Survey Instruments and Handhelds

LAURUS Systems carries a full line of portable and handheld instruments that include contamination monitoring, dose rate meters, combination instruments, hybrids, and accessories. Click on the links below to see what we have to offer. If you have questions or do not see exactly what you are looking for, please contact us directly.

Survey meters are portable radiation detection and measurement devices used to detect and measure external or ambient ionizing radiation fields. They are also used detect and monitor personnel, equipment and facilities for radiation and radioactive contamination.

Most instruments have been designed and developed to be hand-held, battery powered and easy to deploy. Meters can be fully integrated with probe and processing electronics in one housing to allow single-handed use, or they can have separate detector probes and electronics housings, joined by a signal cable.

The end user should have an understanding of the types of radiation that could be encountered so that the correct instrument is used. Many instruments are sensitive to more than one type of radiation; alpha and beta, or beta and gamma, for instance, and the operator should be aware of the differences. Ideally, the user will have the skills necessary to not only operate the instrument, but also to interpret and comprehend the results.

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Contamination Monitors

Radiation Frisker

Radiation Frisker

Excerpt - The Radiation Frisker is a radiation contamination instrument that has been designed and developed to meet the ever increasing demands of integrating the latest electronics with a proven and dependable GM (Geiger-Mueller) detector, the result is an ergonomic and ruggedized tool that addresses a diverse range of radiological applications. The Radiation Frisker is an instrument that is truly operable with one hand tied behind your back.

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RDS-80 Handheld Radiation Detector

RDS-80 Handheld Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The Rados RDS-80 Radiation Detector and Contamination Monitor is a surface contamination meter that is rugged and easy to use and displays in Bq/Cm2 and CPS. It is also suitable for use in the nuclear industry, emergency response, interdiction operations or any environment where the possibility exists for abnormal contamination levels to be present. The unit combines contamination detection measurement with alarm functions and automatic conversion to activity values. Additionally, there is a surface contamination measurement histogram stored in the meter’s internal memory (external accessories required for downloading the data into a PC via IrDA port).

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RDS-80A Handheld Radiation Detector

RDS-80A Handheld Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The Rados RDS-80A Radiation Detector and Contamination Monitor is a handheld and rugged surface contamination instrument for radiation detection applications. It is suitable for use in the nuclear industry, emergency response, interdiction operations or any environment where the possibility exists for abnormal contamination levels to be present. Additionally, there is a surface contamination measurement histogram stored in the meter’s internal memory (external accessories required for downloading the data into a PC via IrDA port).

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SE International GammaVIEW Radiation Meter

SE International GammaVIEW Radiation Meter

Excerpt - The SE International Radiation Alert GammaView is compact, light, easy to carry and operate with a 1x1 Nal scintillation detector that accurately measures gamma, contamination and exposure. Perfect for use in the lab, facility, and in the field. The GammaView can also be used as a single-channel analyzer (SCA). This function allows a “window” to be set to focus on a specific energy region of the gamma spectrum, effectively reducing the background count.

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SE International Ranger Radiation Meter

SE International Ranger Radiation Meter

Excerpt - NEW! Bluetooth option now available.  For use with the free SE International Observer BLE APP and Rad Responder! The SE International Ranger is a small, handheld radiation detection meter with excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays. Though designed for industrial environments, the Ranger has all the features you’ve come to expect in the lab. The Ranger is a small, handheld, microprocessor-based instrument which offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays.

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SE Ranger EXP Radiation and Surface Contamination Monitor

SE Ranger EXP Radiation and Surface Contamination Monitor

Excerpt - NEW! Bluetooth option now available.  For use with the free SE International Observer BLE APP and Rad Responder! The SE International Ranger EXP Radiation and Contamination Meter is a lightweight, easy to use, rugged surface contamination survey and detection meter. The Ranger EXP has been designed specifically for individuals that are operating in harsh environments. The Ranger is a small, handheld instrument that offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray.

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Mirion RDS-32 Radiation Survey Meter

Mirion RDS-32 Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The RDS-32 Survey Meters are small handheld, battery operated radiation survey instruments. Due to its versatile functions and durability it is suited for a wide range of applications in civil defense, industrial use, nuclear power plants, laboratories, etc.  The meter features excellent ergonomics; lightweight and easy handling, with visual, audible, and vibration functions. Each meter includes an additional battery cover with belt clip to make it wearable, freeing the user’s hands to focus on their primary job.

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Mirion RDS-31 Modular Radiation Survey Meter

Mirion RDS-31 Modular Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - RDS-31iTx/iTxSD meters are small handheld, battery operated survey instruments using an energy compensated GM-tube or PIN diode as primary detector. Due to its versatile functions and durability it is suited for a wide range of applications in civil defense, industrial and laboratory use etc. It helps in making real time decisions quickly, providing real time survey data. It also reduces critical work time and most importantly enhances safety and ALARA procedures.

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DSM-500 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-500 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The DSM 500 is a microprocessor-controlled instrument represents the new gold standard of survey instruments. The DSM-500 boasts an oversized digital display and a unique capability for dual probe capability. Comes standard with timed count capability, probe-saturation and error indicators.

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DSM 502

DSM 502

Excerpt - The DSM-502 Survey meter is designed as the perfect application for general users of radiation measurement and monitoring. It's mid-range internal detector allows for the perfect combination of accuracy, simplicity and functionality for the reliable and consistent measurement of dose.

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DSM 503

DSM 503

Excerpt - The DSM-503 Survey meter is rugged and dependable for use in a variety of environments. With its internal detector, this instrument is designed to fit the perfect application for general users of radiation measurement and monitoring. The internal energy compensated gm detector makes this instrument a perfect fit for general users of radiological instruments.

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DSM-506 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-506 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The operation of the DSM-506 provides users the ease of an internal detector with the additional probe capability for those specific measurement needs. This feature, with its easy to read display, digital electronics and rugged design make the 506 a perfect instrument for all applications.

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DSM-525 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-525 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The DSM-525 is the most functional survey instrument on the market with its dual probe capability. This dual connection capability allows users the luxury of multiple level measurements with as many as four different probes calibrated to each measurement type. No more re-tracking to the instrument case to switch probes.

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RadEye B20 Radiation Contamination Meter

RadEye B20 Radiation Contamination Meter

Excerpt - The RadEye B20 is a modern compact multi-purpose contamination meter for alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. By virtue of optional gamma energy filters, deep or shallow dose rate measurements from 17 – 1300 keV can be performed. For emergency response purposes alpha and beta contamination can be discriminated using another optional filter. The instrument is part of the growing RadEye family of high-end stand-alone meters, which are designed to exceed the most demanding user expectations.

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ERK-525 Radiation Emergency Response Kit

ERK-525 Radiation Emergency Response Kit

Excerpt - The ERK-525 is a complete, portable radiation monitoring system designed to measure a broad range of radioisotope contamination under field conditions. The system contains a state of the art, microprocessor based digital display meter that auto ranges and can detect most of the common alpha, beta & gamma radiation that is likely to be present in an emergency situation. The DSM-525 is a dual probe survey meter that measures contamination and dose levels from micro-R to 200 mR/hr

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Excerpt - The NORM-PKP includes the DSM-525, a GM Pancake Probe (cpm) and MRSP-1 Plastic Scintillation probe (Dose Rate). The combination of the two probes are perfect for measuring NORM and TENORM radiation. The Pancake and Scintillation probes are both connected to the instrument at the same time so the user can switch between them at any time without having to power the instrument down.

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Excerpt - The Tracerco™ NORM Monitor-IS allows users to monitor wet and dry NORM in a variety of situations. Its unique, intrinsically safe design incorporates different probe options to make it the optimum measurement tool. An intrinsically safe, weatherproof monitor with dual probe capability - the ultimate tool for obtaining accurate NORM Measurements in hazardous areas or difficult conditions.

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Thermo RadEye AB100 Alpha Beta Contamination Meter

Thermo RadEye AB100 Alpha Beta Contamination Meter

Excerpt - The Thermo RadEye AB100 is a modern contamination meter for surface contamination measurements.  The RadEye AB100 provides excellent alpha/ beta discrimination. The user can select the proper calibration factor within a list of isotopes (e.g. Bq, Bq/cm², dpm). The instrument is part of the growing RadEye family of high-end stand-alone meters.  RadEye radiation detection instruments are designed and built to meet the most demanding user expectations.

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Thermo RadEye G20-10 G20-10 ER

Thermo RadEye G20-10 G20-10 ER

Excerpt - The RadEye G20-10 and G20-ER-10 are excellent gamma survey meters with a flat energy response curve from 17 keV to 1.3 MeV according to ambient equivalent dose H*(10). The versions G20 and G20-ER are equipped with a different energy filter in order to yield an energy response for dose rate measurements in R/h

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RadEye SX

RadEye SX

Excerpt - The RadEye SX is a modern compact multi-purpose survey meter for external scintillator counter tubes. General count rate and surface contamination measurements can be performed as well as dose rate measurements. As part of the growing RadEye product family of high-end stand-alone meters, the RadEye SX is designed to exceed the most demanding user expectations. Due to the clear and large display all essential functions and software parameters can be easily accessed. The display and the alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is worn in the transparent case.

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Monitor 4 & 4EC Radiation Meter

Monitor 4 & 4EC Radiation Meter

Excerpt - The MONITOR 4 and MONITOR 4EC are compact, general purpose survey meters capable of detecting alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays over 3 selectable ranges. A red count light flashes and a beep sounds with each event detected. The Monitor 4EC offers a more accurate linear reading for gamma and x-rays (above 40 keV).

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Monitor 1000EC Gamma x-Ray Radiation Meter

Monitor 1000EC Gamma x-Ray Radiation Meter

Excerpt -

NEW! Bluetooth option now available.  For use with the free SE International Observer BLE APP and Rad Responder!
The Monitor 1000EC measures gamma, and x-rays. Perfect for most applications requiring an energy compensated detector. Users can choose from readings of CPM, CPS, μSv/hr, mR/hr, or in accumulated counts. It has a red count light, a beeper that sounds with each count detected, and includes an adjustable timer, and selectable alert.

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Monitor 200 Alpha Beta Gamma x-Ray Radiation Meter

Monitor 200 Alpha Beta Gamma x-Ray Radiation Meter

Excerpt -

NEW! Bluetooth option now available.  For use with the free SE International Observer BLE APP and Rad Responder!
The Monitor 200 measures alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. Its digital display shows readings in your choice of CPM, CPS, µSv/hr, mR/hr, or in accumulated counts. It has a digital display, a red count light, and a beeper that sounds with each count detected. Other features include an adjustable timer, and selectable alert.

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Excerpt - The GMP-25 external probe enhances the detection capability of RADOS RDS-31 meter family. It has been designed to fulfill the most demanding applications in the nuclear industry, security and industrial use. The GMP-25 is intended for monitoring alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. The GMP-25 is used as an external detector with the RDS-31/iTx/iTxSD multi-purpose meters, especially for surface contamination monitoring and source localization applications.

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Excerpt - There are a full range of Probes and Detectors available for the WB Johnson line of hand held instruments and survey meters. With most of these probes, there is never a need to power down or "re-boot" the instrument when switching between scales or probes.

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Excerpt - The QuickSweep™ wall and floor monitor is a portable contamination monitor designed to detect alpha or beta radiation. The operational applications are in the radiation protection of buildings in controlled areas, isotope laboratories or nuclear activity research plants.

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MicroCont II

MicroCont II

Excerpt - The RADOS MicroCont II is designed for the monitoring of alpha-beta contamination. It can also be configured to measure beta or gamma contamination. External detectors can be connected with the optional adapter plate. The large multifunctional display, which can be illuminated, is easy to use and to operate.

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Excerpt - The MiniTRACE CSDF is a multipurpose instrument fulfilling the functions of a contamination, survey and dose rate meter. It is designed to improve the detection and the quantification of radiation contamination, making this a frontline tool in the protection against uncontrolled distribution of radioactive material.

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Bertin DataEXPERT10 Software

Bertin DataEXPERT10 Software

Excerpt - DataEXPERT 10 is a sophisticated solution for managing, charting and evaluating data collected from radiation monitoring systems. As it is working through a web-based browser interface, DataEXPERT 10 is available on computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Its user friendly interface shows data presentation in charts and tables, and uses static or dynamic GIS maps. Users can have access to the system overview, select a group of instruments or have a look on the station details. Thus, DataEXPERT 10 shows all technological and radiological events.

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Bertin RadTRACE Gamma Survey Meter

Bertin RadTRACE Gamma Survey Meter

Excerpt - The RadTRACEis a dose rate meter designed to improve the safety of workers in the controlled areas of nuclear power plants, processing facilities, research centers and hospitals. It is also an excellent solution for first responders; law enforcement, fire departments, hazmat teams, public health officials and radiation protection inspectors. It is an extremely robust device that is very user friendly and straightforward making it easy to measure gamma dose rates and accumulated exposure (ambient dose equivalent rate (H*(10)) or exposure rate).

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Bertin DataVIEW Software

Bertin DataVIEW Software

Excerpt - DataVIEW is a user-friendly PC software for retrieving data from measurement devices as well as for analyzing and visualizing.  DataVIEW PRO includes besides other sophisticated features a report module which allows free selection of weekdays and/or  different times of day.

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Dose Rate Instruments

Mirion RDS-32 Radiation Survey Meter

Mirion RDS-32 Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The RDS-32 Survey Meters are small handheld, battery operated radiation survey instruments. Due to its versatile functions and durability it is suited for a wide range of applications in civil defense, industrial use, nuclear power plants, laboratories, etc.  The meter features excellent ergonomics; lightweight and easy handling, with visual, audible, and vibration functions. Each meter includes an additional battery cover with belt clip to make it wearable, freeing the user’s hands to focus on their primary job.

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Mirion RDS-31 Modular Radiation Survey Meter

Mirion RDS-31 Modular Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - RDS-31iTx/iTxSD meters are small handheld, battery operated survey instruments using an energy compensated GM-tube or PIN diode as primary detector. Due to its versatile functions and durability it is suited for a wide range of applications in civil defense, industrial and laboratory use etc. It helps in making real time decisions quickly, providing real time survey data. It also reduces critical work time and most importantly enhances safety and ALARA procedures.

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CANBERRA – Mirion UltraRadiac Plus

CANBERRA – Mirion UltraRadiac Plus

Excerpt - The potential threat of a radiological terrorism incident requires that first responders are equipped with a radiation monitor that is designed to address the radiation hazards they may face. The UltraRadiac-Plus is the perfect unit for first responders as it offers the small size and light weight needed to avoid interference with critical work while providing continually updated information to the user.

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RDS-30 Handheld Radiation Detector

RDS-30 Handheld Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The Mirion/Rados/CANBERRA RDS-30 Radiation Survey Meter is a versatile gamma radiation detector which has been designed for a wide range of applications involving a possibility for abnormal radiation levels. Compact, lightweight, waterproof, it’s performance and it’s user friendly interface make the RDS-30 perfectly suited to radiation survey in field conditions as in nuclear industry or for protection against radiological hazards.

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DSM-500 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-500 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The DSM 500 is a microprocessor-controlled instrument represents the new gold standard of survey instruments. The DSM-500 boasts an oversized digital display and a unique capability for dual probe capability. Comes standard with timed count capability, probe-saturation and error indicators.

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DSM-501 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-501 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The internal 1"x1" plastic scintillator of the DSM 501 has a close to tissue-equivalent response and has an oversized digital backlit display, dose or CPM operation modes and comes standard with timed-count capability, probe-saturation and error indicators.

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DSM 503

DSM 503

Excerpt - The DSM-503 Survey meter is rugged and dependable for use in a variety of environments. With its internal detector, this instrument is designed to fit the perfect application for general users of radiation measurement and monitoring. The internal energy compensated gm detector makes this instrument a perfect fit for general users of radiological instruments.

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DSM-506 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-506 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The operation of the DSM-506 provides users the ease of an internal detector with the additional probe capability for those specific measurement needs. This feature, with its easy to read display, digital electronics and rugged design make the 506 a perfect instrument for all applications.

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DSM-525 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

DSM-525 Handheld Radiation Survey Meter

Excerpt - The DSM-525 is the most functional survey instrument on the market with its dual probe capability. This dual connection capability allows users the luxury of multiple level measurements with as many as four different probes calibrated to each measurement type. No more re-tracking to the instrument case to switch probes.

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Thermo RadEye G Personal Dose Rate Meter

Thermo RadEye G Personal Dose Rate Meter

Excerpt - The RadEye G is a light-weight and very rugged instrument designed for quick and reliable measurement of gamma dose rates. Modern electronic circuitry guarantees excellent linearity over 6 decades of radiation intensity: from background level to 10 R/h - with over range indication up to 1000 R/h. The high-quality counter tube in conjunction with the non-metal instrument housing allows detection and reliable measurements down to very low gamma energies. All essential functions can be easily accessed even while wearing protective gloves. The alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is worn in a belt-holster. The instrument is also equipped with a built-in vibrator and an ear-phone-output for silent alarming or use in very noisy environment.

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RadEye G-10 Personal Dose Rate Meter

RadEye G-10 Personal Dose Rate Meter

Excerpt - LAURUS offers the Thermo RadEye G-10 - a light-weight and very rugged instrument designed for quick and reliable measurement of gamma radiation dose rates. The RadEye G is a light-weight and very rugged instrument designed for quick and reliable measurement of gamma dose rates. Modern electronic circuitry guarantees excellent linearity over 6 decades of radiation intensity: from background level to 10 R/h - with over range indication up to 1000 R/h. The high-quality counter tube in conjunction with the non-metal instrument housing allows detection and reliable measurements down to very low gamma energies. All essential functions can be easily accessed even while wearing protective gloves. The alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is worn in a belt-holster. The instrument is also equipped with a built-in vibrator and an ear-phone-output for silent alarming or use in very noisy environment.

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RO-20 AA

RO-20 AA

Excerpt - The RO-20 AA is a portable air ionization chamber instrument, used to detect beta, gamma, and x-radiation, with five linear ranges of operation to measure exposure from background to 50 R/h full scale.The detector is fully temperature compensated, eliminating any need for temperature correction. Each instrument is factory calibrated to gamma radiation. A single rotary switch turns the instrument off, checks the batteries, checks the zero setting, and selects the range of operation. An ergonomically located switch illuminates the meter. Internal switching of ranges is accomplished with reed relays, eliminating the mechanical swing arms typically used with portable ion chamber survey instruments.

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FH 40

FH 40

Excerpt - The FH 40 G family of advanced survey meters is designed for multiple radiation protection measurements. The integrated design represents a versatile, user-friendly, hand-held radiation measurement system designed for many different radiation protection applications. The FH 40 G is rugged, lightweight, fits snugly in the palm of the hand and is easy to operate with large keys that enable users wearing gloves. A rich choice of external probes can be connected to FH 40 G with cable. Readings from both the internal and external detectors are measured simultaneously!

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Thermo Micro R/Micro Sv

Thermo Micro R/Micro Sv

Excerpt - The Micro Rem and Micro Sievert models are lightweight, portable survey meters for applications where accurate dose rate measurements of low radiation levels are required. Accurate down to background levels, the Micro Rem and Micro Sievert read absorbed dose rate directly so no conversion from mR/h is required.  The tissue-equivalent scintillator used in the Micro Rem and Micro Sievert gives them a nearly flat, rem energy response. This rem response is based on the deep dose equivalent index for 1 cm (0.39”) depth, uniparallel directional beam as calculated on the ICRU standard sphere.

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ERK-525 Radiation Emergency Response Kit

ERK-525 Radiation Emergency Response Kit

Excerpt - The ERK-525 is a complete, portable radiation monitoring system designed to measure a broad range of radioisotope contamination under field conditions. The system contains a state of the art, microprocessor based digital display meter that auto ranges and can detect most of the common alpha, beta & gamma radiation that is likely to be present in an emergency situation. The DSM-525 is a dual probe survey meter that measures contamination and dose levels from micro-R to 200 mR/hr

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Excerpt - The NORM-PKP includes the DSM-525, a GM Pancake Probe (cpm) and MRSP-1 Plastic Scintillation probe (Dose Rate). The combination of the two probes are perfect for measuring NORM and TENORM radiation. The Pancake and Scintillation probes are both connected to the instrument at the same time so the user can switch between them at any time without having to power the instrument down.

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Excerpt - The NORM-PKN includes the DSM-525, a GM Pancake Probe (cpm) and GSP-1 NaI Scintillation probe (Dose Rate). The combination of the two probes are perfect for measuring NORM and TENORM radiation. The Pancake and Scintillation probes are both connected to the instrument at the same time so the user can switch between them at any time without having to power the instrument down.

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Excerpt - The Tracerco™ T402 Radiation Dose Rate Monitor has been specifically designed to be lightweight but robust and comfortable when used over extended periods in the field. It has fast response and excellent sensitivity and additional key operational features such as personal dose integration and peak dose rate memory. The TRACERCO™ T402HR Dose Rate Monitor has the same ease of use and functionality but features an extended range.

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Tracerco T401 Contamination Monitor

Tracerco T401 Contamination Monitor

Excerpt - The Tracerco™ T401 Contamination Monitors are non-intrinsically safe contamination instruments, which stand out by combining high level functionality with environmental tolerance to provide highly cost-effective technology where intrinsic safety is not a consideration.  Part of the TRACERCO collection of radiation monitors, the T401 Contamination Monitors are particularly suited to the detection of radioactive contamination which can arise in a variety of industries where man-made or naturally occurring isotopes are processed. This includes in the nuclear power, land remediation, research and development and medicine fields.

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Excerpt - The Tracerco™ T202 Radiation Dose Rate Monitor has been specifically designed to combine intrinsic safety with ruggedized but lightweight construction and provides additional key operational features such as personal dose integration and peak dose rate.

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Excerpt - The T406 X-Ray Monitor provides the enhanced sensitivity and energy response necessary to measure radiation rate and dose from x-ray and gamma sources. Designed to measure leakage and scatter around diagnostic x-ray and radiation therapy suites, the T406 is very well-suited for a wide range of end users. With its energy compensated GM tube, the T406 can be shipped and transported without the restrictions and limitations associated with pressurized ion chamber devices.

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RadEye PX

RadEye PX

Excerpt - The RadEye PX is a modern compact multipurpose survey meter for proportional counter tubes. General count rate and surface contamination measurements can be performed as well as dose rate measurements, typically with He-3 or BF3 based Rem-counters.

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Thermo RadEye with FHZ 674 NBR Detector

Thermo RadEye with FHZ 674 NBR Detector

Excerpt - The Thermo RadEye NBR is a combination of the Thermo Scientific RadEye SX multi-purpose meter and the FHZ 674 NBR detector.  Ideal for use when large variations in the natural background occur during the search.  Very small contributions and low levels of artificial gamma radiation can be detected by a NBR detector (Natural Background Rejection).

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RadEye SX

RadEye SX

Excerpt - The RadEye SX is a modern compact multi-purpose survey meter for external scintillator counter tubes. General count rate and surface contamination measurements can be performed as well as dose rate measurements. As part of the growing RadEye product family of high-end stand-alone meters, the RadEye SX is designed to exceed the most demanding user expectations. Due to the clear and large display all essential functions and software parameters can be easily accessed. The display and the alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is worn in the transparent case.

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RadEye G/G-10

RadEye G/G-10

Excerpt - The RadEye G is a light-weight and very rugged instrument designed for quick and reliable measurement of gamma dose rates. Modern electronic circuitry guarantees excellent linearity over 6 decades of radiation intensity: from background level to 10 R/h - with over range indication up to 1000 R/h. The high-quality counter tube in conjunction with the non-metal instrument housing allows detection and reliable measurements down to very low gamma energies. All essential functions can be easily accessed even while wearing protective gloves. The alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is worn in a belt-holster. The instrument is also equipped with a built-in vibrator and an ear-phone-output for silent alarming or use in very noisy environment.

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Excerpt - The TSA PRM470 uses low power electronics to provide up to 17 hours of continuous operation from the rechargeable batteries. The PRM470 also features a self-test during power up, automatic background count and user determined alarm settings. Detection information and parameters are easy to read on the backlit display that can be used in dark or light conditions.  Settings may be configured from the front panel, or from a personal computer.

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Excerpt - The GMP-25 external probe enhances the detection capability of RADOS RDS-31 meter family. It has been designed to fulfill the most demanding applications in the nuclear industry, security and industrial use. The GMP-25 is intended for monitoring alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. The GMP-25 is used as an external detector with the RDS-31/iTx/iTxSD multi-purpose meters, especially for surface contamination monitoring and source localization applications.

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Excerpt - The GMP-11-3 probe is intended for monitoring alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation mainly in surface contamination monitoring applications. The GMP-11-3 is used as an external probe for the RDS-31S/R Multi-Purpose Survey Meter.

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Excerpt - These External Probes enhance the detection capability of the RDS-31 survey meter. The GMP-12-3, GMP-12H-3 and GMP-12L-3 probes are intended for monitoring gamma and X-ray radiation. They have been designed to fulfill both the civil defense and industrial applications requirements.

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Excerpt - The GMP-12SD/12UW represent the new design of Mirion external probes.  The casing with 35 mm diameter enables the probe re-calibration with most common calibration units. This external probe enhances the detection capability of Mirion RDS-31 meter family. They have been designed to fulfill the most demanding applications in nuclear industry, HLS & civil defense and industrial use. The GMP-12SD/12UW probes are intended for gamma and Xray radiation. The measured quantity is the H*(10) ambient dose rate equivalent.

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RDS Probes

RDS Probes

Excerpt - Optional probes available for the RADOS RDS 200/110 Survey Instruments are a range of GM Tube-based external probes for gamma and beta contamination measurement. These probes simply plug into the base of the unit and are automatically set up for the relevant measuring range and unit.

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Excerpt - There are a full range of Probes and Detectors available for the WB Johnson line of hand held instruments and survey meters. With most of these probes, there is never a need to power down or "re-boot" the instrument when switching between scales or probes.

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RAP Probes

RAP Probes

Excerpt - The CsI (Tl) crystal used in Radiation Alert® Probes has a higher atomic number, is more rugged, and less hygroscopic than a typical Nal detector. The improved gamma ray absorption allows a thinner crystal to be used, effectively reducing the background count rate.

  • Thin-crystal (1 mm) optimizes sensitivity to low energy gamma radiation while minimizing sensitivity to higher energies.  An excellent detector for Iodine-125 and suitable for thyroid uptake measurements.
  • A 0.25-inch crystal optimizes this for the detection of special nuclear material (SNM) such as U-235, or related isotopes  such as Am-241, much like a mini-FIDLER.
  • Superior to a 1 x 1-inch NaI detector, this is a great choice for an all-around gamma and x-ray detector. Optimal energy  range of about 20 keV to 2 MeV. Highest efficiency for a broad spectrum of gamma-emitting isotopes.

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Telepole II

Telepole II

Excerpt - The Telepole II is a wide range telescopic survey meter with a measuring range of between 0.05 mR/h to 1000 R/h. It features the same length pole as it’s predecessor, reaching 11 feet when fully extended. Combined with an integrated LED in the detector head, the Telepole II makes it easier than ever to survey components in dark or dimly lit areas.

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RadComm RC2 Plus/RC2 Plus Advanced

RadComm RC2 Plus/RC2 Plus Advanced

Excerpt - LAURUS Systems offers the RadComm Systems RC2 Plus/RC2 Plus Advanced highly sensitive handheld radiation detector.  The RC2 Plus and RC2 Plus Advanced are for steel, scrap, waste and municipal waste.  The Basic RC2 Plus automatically sets an alarm threshold over the total background count rate average upon each startup. This allows the RC2 Plus to detect very low radiation levels even when hidden by shielding such as scrap metal, waste, or other dense material. The RC2 Plus utilizes a large internal, high grade PVT scintillator to maximize sensitivity. The RC2 Plus Advanced utilizes both a PVT scintillator and a Geiger-Mueller tube to perform “Region Of Interest”(ROI) Analysis which allows the operator to see the distributed gamma energies in a histogram form.

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RHandy Portable Radiation Detector

RHandy Portable Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The RHandy is a very user friendly and economical solution for those requiring an accurate and fast responding portable radiation and contamination monitor. This portable handheld instrument will instantly detect and measure radioactivity and radioactive materials on clothing, food, water and the environment. With features found in instruments costing much more, the RHandy is one of the most versatile instruments available today.

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Excerpt - The Fuji Model NSN3 Portable Neutron Survey Meter is very light-weight and small without polyethylene moderator. The energy re-sponse is improved using the spectrum weighting function. The NSN3 survey meter measures ambient dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent rate of neutrons.

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Excerpt - The MiniTRACE CSDF is a multipurpose instrument fulfilling the functions of a contamination, survey and dose rate meter. It is designed to improve the detection and the quantification of radiation contamination, making this a frontline tool in the protection against uncontrolled distribution of radioactive material.

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Bertin DataEXPERT10 Software

Bertin DataEXPERT10 Software

Excerpt - DataEXPERT 10 is a sophisticated solution for managing, charting and evaluating data collected from radiation monitoring systems. As it is working through a web-based browser interface, DataEXPERT 10 is available on computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Its user friendly interface shows data presentation in charts and tables, and uses static or dynamic GIS maps. Users can have access to the system overview, select a group of instruments or have a look on the station details. Thus, DataEXPERT 10 shows all technological and radiological events.

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Bertin RadTRACE Gamma Survey Meter

Bertin RadTRACE Gamma Survey Meter

Excerpt - The RadTRACEis a dose rate meter designed to improve the safety of workers in the controlled areas of nuclear power plants, processing facilities, research centers and hospitals. It is also an excellent solution for first responders; law enforcement, fire departments, hazmat teams, public health officials and radiation protection inspectors. It is an extremely robust device that is very user friendly and straightforward making it easy to measure gamma dose rates and accumulated exposure (ambient dose equivalent rate (H*(10)) or exposure rate).

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Bertin DataVIEW Software

Bertin DataVIEW Software

Excerpt - DataVIEW is a user-friendly PC software for retrieving data from measurement devices as well as for analyzing and visualizing.  DataVIEW PRO includes besides other sophisticated features a report module which allows free selection of weekdays and/or  different times of day.

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Teletector 6112AD Telescoping Radiation Meter

Teletector 6112AD Telescoping Radiation Meter

Excerpt - The Teletector 6112AD  Telescoping Radiation Meter is the latest generation of the proven, reliable and rugged Teletector.    It is a portable battery operated dose rate meter to measure photon radiation (gamma and X-radiation), and to detect beta radiation. Two GM counter tubes serve as detectors. The stainless steel telescope can extend up to four meters and its tip carries the two tubes. The low End tube detects beta radiation and together with the high end tube the Teletector 6112AD covers a dose range from 1 μR/h to 1000 R/h (0.1 μSv/h to 10 Sv/h), where it automatically switches between the two tubes.

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Teletector 6112M

Teletector 6112M

Excerpt - The Teletector 6112M is a portable battery operated dose rate meter to measure photon radiation (gamma and X-radiation), and to detect beta radiation. Two GM counter tubes serve as detectors. The stainless steel telescope can extend up to four meters and its tip carries the two tubes. The low End tube detects beta radiation and together with the high end tube the Teletector covers a dose range from 10 μR/h to 1000 R/h (0.1 μSv/h to 10 Sv/h), where it automatically switches between the two tubes.

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6150 AD/5 EX

6150 AD/5 EX

Excerpt - The 6150AD5/Ex is a portable, battery operated dose rate meter to measure photon radiation (gamma and X radiation). It is especially designed to be used in Ex-areas. An Ex-area is a hazardous location which may contain a fire or explosion hazard due to the presence of flammable substances (gases, vapors, combustible dust).

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Human Portable (Backpacks)

SPIR-Pack Backpack Radiation Detector

SPIR-Pack Backpack Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The SPIR-Pack is a backpack based radiation detection system which provides an intermediate sensitivity between the handheld SpiR-ID (RIID) and the SPIR-Ident Mobile system (vehicle/ vessel/ aircraft detection and identification system). The SPIR-Pack can discreetly identify radioactive sources in a large perimeter. The SPIR-Pack can also pinpoint areas that are crowded or hard to cross with a vehicle (stadiums, train stations, airports, buildings, etc.). It is well-suited to source search operations.

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SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform

SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform

Excerpt - The SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is an airborne and carborne system that combines advanced gamma detection and spectroscopy with optional neutron detection suited for vehicles, ships, helicopters and aircraft.  The SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is composed of Detector boxes with NaI(Tl) crystals of different sizes, GM detector for high gamma dose rate measurements, and optionally BZnS based neutron detectors with the associated electronics. The computer equipped of SPIR-Ident Mobile Suite: SpirMOBILE, SpirPORTAL Optionally connection/accessory box for batteries, connection and communication. The system has been designed for multiple applications:

  • For searching and locating radioactive sources for security related applications
  • For mapping of natural radiation background
  • For qualitative and quantitative analysis of contamination in case of nuclear accident
  • Thanks to its robustness, customization and modularity, the SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is meeting all the  operational requirements, so that it can be easily deployed and ready for use in less than 5 minutes.Wide dose rate range: from natural background to high accident levels

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SPIR-View Software

SPIR-View Software

Excerpt - The SpirVIEW Mobile software is designed for organizations and agencies responsible for monitoring and  preventing nuclear and radiological terrorist threat. The SpirVIEW Mobile system manages monitoring of large scale events such as sport venues, conferences, conventions, critical infrastructure and more, providing area safety.  Emergency response crisis centers will also benefit from direct communication with the Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs), for tasks like plume monitoring, mapping of exclusion areas, sampling, or ground contamination surveys. Compatible with:

  • SPIR-Ace™
  • SPIR-Explorer™
  • SPIRPack
  • SPIR-Ident™ Mobile
  • AccuRad™ products

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Thermo PackEye FHT1377 Backpack HPRID

Thermo PackEye FHT1377 Backpack HPRID

Excerpt - The PackEye FHT1377 provides survey teams with a tool for effectively addressing the problems of orphaned sources, radiological contamination, and maliciously introduced sources. By virtue of the proprietary NBR-technology (Natural Background Rejection) extremely low contributions of artificial gamma radiation are quickly detected, despite much larger fluctuations of the natural gamma background radiation.

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FLIR identiFINDER R700 BackPack Radiation Detector

FLIR identiFINDER R700 BackPack Radiation Detector

Excerpt - The FLIR identiFINDER R700 Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD) offers a hands-free capability for broad area radiological search and monitoring missions. The identiFINDER R700 provides the user all that is required to  successfully perform wide-area searches quickly, efficiently and confidently. Providing the ultimate versatility, the identiFINDER R700 can be placed for stationary monitoring at makeshift checkpoints, fence-line monitoring, and  other temporary screening locations. When coupled with radiation monitoring software, the identiFINDER R700 can be used as a fixed-site monitoring tool.

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Guardian Patriot

Guardian Patriot

Excerpt - Nucsafe has been working with military and first response professionals from around the world in the development of the Guardian Patriot® Portable Radiation Search Tool (PRST). Guardian Patriot® is built to detect the presence of NORM, legal, and illicit radioactive materials. The system incorporates state of the art passive scanning technology to detect changes in radiation levels emitted by gamma, high energy beta, and neutrons contained on persons and in objects, vehicles, or containers

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Excerpt - The Rapiscan MP100 Backpack Radiation Detection system is a lightweight, high performance, easy to use radiation monitor housed in a compact commercial backpack. All of the features required for radiation detection are integrated in the MP100. It can be used as a standalone device and connected wirelessly to a Rapiscan oversight system for remote data collection and display. The MP100 is ideal for performing covert radiation inspection to find radiological and nuclear materials, for supporting security operations and for performing radiation surveys.

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N.O.R.M. Meters



Excerpt - The NORM-PKP includes the DSM-525, a GM Pancake Probe (cpm) and MRSP-1 Plastic Scintillation probe (Dose Rate). The combination of the two probes are perfect for measuring NORM and TENORM radiation. The Pancake and Scintillation probes are both connected to the instrument at the same time so the user can switch between them at any time without having to power the instrument down.

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Excerpt - The NORM-PKN includes the DSM-525, a GM Pancake Probe (cpm) and GSP-1 NaI Scintillation probe (Dose Rate). The combination of the two probes are perfect for measuring NORM and TENORM radiation. The Pancake and Scintillation probes are both connected to the instrument at the same time so the user can switch between them at any time without having to power the instrument down.

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Excerpt - The Tracerco™ NORM Monitor-IS allows users to monitor wet and dry NORM in a variety of situations. Its unique, intrinsically safe design incorporates different probe options to make it the optimum measurement tool. An intrinsically safe, weatherproof monitor with dual probe capability - the ultimate tool for obtaining accurate NORM Measurements in hazardous areas or difficult conditions.

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