Nuclear Energy, Storage, Waste and Services
Nuclear energy
There are many challenges facing the nuclear industry today. Likewise, there are many aspects of the industry that require a signficant number of radiation detection solutions in order to help meet these challenges. Among the issues that require regular attention are radiation detection and monitoring systems to protect personnel, health physics requirements, plant operations and accurately monitoring radiation levels during operation, shutdown and decommissioning. Radiation workers are required by law to be monitored and be provided accurate exposure records. Changing radiological conditions such as unexpected higher than normal dose rates and contamination levels must also be closey monitored and documented.
LAURUS Systems offers a diverse portfolio of instruments and equipment to address the many needs of the nuclear industry that include power generation, rad waste storage and transportation and services related to the nuclear industry.
Instrument Index:
Personal Radiation Detectors
A Personal Radiation Detector (PRD) is designed to detect, and alert a minimally trained wearer to the presence of, small increases in the levels of ionizing radiation. The wearer should be able to use the PRD effectively while performing other tasks.
Handheld Survey Instruments
Survey meters are portable radiation detection and measurement devices used to detect and measure external or ambient ionizing radiation fields. They are also used detect and monitor personnel, equipment and facilities for radiation and radioactive contamination.
Isotope Identification and Spectroscopy
Hand-held Radioisotope Identification Devices (RIID’s) are designed to identify the isotopic composition of radioactive sources. A RIID is typically a small, handheld device that is generally easy to use and deploy. The devices are often multipurpose/multitask instruments able to detect different forms of radiation and perform a variety of functions; used to search, detect and identify radioactive materials.
Portal and Area Monitoring
Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM’s) are passive radiation detection devices used for the screening of individuals, vehicles, cargo or other vectors for detection of radioactive materials or radiation contamination. They are designed to detect traces of radiation emitted from an object passing through it. Most times, gamma radiation is detected, and in some cases the monitors are complemented by neutron detection when sensitivity for special nuclear material is desired.
Dosimeters and Dosimetry
A radiation dosimeter is a device that monitors and stores personal dose information for ionizing radiation. Dosimetry is routinely given to persons working with radioactive materials or radiation-producing machines. Typically however, dosimeters are provided to people who could potentially be exposed to radiation during the course of performing their jobs. This would apply to first responders, fire fighters, hazmat technicians and law enforcement personnel.