when data is downloaded.