General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions


Reports to the Conference

GC51Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System Including Implementation of Additional ProtocolsPDF iconGC(51)/8
GC51Plenary - Record of the Ninth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(51)/9
GC51Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Republic of BurundiPDF iconGC(51)/10
GC51Applications for membership of the Agency - Application by the Republic of CongoPDF iconGC(51)/11
GC51Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by NepalPDF iconGC(51)/12
GC51The Agency's Accounts for 2006PDF iconGC(51)/13
GC51Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(51)/14
GC51Nuclear Security Report 2007PDF iconGC(51)/15
GC51Personnel - Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(51)/16
GC51Personnel Women in the SecretariatPDF iconGC(51)/17
GC51Appointment of the External AuditorPDF iconGC(51)/18
GC51Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)PDF iconGC(51)/19
GC51Supplementary list of items proposed for inclusion in the agenda of the fifty-first regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(51)/20
GC51Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/21
GC51AgendaPDF iconGC(51)/22
GC51Applications for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(51)/23
GC51Communication received from the Resident Representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Vienna Chapter of the Non-Aligned Movement, regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/24
GC51Communication received from the Resident Representative of Israel regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/25
GC51Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(51)/26
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.1
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.2
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.3
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.4
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.5
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/29
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/30
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/31
GC51Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/32

Information Documents

GC51Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(51)/INF/1
GC51Nuclear Safety Review for the year 2006PDF iconGC(51)/INF/2
GC51Current Trends in Nuclear Fuel for Power Reactors - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.5
GC51Development of Radiation Resistant Reactor Core Structural Materials - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.7
GC51Nuclear Technology Review 2007 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3
GC51Progress in Design and Technology Development - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.4
GC51Radiopharmaceuticals - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.2
GC51Sustainable Development - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.6
GC51Using Isotopes - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.3
GC51Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture - NTR2007 SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3/Att.1
GC51Technical Cooperation Report for 2006PDF iconGC(51)/INF/4
GC51Technical Cooperation Report for 2006 - SupplementPDF iconGC(51)/INF/4/Att.1
GC51Advance Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/5
GC51Advance Information for Delegations - CorrigendaPDF iconGC(51)/INF/5/Corr.1
GC51Amendment to Article XIV.A of the StatutePDF iconGC(51)/INF/7
GC51Text of communication dated 12 September 2007 received from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova concerning restoration of voting rightsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/8
GC51Text of communication dated 10 September 2007 received from the Resident Representative of Georgia to the Agency concerning restoration of voting rightsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/9
GC51Text of communication dated 11 September 2007 received from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the Agency concerning restoration of voting rightsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/10
GC51Letter from the Chairman of the International Nuclear Safety GroupPDF iconGC(51)/INF/11
GC51Statement of Financial Contributions to the AgencyPDF iconGC(51)/INF/12/Rev.1
GC51Statement of Financial Contributions to the AgencyPDF iconGC(51)/INF/12/Rev.2

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